Android 10.0.0 Release 8 (QD1A.190821.011)
Cherry-pick: changeset 14981 Add more Japan new era localized names, remove placeholders

This CL cherry-picks all changes from upstream commit except the third
line in zh.xml (dropping line 4552 "<era type="236" draft="contributed">R</era>"
from the patch).

This is done because:
 a) In Android copy of zh.xml under <eraNarrow> array we have eras with
 numbers up to 162, so that the last entry is
 "<era type="162" draft="contributed">天授(1375–1379)</era>" and the
 mentioned above hunk can't be appled there. We also do not have any
 narrow forms of recent eras there.
 b) Even if we apply this hunk, we still will not have any changes in
 ICU data, so this hunk can be safely ignored.

Upstream bug:

Bug: 77858319
Test: external/icu/tools/
Change-Id: I2016ec21a4f8b3e99b3392d2b2aebfbcc92be164
Merged-In: I2016ec21a4f8b3e99b3392d2b2aebfbcc92be164
(cherry picked from commit 40d7c12ce7a27dca5f41f0b639819416913e5b18)
15 files changed