blob: c861a4ff25e7a226e5570d3aa513bc29ad6d3bad [file] [log] [blame]
rem Build a branches/release snapshot for POSIX, using LF line termination
rem Copyright 2008 Beman Dawes
rem Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
rem See
echo Build a branches/release snapshot for POSIX, using LF line termination...
echo Removing old files...
rmdir /s /q posix >nul
rmdir /s /q svn_info >nul
del posix.tar.gz >nul
del posix.tar.bz2 >nul
rem leave an audit trail, which is used by inspect to determine revision number
echo Getting current subversion revision number...
svn co --non-interactive --depth=files svn_info
svn info svn_info
echo Exporting files from subversion...
svn export --non-interactive --native-eol LF posix
echo Copying docs into posix\doc...
pushd posix\doc
xcopy /s /y ..\..\docs_temp\html html
echo Setting SNAPSHOT_DATE
strftime "%%Y-%%m-%%d" >date.txt
set /p SNAPSHOT_DATE= <date.txt
echo Renaming root directory...
ren posix boost-posix-%SNAPSHOT_DATE%
echo Building .gz file...
tar cfz posix.tar.gz boost-posix-%SNAPSHOT_DATE%
echo Building .bz2 file...
gzip -d -c posix.tar.gz | bzip2 >posix.tar.bz2
ren boost-posix-%SNAPSHOT_DATE% posix
echo The ftp transfer will be done in two steps because that has proved more
echo reliable on Beman's Windows XP 64-bit system.
echo Creating ftp script 1 ...
copy user.txt posix.ftp
echo dir >>posix.ftp
echo binary >>posix.ftp
rem echo put posix.tar.gz >>posix.ftp
rem echo mdelete boost-posix*.gz >>posix.ftp
rem echo rename posix.tar.gz boost-posix-%SNAPSHOT_DATE%.tar.gz >>posix.ftp
echo put posix.tar.bz2 >>posix.ftp
echo bye >>posix.ftp
echo Running ftp script 1 ...
ftp -n -i -s:posix.ftp
echo Creating ftp script 2 ...
copy user.txt posix.ftp
echo dir >>posix.ftp
echo mdelete boost-posix*.bz2 >>posix.ftp
echo rename posix.tar.bz2 boost-posix-%SNAPSHOT_DATE%.tar.bz2 >>posix.ftp
echo dir >>posix.ftp
echo bye >>posix.ftp
echo Running ftp script 2 ...
ftp -n -i -s:posix.ftp
echo POSIX snapshot complete!