blob: 1a86aa4b8e1929f058a6cb7d25f79b3785533290 [file] [log] [blame]
rem Inspect snapshot
rem Copyright Beman Dawes 2008, 2011
rem Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
rem See
echo inspect...
pushd windows
rem inspect_trunk.bat builds inspect program every day and copies it to %UTIL%
%UTIL%%\inspect >..\inspect.html
echo Create ftp script...
copy user.txt inspect.ftp
echo dir >>inspect.ftp
echo binary >>inspect.ftp
echo put inspect.html >>inspect.ftp
echo dir >>inspect.ftp
echo mdelete inspect-snapshot.html >>inspect.ftp
echo rename inspect.html inspect-snapshot.html >>inspect.ftp
echo dir >>inspect.ftp
echo bye >>inspect.ftp
echo Run ftp script...
ftp -n -i -s:inspect.ftp
echo Inspect script complete