blob: a662e27ffe46de95452bf073621a9cbf9eebc39a [file] [log] [blame]
// Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
// QuickBook Example
// Copyright (c) 2011 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
// Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
//` Simplify a linestring using an output iterator
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/geometry.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/linestring.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/point_xy.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/domains/gis/io/wkt/wkt.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/domains/gis/io/wkt/stream_wkt.hpp>
int main()
typedef boost::geometry::model::d2::point_xy<double> P;
typedef boost::geometry::model::linestring<P> L;
L line;
boost::geometry::read_wkt("linestring(1.1 1.1, 2.5 2.1, 3.1 3.1, 4.9 1.1, 3.1 1.9)", line);
typedef boost::geometry::strategy::distance::projected_point<P, P> DS;
typedef boost::geometry::strategy::simplify::douglas_peucker<P, DS> simplification;
L simplified;
boost::geometry::simplify_inserter(line, std::back_inserter(simplified), 0.5, simplification()); //std::ostream_iterator<P>(std::cout, "\n"), 0.5);//);
//std::cout << simplified[0];
//boost::geometry::simplify_inserter(line, std::ostream_iterator<P>(std::cout, "\n"), 0.5);//, simplification());
std::ostream_iterator<P> out(std::cout, "\n");
std::copy(simplified.begin(), simplified.end(), out);
<< " original: " << boost::geometry::dsv(line) << std::endl
<< "simplified: " << boost::geometry::dsv(simplified) << std::endl;
return 0;
simplify_inserter: 16
simplify_inserter: 0.339837
POINT(1.1 1.1) original: ((1.1, 1.1), (2.5, 2.1), (3.1, 3.1), (4.9, 1.1), (3.1, 1.9))
simplified: ((1.1, 1.1), (3.1, 3.1), (4.9, 1.1), (3.1, 1.9))
POINT(1.1 1.1) original: ((1.1, 1.1), (2.5, 2.1), (3.1, 3.1), (4.9, 1.1), (3.1, 1.9))
simplified: ((1.1, 1.1), (3.1, 3.1), (4.9, 1.1), (3.1, 1.9))
POINT(1.1 1.1) original: ((1.1, 1.1), (2.5, 2.1), (3.1, 3.1), (4.9, 1.1), (3.1, 1.9))
simplified: ((1.1, 1.1), (3.1, 3.1), (4.9, 1.1), (3.1, 1.9))