blob: 9f3ff0fe9ece552079a852da5497312d66453fe5 [file] [log] [blame]
Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
[heading Behavior]
[[Case] [Behavior] ]
[[__box__][Sets the coordinate of a box (use min_corner, max_corner to specify which of the points to set) ]]
[[__segment__][Sets the coordinate of a segment (use 0, 1 to specify which of the two points to set) ]]
[heading Complexity]
[heading Example]