blob: 1a8c0276a049c15ac1cfcfcf8fed5d09e1bd9831 [file] [log] [blame]
Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot, London, UK.
Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
[library Geometry
[quickbook 1.5]
[version 1.0]
[authors [Gehrels, Barend], [Lalande, Bruno], [Loskot, Mateusz]]
[copyright 2011 Barend Gehrels, Bruno Lalande, Mateusz Loskot]
[purpose Documentation of Boost.Geometry library]
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
(See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
[id geometry]
[category geometry]
[def __0dim__ pointlike (e.g. point)]
[def __1dim__ linear (e.g. linestring)]
[def __2dim__ areal (e.g. polygon)]
[def __single__ single (e.g. point, polygon)]
[def __multi__ multiple (e.g. multi_point, multi_polygon)]
[def __cart__ Cartesian]
[def __sph__ Spherical]
[def __geo__ Geographic]
[def __rev__ Reversed polygon (coordinates not according their orientiation)]
[def __empty__ Empty (e.g. polygon without points)]
[def __box__ Rectangle]
[def __segment__ Segment]
[def __point__ Point]
[def __linestring__ Linestring]
[def __polygon__ Polygon]
[def __ring__ Ring]
[def __multi_point__ Multi Point]
[def __multi_linestring__ Multi Linestring]
[def __multi_polygon__ Multi Polygon]
[def __range__ Rangelike (linestring, ring)]
[def __other__ Other geometries]
[def __nyiversion__ Not yet supported in this version]
[def __not_in_boost_geometry_hpp__ The standard header `boost/geometry.hpp` does not include this header.]
[def __ret_zero__ Returns zero]
[def __ret_one__ Returns 1]
[def __does_nothing__ Nothing happens, geometry is unchanged]
[def __cs_units__ in the same units as the input coordinates]
[def __sph1__ on a unit sphere (or another sphere, if specified as such in the constructor of the strategy)]
[template qbk_ret[what] Returns [what]]
[template qbk_out[what] GeometryOut is a [what]]
[template concept[name type] The [name] Concept describes the requirements for a [type] type.
All algorithms in Boost.Geometry will check any geometry arguments against the concept requirements.]
[def __boost__ Boost]
[def __boost_geometry__ Boost.Geometry]
[def __boost_array__ Boost.Array]
[def __boost_fusion__ Boost.Fusion]
[def __boost_mpl__ Boost.MPL]
[def __boost_range__ Boost.Range]
[def __boost_tuple__ Boost.Tuple]
[def __boost_gil__ [@ Boost.GIL]]
[def __boost_bb__ Boost.Build]
[def __ttmath__ [@ ttmath]]
[def __ogc__ [@ OGC]]
[heading Contributions]
Boost.Geometry contains contributions by:
* Akira Takahashi (adaption of Boost.Fusion)
* Alfredo Correa (adaption of Boost.Array)
* Adam Wulkiewicz (spatial indexes) [footnote Currently an extension]
* Federico Fern\u00E1ndez (spatial indexes) [footnote Currently an extension]
[include imports.qbk]
[include introduction.qbk]
[include quickstart.qbk]
[include design_rationale.qbk]
[include compiling.qbk]
[section Indexes]
[include matrix.qbk]
[section Alphabetical Index]
[include reference.qbk]
[include about_documentation.qbk]
[include acknowledgments.qbk]