blob: f222ee74068640a67423dc55737994fd4b599001 [file] [log] [blame]
/ Copyright (c) 2003-2011 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
/ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
/ file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
[section:SignalSetService Signal set service requirements]
A signal set service must meet the requirements for an [link
boost_asio.reference.IoObjectService I/O object service], as well as the
additional requirements listed below.
In the table below, `X` denotes a signal set service class, `a` denotes a value
of type `X`, `b` denotes a value of type `X::implementation_type`, `ec` denotes
a value of type `error_code`, `n` denotes a value of type `int`, and `sh`
denotes a value meeting [link boost_asio.reference.SignalHandler `SignalHandler`]
[table SignalSetService requirements
[[expression] [return type] [assertion/note\npre/post-condition]]
From [link boost_asio.reference.IoObjectService IoObjectService]
From [link boost_asio.reference.IoObjectService IoObjectService]
requirements. Implicitly clears the registered signals as if by calling
`a.clear(b, ec)`, then implicitly cancels outstanding asynchronous
operations as if by calling `a.cancel(b, ec)`.
a.add(b, n, ec);
a.remove(b, n, ec);
a.clear(b, ec);
a.cancel(b, ec);
[`a.async_wait(b, sh);`]
pre: `a.is_open(b)`.\n
Initiates an asynchronous operation to wait for the delivery of one of the
signals registered for the signal set `b`. The operation is performed via
the `io_service` object `a.get_io_service()` and behaves according to
[link boost_asio.reference.asynchronous_operations asynchronous operation]
If the operation completes successfully, the `SignalHandler` object
`sh` is invoked with the number identifying the delivered signal. Otherwise
it is invoked with `0`.