blob: 9cf6e4186180f82480022e02b84ff5c0216fc0ce [file] [log] [blame]
// Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
// Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
// Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <string>
#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/strategies/side_info.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/util/select_calculation_type.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/util/select_most_precise.hpp>
namespace boost { namespace geometry
namespace policies { namespace relate
// "tupled" to return intersection results together.
// Now with two, with some meta-programming and derivations it can also be three (or more)
template <typename Policy1, typename Policy2, typename CalculationType = void>
struct segments_tupled
typedef boost::tuple
typename Policy1::return_type,
typename Policy2::return_type
> return_type;
// Take segments of first policy, they should be equal
typedef typename Policy1::segment_type1 segment_type1;
typedef typename Policy1::segment_type2 segment_type2;
typedef typename select_calculation_type
>::type coordinate_type;
// Get the same type, but at least a double
typedef typename select_most_precise<coordinate_type, double>::type rtype;
static inline return_type segments_intersect(side_info const& sides,
coordinate_type const& dx1, coordinate_type const& dy1,
coordinate_type const& dx2, coordinate_type const& dy2,
segment_type1 const& s1, segment_type2 const& s2)
return boost::make_tuple
dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, s1, s2),
dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, s1, s2)
static inline return_type collinear_touch(coordinate_type const& x,
coordinate_type const& y, int arrival_a, int arrival_b)
return boost::make_tuple
Policy1::collinear_touch(x, y, arrival_a, arrival_b),
Policy2::collinear_touch(x, y, arrival_a, arrival_b)
template <typename S>
static inline return_type collinear_interior_boundary_intersect(S const& segment,
bool a_within_b,
int arrival_a, int arrival_b, bool opposite)
return boost::make_tuple
Policy1::collinear_interior_boundary_intersect(segment, a_within_b, arrival_a, arrival_b, opposite),
Policy2::collinear_interior_boundary_intersect(segment, a_within_b, arrival_a, arrival_b, opposite)
static inline return_type collinear_a_in_b(segment_type1 const& segment,
bool opposite)
return boost::make_tuple
Policy1::collinear_a_in_b(segment, opposite),
Policy2::collinear_a_in_b(segment, opposite)
static inline return_type collinear_b_in_a(segment_type2 const& segment,
bool opposite)
return boost::make_tuple
Policy1::collinear_b_in_a(segment, opposite),
Policy2::collinear_b_in_a(segment, opposite)
static inline return_type collinear_overlaps(
coordinate_type const& x1, coordinate_type const& y1,
coordinate_type const& x2, coordinate_type const& y2,
int arrival_a, int arrival_b, bool opposite)
return boost::make_tuple
Policy1::collinear_overlaps(x1, y1, x2, y2, arrival_a, arrival_b, opposite),
Policy2::collinear_overlaps(x1, y1, x2, y2, arrival_a, arrival_b, opposite)
static inline return_type segment_equal(segment_type1 const& s,
bool opposite)
return boost::make_tuple
Policy1::segment_equal(s, opposite),
Policy2::segment_equal(s, opposite)
static inline return_type degenerate(segment_type1 const& segment,
bool a_degenerate)
return boost::make_tuple
Policy1::degenerate(segment, a_degenerate),
Policy2::degenerate(segment, a_degenerate)
static inline return_type disjoint()
return boost::make_tuple
static inline return_type error(std::string const& msg)
return boost::make_tuple
static inline return_type collinear_disjoint()
return boost::make_tuple
static inline return_type parallel()
return boost::make_tuple
}} // namespace policies::relate
}} // namespace boost::geometry