blob: c69da9b35d59e213bbc5a5a0c16f25f8a194a362 [file] [log] [blame]
// Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
// Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
// Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/ring_identifier.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/overlay/copy_segment_point.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/overlay/turn_info.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/segment.hpp>
namespace boost { namespace geometry
namespace detail { namespace overlay
typename TurnPoints,
typename Indexed,
typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2,
bool Reverse1, bool Reverse2,
typename Strategy
struct sort_in_cluster
inline sort_in_cluster(TurnPoints const& turn_points
, Geometry1 const& geometry1
, Geometry2 const& geometry2
, Strategy const& strategy)
: m_turn_points(turn_points)
, m_geometry1(geometry1)
, m_geometry2(geometry2)
, m_strategy(strategy)
private :
TurnPoints const& m_turn_points;
Geometry1 const& m_geometry1;
Geometry2 const& m_geometry2;
Strategy const& m_strategy;
typedef typename Indexed::type turn_operation_type;
typedef typename geometry::point_type<Geometry1>::type point_type;
typedef model::referring_segment<point_type const> segment_type;
// Determine how p/r and p/s are located.
template <typename P>
static inline void overlap_info(P const& pi, P const& pj,
P const& ri, P const& rj,
P const& si, P const& sj,
bool& pr_overlap, bool& ps_overlap, bool& rs_overlap)
// Determine how p/r and p/s are located.
// One of them is coming from opposite direction.
typedef strategy::intersection::relate_cartesian_segments
> policy;
segment_type p(pi, pj);
segment_type r(ri, rj);
segment_type s(si, sj);
// Get the intersection point (or two points)
segment_intersection_points<point_type> pr = policy::apply(p, r);
segment_intersection_points<point_type> ps = policy::apply(p, s);
segment_intersection_points<point_type> rs = policy::apply(r, s);
// Check on overlap
pr_overlap = pr.count == 2;
ps_overlap = ps.count == 2;
rs_overlap = rs.count == 2;
inline void debug_consider(int order, Indexed const& left,
Indexed const& right, std::string const& header,
bool skip = true,
std::string const& extra = "", bool ret = false
) const
if (skip) return;
point_type pi, pj, ri, rj, si, sj;
geometry::copy_segment_points<Reverse1, Reverse2>(m_geometry1, m_geometry2,
pi, pj);
geometry::copy_segment_points<Reverse1, Reverse2>(m_geometry1, m_geometry2,
ri, rj);
geometry::copy_segment_points<Reverse1, Reverse2>(m_geometry1, m_geometry2,
si, sj);
bool prc = false, psc = false, rsc = false;
overlap_info(pi, pj, ri, rj, si, sj, prc, psc, rsc);
int const side_ri_p = m_strategy.apply(pi, pj, ri);
int const side_rj_p = m_strategy.apply(pi, pj, rj);
int const side_si_p = m_strategy.apply(pi, pj, si);
int const side_sj_p = m_strategy.apply(pi, pj, sj);
int const side_si_r = m_strategy.apply(ri, rj, si);
int const side_sj_r = m_strategy.apply(ri, rj, sj);
std::cout << "Case: " << header << " for " << left.index << " / " << right.index << std::endl;
std::cout << " Segment p:" << geometry::wkt(pi) << " .. " << geometry::wkt(pj) << std::endl;
std::cout << " Segment r:" << geometry::wkt(ri) << " .. " << geometry::wkt(rj) << std::endl;
std::cout << " Segment s:" << geometry::wkt(si) << " .. " << geometry::wkt(sj) << std::endl;
std::cout << " r//p: " << side_ri_p << " / " << side_rj_p << std::endl;
std::cout << " s//p: " << side_si_p << " / " << side_sj_p << std::endl;
std::cout << " s//r: " << side_si_r << " / " << side_sj_r << std::endl;
std::cout << header
//<< " order: " << order
<< " ops: " << operation_char(left.subject.operation)
<< "/" << operation_char(right.subject.operation)
<< " ri//p: " << side_ri_p
<< " si//p: " << side_si_p
<< " si//r: " << side_si_r
<< " cnts: " << int(prc) << "," << int(psc) << "," << int(rsc)
//<< " idx: " << left.index << "/" << right.index
if (! extra.empty())
std::cout << " " << extra << " " << (ret ? "true" : "false");
std::cout << std::endl;
// ux/ux
inline bool consider_ux_ux(Indexed const& left,
Indexed const& right
, std::string const& header
) const
bool ret = left.index < right.index;
// In combination of u/x, x/u: take first union, then blocked.
// Solves #88, #61, #56, #80
if (left.subject.operation == operation_union
&& right.subject.operation == operation_blocked)
ret = true;
else if (left.subject.operation == operation_blocked
&& right.subject.operation == operation_union)
ret = false;
std::cout << "ux/ux unhandled" << std::endl;
//debug_consider(0, left, right, header, false, "-> return ", ret);
return ret;
inline bool consider_iu_ux(Indexed const& left,
Indexed const& right,
int order // 1: iu first, -1: ux first
, std::string const& header
) const
bool ret = false;
if (left.subject.operation == operation_union
&& right.subject.operation == operation_union)
ret = order == 1;
else if (left.subject.operation == operation_union
&& right.subject.operation == operation_blocked)
ret = true;
else if (right.subject.operation == operation_union
&& left.subject.operation == operation_blocked)
ret = false;
else if (left.subject.operation == operation_union)
ret = true;
else if (right.subject.operation == operation_union)
ret = false;
// this still happens in the traverse.cpp test
std::cout << " iu/ux unhandled" << std::endl;
ret = order == 1;
//debug_consider(0, left, right, header, false, "-> return", ret);
return ret;
inline bool consider_iu_ix(Indexed const& left,
Indexed const& right,
int order // 1: iu first, -1: ix first
, std::string const& header
) const
//debug_consider(order, left, right, header, false, "iu/ix");
return left.subject.operation == operation_intersection
&& right.subject.operation == operation_intersection ? order == 1
: left.subject.operation == operation_intersection ? false
: right.subject.operation == operation_intersection ? true
: order == 1;
inline bool consider_iu_iu(Indexed const& left, Indexed const& right,
std::string const& header) const
//debug_consider(0, left, right, header);
// In general, order it like "union, intersection".
if (left.subject.operation == operation_intersection
&& right.subject.operation == operation_union)
//debug_consider(0, left, right, header, false, "i,u", false);
return false;
else if (left.subject.operation == operation_union
&& right.subject.operation == operation_intersection)
//debug_consider(0, left, right, header, false, "u,i", true);
return true;
point_type pi, pj, ri, rj, si, sj;
geometry::copy_segment_points<Reverse1, Reverse2>(m_geometry1, m_geometry2,
pi, pj);
geometry::copy_segment_points<Reverse1, Reverse2>(m_geometry1, m_geometry2,
ri, rj);
geometry::copy_segment_points<Reverse1, Reverse2>(m_geometry1, m_geometry2,
si, sj);
int const side_ri_p = m_strategy.apply(pi, pj, ri);
int const side_si_p = m_strategy.apply(pi, pj, si);
int const side_si_r = m_strategy.apply(ri, rj, si);
// Both located at same side (#58, pie_21_7_21_0_3)
if (side_ri_p * side_si_p == 1 && side_si_r != 0)
// Take the most left one
if (left.subject.operation == operation_union
&& right.subject.operation == operation_union)
bool ret = side_si_r == 1;
//debug_consider(0, left, right, header, false, "same side", ret);
return ret;
// Coming from opposite sides (#59, #99)
if (side_ri_p * side_si_p == -1)
bool ret = false;
ret = side_ri_p == 1; // #100
debug_consider(0, left, right, header, false, "opp.", ret);
return ret;
std::cout << " iu/iu coming from opposite unhandled" << std::endl;
// We need EXTRA information here: are p/r/s overlapping?
bool pr_ov = false, ps_ov = false, rs_ov = false;
overlap_info(pi, pj, ri, rj, si, sj, pr_ov, ps_ov, rs_ov);
// One coming from right (#83,#90)
// One coming from left (#90, #94, #95)
if (side_si_r != 0 && (side_ri_p != 0 || side_si_p != 0))
bool ret = false;
if (pr_ov || ps_ov)
int r = side_ri_p != 0 ? side_ri_p : side_si_p;
ret = r * side_si_r == 1;
ret = side_si_r == 1;
debug_consider(0, left, right, header, false, "left or right", ret);
return ret;
// All aligned (#92, #96)
if (side_ri_p == 0 && side_si_p == 0 && side_si_r == 0)
// One of them is coming from opposite direction.
// Take the one NOT overlapping
bool ret = false;
bool found = false;
if (pr_ov && ! ps_ov)
ret = true;
found = true;
else if (!pr_ov && ps_ov)
ret = false;
found = true;
debug_consider(0, left, right, header, false, "aligned", ret);
if (found)
return ret;
std::cout << " iu/iu unhandled" << std::endl;
debug_consider(0, left, right, header, false, "unhandled", left.index < right.index);
return left.index < right.index;
inline bool consider_ii(Indexed const& left, Indexed const& right,
std::string const& header) const
debug_consider(0, left, right, header);
point_type pi, pj, ri, rj, si, sj;
geometry::copy_segment_points<Reverse1, Reverse2>(m_geometry1, m_geometry2,
pi, pj);
geometry::copy_segment_points<Reverse1, Reverse2>(m_geometry1, m_geometry2,
ri, rj);
geometry::copy_segment_points<Reverse1, Reverse2>(m_geometry1, m_geometry2,
si, sj);
int const side_ri_p = m_strategy.apply(pi, pj, ri);
int const side_si_p = m_strategy.apply(pi, pj, si);
// Two other points are (mostly) lying both right of the considered segment
// Take the most left one
int const side_si_r = m_strategy.apply(ri, rj, si);
if (side_ri_p == -1
&& side_si_p == -1
&& side_si_r != 0)
bool const ret = side_si_r != 1;
return ret;
return left.index < right.index;
public :
inline bool operator()(Indexed const& left, Indexed const& right) const
bool const default_order = left.index < right.index;
if ((m_turn_points[left.index].discarded || left.discarded)
&& (m_turn_points[right.index].discarded || right.discarded))
return default_order;
else if (m_turn_points[left.index].discarded || left.discarded)
// Be careful to sort discarded first, then all others
return true;
else if (m_turn_points[right.index].discarded || right.discarded)
// See above so return false here such that right (discarded)
// is sorted before left (not discarded)
return false;
else if (m_turn_points[left.index].combination(operation_blocked, operation_union)
&& m_turn_points[right.index].combination(operation_blocked, operation_union))
// ux/ux
return consider_ux_ux(left, right, "ux/ux");
else if (m_turn_points[left.index].both(operation_union)
&& m_turn_points[right.index].both(operation_union))
// uu/uu, Order is arbitrary
// Note: uu/uu is discarded now before so this point will
// not be reached.
return default_order;
else if (m_turn_points[left.index].combination(operation_intersection, operation_union)
&& m_turn_points[right.index].combination(operation_intersection, operation_union))
return consider_iu_iu(left, right, "iu/iu");
else if (m_turn_points[left.index].both(operation_intersection)
&& m_turn_points[right.index].both(operation_intersection))
return consider_ii(left, right, "ii/ii");
else if (m_turn_points[left.index].combination(operation_union, operation_blocked)
&& m_turn_points[right.index].combination(operation_intersection, operation_union))
return consider_iu_ux(left, right, -1, "ux/iu");
else if (m_turn_points[left.index].combination(operation_intersection, operation_union)
&& m_turn_points[right.index].combination(operation_union, operation_blocked))
return consider_iu_ux(left, right, 1, "iu/ux");
else if (m_turn_points[left.index].combination(operation_intersection, operation_blocked)
&& m_turn_points[right.index].combination(operation_intersection, operation_union))
return consider_iu_ix(left, right, 1, "ix/iu");
else if (m_turn_points[left.index].combination(operation_intersection, operation_union)
&& m_turn_points[right.index].combination(operation_intersection, operation_blocked))
return consider_iu_ix(left, right, -1, "iu/ix");
else if (m_turn_points[left.index].method != method_equal
&& m_turn_points[right.index].method == method_equal
// If one of them was EQUAL or CONTINUES, it should always come first
return false;
else if (m_turn_points[left.index].method == method_equal
&& m_turn_points[right.index].method != method_equal
return true;
// Now we have no clue how to sort.
std::cout << " Consider: " << operation_char(m_turn_points[left.index].operations[0].operation)
<< operation_char(m_turn_points[left.index].operations[1].operation)
<< "/" << operation_char(m_turn_points[right.index].operations[0].operation)
<< operation_char(m_turn_points[right.index].operations[1].operation)
<< " " << " Take " << left.index << " < " << right.index
<< std::cout;
return default_order;
typename IndexType,
typename Iterator,
typename TurnPoints,
typename Geometry1,
typename Geometry2,
typename Strategy
inline void inspect_cluster(Iterator begin_cluster, Iterator end_cluster,
TurnPoints& turn_points,
operation_type for_operation,
Geometry1 const& geometry1, Geometry2 const& geometry2,
Strategy const& strategy)
int count = 0;
// Make an analysis about all occuring cases here.
std::map<std::pair<operation_type, operation_type>, int> inspection;
for (Iterator it = begin_cluster; it != end_cluster; ++it)
operation_type first = turn_points[it->index].operations[0].operation;
operation_type second = turn_points[it->index].operations[1].operation;
if (first > second)
std::swap(first, second);
inspection[std::make_pair(first, second)]++;
bool keep_cc = false;
// Decide about which is going to be discarded here.
if (inspection[std::make_pair(operation_union, operation_union)] == 1
&& inspection[std::make_pair(operation_continue, operation_continue)] == 1)
// In case of uu/cc, discard the uu, that indicates a tangency and
// inclusion would disturb the (e.g.) cc-cc-cc ordering
// NOTE: uu is now discarded anyhow.
keep_cc = true;
else if (count == 2
&& inspection[std::make_pair(operation_intersection, operation_intersection)] == 1
&& inspection[std::make_pair(operation_union, operation_intersection)] == 1)
// In case of ii/iu, discard the iu. The ii should always be visited,
// Because (in case of not discarding iu) correctly ordering of ii/iu appears impossible
for (Iterator it = begin_cluster; it != end_cluster; ++it)
if (turn_points[it->index].combination(operation_intersection, operation_union))
it->discarded = true;
// Discard any continue turn, unless it is the only thing left
// (necessary to avoid cc-only rings, all being discarded
// e.g. traversal case #75)
int nd_count= 0, cc_count = 0;
for (Iterator it = begin_cluster; it != end_cluster; ++it)
if (! it->discarded)
if (turn_points[it->index].both(operation_continue))
if (nd_count == cc_count)
keep_cc = true;
if (! keep_cc)
for (Iterator it = begin_cluster; it != end_cluster; ++it)
if (turn_points[it->index].both(operation_continue))
it->discarded = true;
typename IndexType,
bool Reverse1, bool Reverse2,
typename Iterator,
typename TurnPoints,
typename Geometry1,
typename Geometry2,
typename Strategy
inline void handle_cluster(Iterator begin_cluster, Iterator end_cluster,
TurnPoints& turn_points,
operation_type for_operation,
Geometry1 const& geometry1, Geometry2 const& geometry2,
Strategy const& strategy)
// First inspect and (possibly) discard rows
inspect_cluster<IndexType>(begin_cluster, end_cluster, turn_points,
for_operation, geometry1, geometry2, strategy);
// Then sort this range (discard rows will be ordered first and will be removed in enrich_assign)
std::sort(begin_cluster, end_cluster,
Geometry1, Geometry2,
Reverse1, Reverse2,
>(turn_points, geometry1, geometry2, strategy));
typedef typename IndexType::type operations_type;
operations_type const& op = turn_points[begin_cluster->index].operations[begin_cluster->operation_index];
std::cout << "Clustered points on equal distance " << op.enriched.distance << std::endl;
std::cout << "->Indexes ";
for (Iterator it = begin_cluster; it != end_cluster; ++it)
std::cout << " " << it->index;
std::cout << std::endl << "->Methods: ";
for (Iterator it = begin_cluster; it != end_cluster; ++it)
std::cout << " " << method_char(turn_points[it->index].method);
std::cout << std::endl << "->Operations: ";
for (Iterator it = begin_cluster; it != end_cluster; ++it)
std::cout << " " << operation_char(turn_points[it->index].operations[0].operation)
<< operation_char(turn_points[it->index].operations[1].operation);
std::cout << std::endl << "->Discarded: ";
for (Iterator it = begin_cluster; it != end_cluster; ++it)
std::cout << " " << (it->discarded ? "true" : "false");
std::cout << std::endl;
//<< "\tOn segments: " << prev_op.seg_id << " / " << prev_op.other_id
//<< " and " << op.seg_id << " / " << op.other_id
//<< geometry::distance(turn_points[prev->index].point, turn_points[it->index].point)
}} // namespace detail::overlay
}} // namespace boost::geometry