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[section:next_float Floating-Point Representation Distance (ULP),
and Finding Adjacent Floating-Point Values]
[@ Unit of Least Precision or Unit in the Last Place]
is the gap between two different, but as close as possible, floating-point numbers.
Most decimal values, for example 0.1, cannot be exactly represented as floating-point values,
but will be stored as the
closest representable floating-point].
Functions are provided for finding adjacent greater and lesser floating-point values,
and estimating the number of gaps between any two floating-point values.
The floating-point type FPT must have has a fixed number of bits in the representation.
The number of bits may set at runtime, but must be the same for all numbers.
For example, __NTL_quad_float type (fixed 128-bit representation)
or __NTL_RR type (arbitrary but fixed decimal digits, default 150)
but *not* a type that extends the representation to provide an exact representation
for any number, for example [@ XRC eXact Real in C].
[section:nextafter Finding the Next Representable Value in a Specific Direction (nextafter)]
[h4 Synopsis]
#include <boost/math/special_functions/next.hpp>
namespace boost{ namespace math{
template <class FPT>
FPT nextafter(FPT val, FPT direction);
}} // namespaces
[h4 Description - nextafter]
This is an implementation of the `nextafter` function included in the C99 standard.
(It is also effectively an implementation of the C99 'nexttoward' legacy function
which differs only having a long double direction,
and can generally serve in its place if required).
[note The C99 functions must use suffixes f and l to distinguish float and long double versions.
C++ uses the template mechanism instead.]
Returns the next representable value after /x/ in the direction of /y/. If
`x == y` then returns /x/. If /x/ is non-finite then returns the result of
a __domain_error. If there is no such value in the direction of /y/ then
returns an __overflow_error.
[h4 Examples - nextafter]
The two representations using a 32-bit float either side of unity are:
The nearest (exact) representation of 1.F is 1.00000000
nextafter(1.F, 999) is 1.00000012
nextafter(1/f, -999) is 0.99999994
The nearest (not exact) representation of 0.1F is 0.100000001
nextafter(0.1F, 10) is 0.100000009
nextafter(0.1F, 10) is 0.099999994
[section:float_next Finding the Next Greater Representable Value (float_next)]
[h4 Synopsis]
#include <boost/math/special_functions/next.hpp>
namespace boost{ namespace math{
template <class FPT>
FPT float_next(FPT val);
}} // namespaces
[h4 Description - float_next]
Returns the next representable value which is greater than /x/.
If /x/ is non-finite then returns the result of
a __domain_error. If there is no such value greater than /x/ then
returns an __overflow_error.
Has the same effect as
nextafter(val, std::numeric_limits<FPT>::max());
[endsect] [/section:float_next Finding the Next Greater Representable Value (float_prior)]
[section:float_prior Finding the Next Smaller Representable Value (float_prior)]
[h4 Synopsis]
#include <boost/math/special_functions/next.hpp>
namespace boost{ namespace math{
template <class FPT>
FPT float_prior(FPT val);
}} // namespaces
[h4 Description - float_prior]
Returns the next representable value which is less than /x/.
If /x/ is non-finite then returns the result of
a __domain_error. If there is no such value less than /x/ then
returns an __overflow_error.
Has the same effect as
nextafter(val, -std::numeric_limits<FPT>::max()); // Note most negative value -max.
[endsect] [/section:float_prior Finding the Next Smaller Representable Value (float_prior)]
[section:float_distance Calculating the Representation Distance
Between Two Floating Point Values (ULP) float_distance]
Function float_distance finds the number of gaps/bits/ULP between any two floating-point values.
If the significands of floating-point numbers are viewed as integers,
then their difference is the number of ULP/gaps/bits different.
[h4 Synopsis]
#include <boost/math/special_functions/next.hpp>
namespace boost{ namespace math{
template <class FPT>
FPT float_distance(FPT a, FPT b);
}} // namespaces
[h4 Description - float_distance]
Returns the distance between /a/ and /b/: the result is always
a signed integer value (stored in floating-point type FPT)
representing the number of distinct representations between /a/ and /b/.
Note that
* `float_distance(a, a)` always returns 0.
* `float_distance(float_next(a), a)` always returns 1.
* `float_distance(float_prior(a), a)` always returns -1.
The function `float_distance` is equivalent to calculating the number
of ULP (Units in the Last Place) between /a/ and /b/ except that it
returns a signed value indicating whether `a > b` or not.
If the distance is too great then it may not be able
to be represented as an exact integer by type FPT,
but in practice this is unlikely to be a issue.
[endsect] [/section:float_distance Calculating the Representation Distance
Between Two Floating Point Values (ULP) float_distance]
[section:float_advance Advancing a Floating Point Value by a Specific
Representation Distance (ULP) float_advance]
Function float_advance advances a floating point number by a specified number
of ULP.
[h4 Synopsis]
#include <boost/math/special_functions/next.hpp>
namespace boost{ namespace math{
template <class FPT>
FPT float_advance(FPT val, int distance);
}} // namespaces
[h4 Description - float_advance]
Returns a floating point number /r/ such that `float_distance(val, r) == distance`.
[endsect] [/section:float_advance]
[endsect] [/ section:next_float Floating-Point Representation Distance (ULP),
and Finding Adjacent Floating-Point Values]
Copyright 2008 John Maddock and Paul A. Bristow.
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
(See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at