Android 13.0.0 Release 0.117 (TQ3C.230805.001.A3,TQ3C.230805.001.A4,TQ3C.230805.001.B2,felix)
bcmdhd: Disable LOGSET_BEYOND memdump for customer platform

As this logset beyond range memdump is only useful for debug purpose of the fw logs and no specific use of functionality.
Disable this memdump collection for customer platform and keep it only for our reference platforms.

Bug: 270914537
Bug: 270587504
Test: Verified with pa/2407362 which mimics the issue

Change-Id: Ic79b7800bf56daff32aa777c46c265b1f0413de9
Signed-off-by: Dennis Jeon <>
2 files changed
tree: d6fe8f11f9fef4f9b7a2383affadeed9e453b1f6
  1. include/
  2. aiutils.c
  3. bcm_app_utils.c
  4. bcm_l2_filter.c
  5. bcmbloom.c
  6. bcmevent.c
  7. bcmsdh.c
  8. bcmsdh_linux.c
  9. bcmsdh_sdmmc.c
  10. bcmsdh_sdmmc_linux.c
  11. bcmsdspi.h
  12. bcmsdspi_linux.c
  13. bcmsdstd.h
  14. bcmspibrcm.c
  15. bcmstdlib_s.c
  16. bcmutils.c
  17. bcmwifi_channels.c
  18. bcmxtlv.c
  19. BUILD.bazel
  20. copyrights.json
  21. dhd.h
  22. dhd_bitpack.h
  23. dhd_bus.h
  24. dhd_buzzz.h
  25. dhd_cdc.c
  26. dhd_cfg80211.c
  27. dhd_cfg80211.h
  28. dhd_common.c
  29. dhd_custom_cis.c
  30. dhd_custom_google.c
  31. dhd_custom_gpio.c
  32. dhd_custom_memprealloc.c
  33. dhd_custom_msm.c
  34. dhd_dbg.h
  35. dhd_dbg_ring.c
  36. dhd_dbg_ring.h
  37. dhd_debug.c
  38. dhd_debug.h
  39. dhd_debug_linux.c
  40. dhd_event_log_filter.c
  41. dhd_event_log_filter.h
  42. dhd_flowring.c
  43. dhd_flowring.h
  44. dhd_ip.c
  45. dhd_ip.h
  46. dhd_linux.c
  47. dhd_linux.h
  48. dhd_linux_exportfs.c
  49. dhd_linux_lb.c
  50. dhd_linux_pktdump.c
  51. dhd_linux_pktdump.h
  52. dhd_linux_platdev.c
  53. dhd_linux_priv.h
  54. dhd_linux_rx.c
  55. dhd_linux_sched.c
  56. dhd_linux_sock_qos.h
  57. dhd_linux_tx.c
  58. dhd_linux_tx.h
  59. dhd_linux_wq.c
  60. dhd_linux_wq.h
  61. dhd_log_dump.c
  62. dhd_log_dump.h
  63. dhd_mschdbg.c
  64. dhd_mschdbg.h
  65. dhd_msgbuf.c
  66. dhd_pcie.c
  67. dhd_pcie.h
  68. dhd_pcie_linux.c
  69. dhd_pktlog.c
  70. dhd_pktlog.h
  71. dhd_plat.h
  72. dhd_pno.c
  73. dhd_pno.h
  74. dhd_proto.h
  75. dhd_rtt.c
  76. dhd_rtt.h
  77. dhd_sdio.c
  78. dhd_statlog.c
  79. dhd_statlog.h
  80. dhd_wlfc.c
  81. dhd_wlfc.h
  82. frag.c
  83. fwpkg_utils.c
  84. hnd_pktpool.c
  85. hnd_pktq.c
  86. hndlhl.c
  87. hndmem.c
  88. hndpmu.c
  89. Kbuild
  90. Kconfig
  91. linux_osl.c
  92. linux_osl_priv.h
  93. linux_pkt.c
  94. Makefile
  95. pcie_core.c
  96. sbutils.c
  97. siutils.c
  98. siutils_priv.h
  99. wb_regon_coordinator.c
  100. wifi_stats.h
  101. wl_android.c
  102. wl_android.h
  103. wl_cfg80211.c
  104. wl_cfg80211.h
  105. wl_cfg_btcoex.c
  106. wl_cfg_cellavoid.c
  107. wl_cfg_cellavoid.h
  108. wl_cfgnan.c
  109. wl_cfgnan.h
  110. wl_cfgp2p.c
  111. wl_cfgp2p.h
  112. wl_cfgscan.c
  113. wl_cfgscan.h
  114. wl_cfgvendor.c
  115. wl_cfgvendor.h
  116. wl_cfgvif.c
  117. wl_cfgvif.h
  118. wl_linux_mon.c
  119. wl_roam.c
  120. wldev_common.c