Differentiate regular start from dsp restart for audio use cases

This is so we know when to tell the MCU to send an ADSP AudioStart()
signal to the ADSP (needed in the DSP hotword use case only).

Test: Manual
Bug: 295165165
Signed-off-by: Florian Muller <mullerf@google.com>
(cherry picked from https://partner-android-review.googlesource.com/q/commit:683f9157c4b50051d01e465d38d7127c8bf972d4)
Merged-In: Ied26dd9b3a7ef6d84400f372240f0d72d75ba437
Change-Id: Ied26dd9b3a7ef6d84400f372240f0d72d75ba437
1 file changed
tree: 458de24eb40afb7603688e89fbb434c22234e8c8
  1. Kbuild
  2. Kconfig
  3. Makefile
  4. mcu_mic_codec.c
  5. mcu_mic_codec.txt