Enable PowerStatsHAL to read NFC power state stats

This change adds support to PowerStatsHAL on sunfish devices for reading
NFC power state stats for inclusion with other subsystem power state stats.
The data is already present in sysfs; this CL (in combination with the
associated selinux change) simply adds reading of that data.

Bug: 217388683
Test: lshal debug android.hardware.power.stats@1.0::IPowerStats/default
Test: cat /sys/class/misc/st21nfc/device/power_stats
Change-Id: Ie0dc14880ba57722c2c43c8cf40783bcd3ff14b9
1 file changed
tree: 4381284b5cf936282e58d86ccad12b901b0c7c01
  1. audio/
  2. bootctrl/
  3. displayconfig/
  4. dumpstate/
  5. factory-images/
  6. gpt-utils/
  7. health/
  8. json-c/
  9. keymaster/
  10. nfc/
  11. overlay/
  12. overlay_packages/
  13. pixelstats/
  14. powerstats/
  15. rro_overlays/
  16. seccomp_policy/
  17. self-extractors/
  18. sunfish/
  19. thermal-engine/
  20. usb/
  21. vibrator/
  22. voice_processing/
  23. .clang-format
  24. Android.bp
  25. Android.mk
  26. AndroidProducts.mk
  27. aosp_sunfish.mk
  28. aosp_sunfish_hwasan.mk
  29. audio_policy_configuration.xml
  30. audio_policy_configuration_a2dp_offload_disabled.xml
  31. audio_policy_configuration_bluetooth_legacy_hal.xml
  32. audio_policy_volumes.xml
  33. bluetooth_hearing_aid_audio_policy_configuration.xml
  34. bluetooth_power_limits_sunfish.csv
  35. board-info.txt
  36. BoardConfig-common.mk
  37. CleanSpec.mk
  38. compatibility_matrix.xml
  39. component-overrides.xml
  40. config.fs
  41. default-permissions.xml
  42. device-common.mk
  43. device-sunfish.mk
  44. device.mk
  45. device_framework_matrix_product.xml
  46. fingerprint.mk
  47. fstab.hardware
  48. fstab.persist
  49. fstab.postinstall
  50. gps.conf
  51. init.diagdebug.rc.userdebug
  52. init.hardware.diag.rc.user
  53. init.hardware.diag.rc.userdebug
  54. init.hardware.ipa.rc.userdebug
  55. init.hardware.mpssrfs.rc.user
  56. init.hardware.mpssrfs.rc.userdebug
  57. init.hardware.power_debug.rc.userdebug
  58. init.hardware.rc
  59. init.hardware.usb.rc
  60. init.hardware.userdebug.rc.userdebug
  61. init.insmod.sh
  62. init.insmod.sunfish.cfg
  63. init.logging.rc
  64. init.mdm.sh
  65. init.msm.usb.configfs.rc
  66. init.power.rc
  67. init.qcom.modem_links.sh
  68. init.qcom.usb.rc
  69. init.qcom.usb.sh
  70. init.qti.getbootdevice.sh
  71. init.qti.qseecomd.sh
  72. init.radio.sh
  73. init.ramoops.sh
  74. init.recovery.device.rc
  75. init.sensors.sh
  76. manifest.xml
  77. media_codecs.xml
  78. media_codecs_omx.xml
  79. media_codecs_performance_c2.xml
  80. media_profiles.xml
  81. media_profiles_V1_0.xml
  83. p2p_supplicant_overlay.conf
  84. powerhint.json
  85. product.prop
  86. recovery.wipe
  87. sec_config
  88. sensors.hals.conf
  89. thermal-engine-sunfish.conf
  90. thermal_info_config_sunfish.json
  91. ueventd.rc
  92. uinput-fpc.idc
  93. uinput-fpc.kl
  94. utils.mk
  95. WCNSS_qcom_cfg.ini
  96. wifi_concurrency_cfg.txt
  97. wpa_supplicant_overlay.conf
  98. wpa_supplicant_wcn.conf