Update git submodules

* Update frameworks/base from branch 'main'
  to 24ea590c058699f9c4dc8aee38cd2fab1a4d0c5c
  - Merge "Fix the DSU notification behavior" into main
  - Fix the DSU notification behavior
    The 'mOneShot' should default to 'true' to prevent accidental activation of the sticky mode in the system.
    Bug: 339788967
    Test: adb shell am start-activity \
        -n com.android.dynsystem/com.android.dynsystem.VerificationActivity \
        -a android.os.image.action.START_INSTALL \
        -d file:///storage/emulated/0/Download/system.raw.gz \
        --el KEY_SYSTEM_SIZE $(du -b system.raw|cut -f1) \
        --el KEY_USERDATA_SIZE 4294967296
    Change-Id: Iad40d9923fa0680f6e8f37690bed817af2a19f04
1 file changed