Update git submodules

* Update frameworks/base from branch 'main'
  to 91ed58744f3d2e5fbbc265a59df3491a44955acb
  - Merge "AppDataHelper:fix ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException happen in fixAppsDataOnBoot method due to forget add lock." into main
  - AppDataHelper:fix ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException happen in fixAppsDataOnBoot method due to forget add lock.
       from the code:
        void reconcileAppsDataLI(String volumeUuid, int userId, @StorageManager.StorageFlags int flags,
                boolean migrateAppData) {
            reconcileAppsDataLI(volumeUuid, userId, flags, migrateAppData, false /* onlyCoreApps */);
        we should call the  reconcileAppsDataLI method by mPm.mInstallLock.
    Bug: 338600619
    Change-Id: I05f8aa84d71d5083c27427e3a9957b456ac57ce4
1 file changed