Update git submodules

* Update system/core from branch 'main'
  to c97381bf01063bd5966aa906944d45a8e73c34aa
  - Merge "Define String8 and String16 operator<=>" into main
  - Define String8 and String16 operator<=>
    Previously, in C++20 mode, using <=> on String8 or String16 would
    compare the pointer values from the implicit conversion operators
    returning const char* and const char16_t*. Instead, compare the string
    content. This is especially a problem with STL containers that prefer
    <=> when it is available.
    See https://godbolt.org/z/cc1hW17h3 for a demo of the problem.
    Bug: 339775405
    Test: treehugger
    Change-Id: I5ee6af96dee0c9968a1bab1ad96729e45bb1ac50
1 file changed