Limit secure storage retries.

To ensure availability of rollback-protected (RP) keys, there were
several loops that would retry potentially forever, which creates its
own risks.  To avoid those this CL:

1.  Changes RP secret creation to try only a single time.  In the
    event that it fails, non-RP keys will be created.

2.  Changes RP secret reading and RP secret deletion to try at most
    three times.  In theory, only one retry should be necessary,
    because if the storageproxy goes down the subsequent attempt to
    connect to the storage port will block until it's back up.

Bug: 187105270
Test: Build & boot, also VtsAidlKeyMintTargetTest
Change-Id: I3330c37fbeb232c97b127320540cb8c7f7ec232e
2 files changed