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This is a higher-level wrapper around mount() system call for linux.


  1. Type-safe wrapper, including mount options
  2. Support of new features such as overlayfs
  3. Good support of unprivileges user namespaces
  4. Very detailed error messages, which are helpful for end users


  • [x] Bind Mounts
  • [x] OverlayFS
  • [x] Tmpfs
  • [ ] Pseudo file systems: proc, sys
  • [ ] umount and umount2
  • [x] Parser of /proc/PID/mountinfo
  • [x] Read-only mounts (remount)
  • [ ] Ext2/3/4
  • [ ] Btrfs
  • [ ] Support of mount flags throught trait
  • [ ] Fuse


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