
Returning reading related object meta in the reader.


Some services like s3 could return object meta while issuing reading requests.

In GetObject, we could get:

  • Last-Modified
  • Content-Length
  • ETag
  • Content-Range
  • Content-Type
  • Expires

We can avoid extra HeadObject calls by reusing that meta wisely, which could take 50ms. For example, Content-Range returns the content range of this read in the whole object: <unit> <range-start>-<range-end>/<size>. By using the content range, we can avoid HeadObject to get this object's total size, which means a lot for the content cache.

Guide-level explanation

reader and all its related API will return ObjectReader instead:

- pub async fn reader(&self) -> Result<impl BytesRead> {}
+ pub async fn reader(&self) -> Result<ObjectReader> {}

ObjectReader impls BytesRead too, so existing code will keep working. And ObjectReader will provide similar APIs to Entry, for example:

pub async fn content_length(&self) -> Option<u64> {}
pub async fn last_modified(&self) -> Option<OffsetDateTime> {}
pub async fn etag(&self) -> Option<String> {}


  • All fields are optional, as services like fs could not return them.
  • content_length here is this read request‘s length, not the object’s length.

Reference-level explanation

We will change the API signature of Accessor:

- async fn read(&self, path: &str, args: OpRead) -> Result<BytesReader> {}
+ async fn read(&self, path: &str, args: OpRead) -> Result<ObjectReader> {}

ObjectReader is a wrapper of BytesReader and ObjectMeta:

pub struct ObjectReader {
    inner: BytesReader
    meta: ObjectMetadata,

impl ObjectReader {
    pub async fn content_length(&self) -> Option<u64> {}
    pub async fn last_modified(&self) -> Option<OffsetDateTime> {}
    pub async fn etag(&self) -> Option<String> {}

Services can decide whether or not to fill them.



Rationale and alternatives


Prior art


Unresolved questions


Future possibilities

Add content-range support

We can add content-range in ObjectMeta so that users can fetch and use them.