blob: 491a91657247f6e82d24d450254e9180031801f8 [file] [log] [blame]
use bytes::IntoBuf;
use futures::{Async, Future, Poll, Stream};
use futures::future::{self, Either};
use futures::sync::{mpsc, oneshot};
use h2::client::{Builder, Handshake, SendRequest};
use tokio_io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite};
use headers::content_length_parse_all;
use body::Payload;
use ::common::{Exec, Never};
use headers;
use ::proto::Dispatched;
use super::{PipeToSendStream, SendBuf};
use ::{Body, Request, Response};
type ClientRx<B> = ::client::dispatch::Receiver<Request<B>, Response<Body>>;
/// An mpsc channel is used to help notify the `Connection` task when *all*
/// other handles to it have been dropped, so that it can shutdown.
type ConnDropRef = mpsc::Sender<Never>;
/// A oneshot channel watches the `Connection` task, and when it completes,
/// the "dispatch" task will be notified and can shutdown sooner.
type ConnEof = oneshot::Receiver<Never>;
pub(crate) struct Client<T, B>
B: Payload,
executor: Exec,
rx: ClientRx<B>,
state: State<T, SendBuf<B::Data>>,
enum State<T, B> where B: IntoBuf {
Handshaking(Handshake<T, B>),
Ready(SendRequest<B>, ConnDropRef, ConnEof),
impl<T, B> Client<T, B>
T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Send + 'static,
B: Payload,
pub(crate) fn new(io: T, rx: ClientRx<B>, builder: &Builder, exec: Exec) -> Client<T, B> {
let handshake = builder.handshake(io);
Client {
executor: exec,
rx: rx,
state: State::Handshaking(handshake),
impl<T, B> Future for Client<T, B>
T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Send + 'static,
B: Payload + 'static,
type Item = Dispatched;
type Error = ::Error;
fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<Self::Item, Self::Error> {
loop {
let next = match self.state {
State::Handshaking(ref mut h) => {
let (request_tx, conn) = try_ready!(h.poll().map_err(::Error::new_h2));
// An mpsc channel is used entirely to detect when the
// 'Client' has been dropped. This is to get around a bug
// in h2 where dropping all SendRequests won't notify a
// parked Connection.
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(0);
let (cancel_tx, cancel_rx) = oneshot::channel();
let rx = rx.into_future()
.map(|(msg, _)| match msg {
Some(never) => match never {},
None => (),
.map_err(|_| -> Never { unreachable!("mpsc cannot error") });
let fut = conn
.inspect(move |_| {
trace!("connection complete")
.map_err(|e| debug!("connection error: {}", e))
.then(|res| match res {
Ok(Either::A(((), _))) |
Err(Either::A(((), _))) => {
// conn has finished either way
Ok(Either::B(((), conn))) => {
// mpsc has been dropped, hopefully polling
// the connection some more should start shutdown
// and then close
trace!("send_request dropped, starting conn shutdown");
Err(Either::B((never, _))) => match never {},
State::Ready(request_tx, tx, cancel_rx)
State::Ready(ref mut tx, ref conn_dropper, ref mut cancel_rx) => {
match tx.poll_ready() {
Ok(Async::Ready(())) => (),
Ok(Async::NotReady) => return Ok(Async::NotReady),
Err(err) => {
return if err.reason() == Some(::h2::Reason::NO_ERROR) {
trace!("connection gracefully shutdown");
} else {
match self.rx.poll() {
Ok(Async::Ready(Some((req, cb)))) => {
// check that future hasn't been canceled already
if cb.is_canceled() {
trace!("request callback is canceled");
let (head, body) = req.into_parts();
let mut req = ::http::Request::from_parts(head, ());
super::strip_connection_headers(req.headers_mut(), true);
if let Some(len) = body.content_length() {
headers::set_content_length_if_missing(req.headers_mut(), len);
let eos = body.is_end_stream();
let (fut, body_tx) = match tx.send_request(req, eos) {
Ok(ok) => ok,
Err(err) => {
debug!("client send request error: {}", err);
cb.send(Err((::Error::new_h2(err), None)));
if !eos {
let mut pipe = PipeToSendStream::new(body, body_tx)
.map_err(|e| debug!("client request body error: {}", e));
// eagerly see if the body pipe is ready and
// can thus skip allocating in the executor
match pipe.poll() {
Ok(Async::Ready(())) | Err(()) => (),
Ok(Async::NotReady) => {
let conn_drop_ref = conn_dropper.clone();
let pipe = pipe.then(move |x| {
let fut = fut
.then(move |result| {
match result {
Ok(res) => {
let content_length = content_length_parse_all(res.headers());
let res =|stream|
::Body::h2(stream, content_length));
Err(err) => {
debug!("client response error: {}", err);
Err((::Error::new_h2(err), None))
Ok(Async::NotReady) => {
match cancel_rx.poll() {
Ok(Async::Ready(never)) => match never {},
Ok(Async::NotReady) => return Ok(Async::NotReady),
Err(_conn_is_eof) => {
trace!("connection task is closed, closing dispatch task");
return Ok(Async::Ready(Dispatched::Shutdown));
Ok(Async::Ready(None)) => {
trace!("client::dispatch::Sender dropped");
return Ok(Async::Ready(Dispatched::Shutdown));
Err(never) => match never {},
self.state = next;