blob: 0eaa64194f638fcddd730eea5d74e86d2cf034ed [file] [log] [blame]
use std::error::Error as StdError;
use bytes::Buf;
use futures::{Async, Poll};
use http::HeaderMap;
use super::internal::{FullDataArg, FullDataRet};
/// This trait represents a streaming body of a `Request` or `Response`.
/// The built-in implementation of this trait is [`Body`](::Body), in case you
/// don't need to customize a send stream for your own application.
pub trait Payload: Send + 'static {
/// A buffer of bytes representing a single chunk of a body.
type Data: Buf + Send;
/// The error type of this stream.
type Error: Into<Box<dyn StdError + Send + Sync>>;
/// Poll for a `Data` buffer.
/// Similar to `Stream::poll_next`, this yields `Some(Data)` until
/// the body ends, when it yields `None`.
fn poll_data(&mut self) -> Poll<Option<Self::Data>, Self::Error>;
/// Poll for an optional **single** `HeaderMap` of trailers.
/// This should **only** be called after `poll_data` has ended.
/// Note: Trailers aren't currently used for HTTP/1, only for HTTP/2.
fn poll_trailers(&mut self) -> Poll<Option<HeaderMap>, Self::Error> {
/// A hint that the `Body` is complete, and doesn't need to be polled more.
/// This can be useful to determine if the there is any body or trailers
/// without having to poll. An empty `Body` could return `true` and hyper
/// would be able to know that only the headers need to be sent. Or, it can
/// also be checked after each `poll_data` call, to allow hyper to try to
/// end the underlying stream with the last chunk, instead of needing to
/// send an extra `DATA` frame just to mark the stream as finished.
/// As a hint, it is used to try to optimize, and thus is OK for a default
/// implementation to return `false`.
fn is_end_stream(&self) -> bool {
/// Return a length of the total bytes that will be streamed, if known.
/// If an exact size of bytes is known, this would allow hyper to send a
/// `Content-Length` header automatically, not needing to fall back to
/// `Transfer-Encoding: chunked`.
/// This does not need to be kept updated after polls, it will only be
/// called once to create the headers.
fn content_length(&self) -> Option<u64> {
// This API is unstable, and is impossible to use outside of hyper. Some
// form of it may become stable in a later version.
// The only thing a user *could* do is reference the method, but DON'T
// DO THAT! :)
fn __hyper_full_data(&mut self, FullDataArg) -> FullDataRet<Self::Data> {
impl<E: Payload> Payload for Box<E> {
type Data = E::Data;
type Error = E::Error;
fn poll_data(&mut self) -> Poll<Option<Self::Data>, Self::Error> {
fn poll_trailers(&mut self) -> Poll<Option<HeaderMap>, Self::Error> {
fn is_end_stream(&self) -> bool {
fn content_length(&self) -> Option<u64> {
fn __hyper_full_data(&mut self, arg: FullDataArg) -> FullDataRet<Self::Data> {