blob: e5168089b87d213ce8dccbc3df32714dcd666f60 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <mach-o/loader.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <mach/machine.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <mach/machine/thread_state.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <sys/syslimits.h>
#include <uuid/uuid.h>
// Given an executable binary with
// "fmain" (a function pointer to main)
// "main"
// symbols, create a fake arm64e corefile that
// contains a memory segment for the fmain
// function pointer, with the value of the
// address of main() with ptrauth bits masked on.
// The corefile does not include the "addrable bits"
// LC_NOTE, so lldb will need to fall back on its
// default value from the Darwin arm64 ABI.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc != 3) {
fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s executable-binary output-file\n", argv[0]);
FILE *exe = fopen(argv[1], "r");
if (!exe) {
fprintf (stderr, "Unable to open executable %s for reading\n", argv[1]);
FILE *out = fopen(argv[2], "w");
if (!out) {
fprintf (stderr, "Unable to open %s for writing\n", argv[2]);
char buf[PATH_MAX + 6];
sprintf (buf, "nm '%s'", argv[1]);
FILE *nm = popen(buf, "r");
if (!nm) {
fprintf (stderr, "Unable to run nm on '%s'", argv[1]);
exit (1);
uint64_t main_addr = 0;
uint64_t fmain_addr = 0;
while (fgets (buf, sizeof(buf), nm)) {
if (strstr (buf, "_fmain")) {
fmain_addr = strtoul (buf, NULL, 16);
if (strstr (buf, "_main")) {
main_addr = strtoul (buf, NULL, 16);
pclose (nm);
sprintf (buf, "dwarfdump -u '%s'", argv[1]);
FILE *dwarfdump = popen(buf, "r");
if (!dwarfdump) {
fprintf (stderr, "Unable to run dwarfdump -u on '%s'\n", argv[1]);
exit (1);
uuid_t uuid;
uuid_clear (uuid);
while (fgets (buf, sizeof(buf), dwarfdump)) {
if (strncmp (buf, "UUID: ", 6) == 0) {
buf[6 + 36] = '\0';
if (uuid_parse (buf + 6, uuid) != 0) {
fprintf (stderr, "Unable to parse UUID in '%s'\n", buf);
exit (1);
if (uuid_is_null(uuid)) {
fprintf (stderr, "Got a null uuid for the binary\n");
exit (1);
if (main_addr == 0 || fmain_addr == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to find address of main or fmain in %s.\n",
exit (1);
// Write out a corefile with contents in this order:
// 1. mach header
// 2. LC_THREAD load command
// 3. LC_SEGMENT_64 load command
// 4. LC_NOTE load command
// 5. memory segment contents
// 6. "load binary" note contents
// struct thread_command {
// uint32_t cmd;
// uint32_t cmdsize;
// uint32_t flavor
// uint32_t count
// struct XXX_thread_state state
int size_of_thread_cmd = 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + sizeof (arm_thread_state64_t);
struct mach_header_64 mh;
mh.magic = 0xfeedfacf;
mh.cputype = CPU_TYPE_ARM64;
mh.cpusubtype = CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM64E;
mh.filetype = MH_CORE;
mh.ncmds = 3; // LC_THREAD, LC_SEGMENT_64, LC_NOTE
mh.sizeofcmds = size_of_thread_cmd + sizeof(struct segment_command_64) + sizeof(struct note_command);
mh.flags = 0;
mh.reserved = 0;
fwrite(&mh, sizeof (mh), 1, out);
struct note_command lcnote;
struct segment_command_64 seg;
seg.cmd = LC_SEGMENT_64;
seg.cmdsize = sizeof(seg);
memset (&seg.segname, 0, 16);
seg.vmaddr = fmain_addr;
seg.vmsize = 8;
// Offset to segment contents
seg.fileoff = sizeof (mh) + size_of_thread_cmd + sizeof(seg) + sizeof(lcnote);
seg.filesize = 8;
seg.maxprot = 3;
seg.initprot = 3;
seg.nsects = 0;
seg.flags = 0;
fwrite (&seg, sizeof (seg), 1, out);
uint32_t cmd = LC_THREAD;
fwrite (&cmd, sizeof (cmd), 1, out);
uint32_t cmdsize = size_of_thread_cmd;
fwrite (&cmdsize, sizeof (cmdsize), 1, out);
uint32_t flavor = ARM_THREAD_STATE64;
fwrite (&flavor, sizeof (flavor), 1, out);
// count is number of uint32_t's of the register context
uint32_t count = sizeof (arm_thread_state64_t) / 4;
fwrite (&count, sizeof (count), 1, out);
arm_thread_state64_t regstate;
memset (&regstate, 0, sizeof (regstate));
fwrite (&regstate, sizeof (regstate), 1, out);
lcnote.cmd = LC_NOTE;
lcnote.cmdsize = sizeof (lcnote);
strcpy (lcnote.data_owner, "load binary");
// 8 is the size of the LC_SEGMENT contents
lcnote.offset = sizeof (mh) + size_of_thread_cmd + sizeof(seg) + sizeof(lcnote) + 8;
// struct load_binary
// {
// uint32_t version; // currently 1
// uuid_t uuid; // all zeroes if uuid not specified
// uint64_t load_address; // virtual address where the macho is loaded, UINT64_MAX if unavail
// uint64_t slide; // slide to be applied to file address to get load address, 0 if unavail
// char name_cstring[]; // must be nul-byte terminated c-string, '\0' alone if name unavail
// } __attribute__((packed));
lcnote.size = 4 + 16 + 8 + 8 + sizeof("a.out");
fwrite (&lcnote, sizeof(lcnote), 1, out);
// Write the contents of the memory segment
// Or together a random PAC value from a system using 39 bits
// of addressing with the address of main(). lldb will need
// to correctly strip off the high bits to find the address of
// main.
uint64_t segment_contents = 0xe46bff0000000000 | main_addr;
fwrite (&segment_contents, sizeof (segment_contents), 1, out);
// Now write the contents of the "load binary" LC_NOTE.
uint32_t version = 1;
fwrite (&version, sizeof (version), 1, out);
fwrite (&uuid, sizeof (uuid), 1, out);
uint64_t load_address = UINT64_MAX;
fwrite (&load_address, sizeof (load_address), 1, out);
uint64_t slide = 0;
fwrite (&slide, sizeof (slide), 1, out);
strcpy (buf, "a.out");
fwrite (buf, 6, 1, out);
fclose (out);
exit (0);