blob: d24148b9556b96f877c8951732bfe63092505bf1 [file] [log] [blame]
// This file contains type definitions that are processed by the Closure Compiler but are
// not put into the JavaScript we include as part of the documentation. It is used for
// type checking. See in this directory for more info.
/* eslint-disable */
let searchState;
function initSearch(searchIndex){}
* @typedef {{
* name: string,
* id: integer|null,
* fullPath: Array<string>,
* pathWithoutLast: Array<string>,
* pathLast: string,
* generics: Array<QueryElement>,
* bindings: Map<integer, Array<QueryElement>>,
* }}
let QueryElement;
* @typedef {{
* pos: number,
* totalElems: number,
* typeFilter: (null|string),
* userQuery: string,
* isInBinding: (null|string),
* }}
let ParserState;
* @typedef {{
* original: string,
* userQuery: string,
* typeFilter: number,
* elems: Array<QueryElement>,
* args: Array<QueryElement>,
* returned: Array<QueryElement>,
* foundElems: number,
* totalElems: number,
* literalSearch: boolean,
* corrections: Array<{from: string, to: integer}>,
* typeFingerprint: Uint32Array,
* }}
let ParsedQuery;
* @typedef {{
* crate: string,
* desc: string,
* id: number,
* name: string,
* normalizedName: string,
* parent: (Object|null|undefined),
* path: string,
* ty: (Number|null|number),
* type: FunctionSearchType?
* }}
let Row;
* @typedef {{
* in_args: Array<Object>,
* returned: Array<Object>,
* others: Array<Object>,
* query: ParsedQuery,
* }}
let ResultsTable;
* @typedef {Map<String, ResultObject>}
let Results;
* @typedef {{
* desc: string,
* displayPath: string,
* fullPath: string,
* href: string,
* id: number,
* lev: number,
* name: string,
* normalizedName: string,
* parent: (Object|undefined),
* path: string,
* ty: number,
* }}
let ResultObject;
* A pair of [inputs, outputs], or 0 for null. This is stored in the search index.
* The JavaScript deserializes this into FunctionSearchType.
* Numeric IDs are *ONE-indexed* into the paths array (`p`). Zero is used as a sentinel for `null`
* because `null` is four bytes while `0` is one byte.
* An input or output can be encoded as just a number if there is only one of them, AND
* it has no generics. The no generics rule exists to avoid ambiguity: imagine if you had
* a function with a single output, and that output had a single generic:
* fn something() -> Result<usize, usize>
* If output was allowed to be any RawFunctionType, it would look like thi
* [[], [50, [3, 3]]]
* The problem is that the above output could be interpreted as either a type with ID 50 and two
* generics, or it could be interpreted as a pair of types, the first one with ID 50 and the second
* with ID 3 and a single generic parameter that is also ID 3. We avoid this ambiguity by choosing
* in favor of the pair of types interpretation. This is why the `(number|Array<RawFunctionType>)`
* is used instead of `(RawFunctionType|Array<RawFunctionType>)`.
* The output can be skipped if it's actually unit and there's no type constraints. If thi
* function accepts constrained generics, then the output will be unconditionally emitted, and
* after it will come a list of trait constraints. The position of the item in the list will
* determine which type parameter it is. For example:
* [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
* | | | | - generic parameter (-3) of trait 5
* | | | - generic parameter (-2) of trait 4
* | | - generic parameter (-1) of trait 3
* | - this function returns a single value (type 2)
* - this function takes a single input parameter (type 1)
* Or, for a less contrived version:
* [[[4, -1], 3], [[5, -1]], 11]
* -^^^^^^^---- ^^^^^^^ ^^
* | | | - generic parameter, roughly `where -1: 11`
* | | | since -1 is the type parameter and 11 the trait
* | | - function output 5<-1>
* | - the overall function signature is something like
* | `fn(4<-1>, 3) -> 5<-1> where -1: 11`
* - function input, corresponds roughly to 4<-1>
* 4 is an index into the `p` array for a type
* -1 is the generic parameter, given by 11
* If a generic parameter has multiple trait constraints, it gets wrapped in an array, just like
* function inputs and outputs:
* [-1, -1, [4, 3]]
* ^^^^^^ where -1: 4 + 3
* If a generic parameter's trait constraint has generic parameters, it gets wrapped in the array
* even if only one exists. In other words, the ambiguity of `4<3>` and `4 + 3` is resolved in
* favor of `4 + 3`:
* [-1, -1, [[4, 3]]]
* ^^^^^^^^ where -1: 4 + 3
* [-1, -1, [5, [4, 3]]]
* ^^^^^^^^^^^ where -1: 5, -2: 4 + 3
* If a generic parameter has no trait constraints (like in Rust, the `Sized` constraint i
* implied and a fake `?Sized` constraint used to note its absence), it will be filled in with 0.
* @typedef {(
* 0 |
* [(number|Array<RawFunctionType>)] |
* [(number|Array<RawFunctionType>), (number|Array<RawFunctionType>)] |
* Array<(number|Array<RawFunctionType>)>
* )}
let RawFunctionSearchType;
* A single function input or output type. This is either a single path ID, or a pair of
* [path ID, generics].
* Numeric IDs are *ONE-indexed* into the paths array (`p`). Zero is used as a sentinel for `null`
* because `null` is four bytes while `0` is one byte.
* @typedef {number | [number, Array<RawFunctionType>]}
let RawFunctionType;
* @typedef {{
* inputs: Array<FunctionType>,
* output: Array<FunctionType>,
* where_clause: Array<Array<FunctionType>>,
* }}
let FunctionSearchType;
* @typedef {{
* id: (null|number),
* ty: number,
* generics: Array<FunctionType>,
* bindings: Map<integer, Array<FunctionType>>,
* }}
let FunctionType;
* The raw search data for a given crate. `n`, `t`, `d`, `i`, and `f`
* are arrays with the same length. `q`, `a`, and `c` use a sparse
* representation for compactness.
* `n[i]` contains the name of an item.
* `t[i]` contains the type of that item
* (as a string of characters that represent an offset in `itemTypes`).
* `d[i]` contains the description of that item.
* `q` contains the full paths of the items. For compactness, it is a set of
* (index, path) pairs used to create a map. If a given index `i` is
* not present, this indicates "same as the last index present".
* `i[i]` contains an item's parent, usually a module. For compactness,
* it is a set of indexes into the `p` array.
* `f` contains function signatures, or `0` if the item isn't a function.
* More information on how they're encoded can be found in rustc-dev-guide
* Functions are themselves encoded as arrays. The first item is a list of
* types representing the function's inputs, and the second list item is a list
* of types representing the function's output. Tuples are flattened.
* Types are also represented as arrays; the first item is an index into the `p`
* array, while the second is a list of types representing any generic parameters.
* b[i] contains an item's impl disambiguator. This is only present if an item
* is defined in an impl block and, the impl block's type has more than one associated
* item with the same name.
* `a` defines aliases with an Array of pairs: [name, offset], where `offset`
* points into the n/t/d/q/i/f arrays.
* `doc` contains the description of the crate.
* `p` is a list of path/type pairs. It is used for parents and function parameters.
* `c` is an array of item indices that are deprecated.
* @typedef {{
* doc: string,
* a: Object,
* n: Array<string>,
* t: String,
* d: Array<string>,
* q: Array<[Number, string]>,
* i: Array<Number>,
* f: string,
* p: Array<Object>,
* b: Array<[Number, String]>,
* c: Array<Number>
* }}
let RawSearchIndexCrate;