
SPEEDTEST is the tool we use to measure lint's performance, it works by executing the same test several times.

It's useful for measuring changes to current lints and deciding if the performance changes too much. SPEEDTEST is accessed by the SPEEDTEST (and SPEEDTEST_*) environment variables.

Checking Speedtest

To do a simple speed test of a lint (e.g. allow_attributes), use this command.

$ SPEEDTEST=ui TESTNAME="allow_attributes" cargo uitest -- --nocapture

This will test all ui tests (SPEEDTEST=ui) whose names start with allow_attributes. By default, SPEEDTEST will iterate your test 1000 times. But you can change this with SPEEDTEST_ITERATIONS.

$ SPEEDTEST=toml SPEEDTEST_ITERATIONS=100 TESTNAME="semicolon_block" cargo uitest -- --nocapture

WARNING: Be sure to use -- --nocapture at the end of the command to see the average test time. If you don't use -- --nocapture (e.g. SPEEDTEST=ui TESTNAME="let_underscore_untyped" cargo uitest -- --nocapture), this will not show up.