blob: b8a482e55fec3bd6ba01437d174ed94835b961a8 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Formatters for logging `tracing` events.
//! This module provides several formatter implementations, as well as utilities
//! for implementing custom formatters.
//! # Formatters
//! This module provides a number of formatter implementations:
//! * [`Full`]: The default formatter. This emits human-readable,
//! single-line logs for each event that occurs, with the current span context
//! displayed before the formatted representation of the event. See
//! [here](Full#example-output) for sample output.
//! * [`Compact`]: A variant of the default formatter, optimized for
//! short line lengths. Fields from the current span context are appended to
//! the fields of the formatted event, and span names are not shown; the
//! verbosity level is abbreviated to a single character. See
//! [here](Compact#example-output) for sample output.
//! * [`Pretty`]: Emits excessively pretty, multi-line logs, optimized
//! for human readability. This is primarily intended to be used in local
//! development and debugging, or for command-line applications, where
//! automated analysis and compact storage of logs is less of a priority than
//! readability and visual appeal. See [here](Pretty#example-output)
//! for sample output.
//! * [`Json`]: Outputs newline-delimited JSON logs. This is intended
//! for production use with systems where structured logs are consumed as JSON
//! by analysis and viewing tools. The JSON output is not optimized for human
//! readability. See [here](Json#example-output) for sample output.
use super::time::{FormatTime, SystemTime};
use crate::{
field::{MakeOutput, MakeVisitor, RecordFields, VisitFmt, VisitOutput},
use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Display, Write};
use tracing_core::{
field::{self, Field, Visit},
span, Event, Level, Subscriber,
#[cfg(feature = "tracing-log")]
use tracing_log::NormalizeEvent;
#[cfg(feature = "ansi")]
use nu_ansi_term::{Color, Style};
#[cfg(feature = "json")]
mod json;
#[cfg(feature = "json")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "json")))]
pub use json::*;
#[cfg(feature = "ansi")]
mod pretty;
#[cfg(feature = "ansi")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "ansi")))]
pub use pretty::*;
/// A type that can format a tracing [`Event`] to a [`Writer`].
/// `FormatEvent` is primarily used in the context of [`fmt::Subscriber`] or
/// [`fmt::Layer`]. Each time an event is dispatched to [`fmt::Subscriber`] or
/// [`fmt::Layer`], the subscriber or layer
/// forwards it to its associated `FormatEvent` to emit a log message.
/// This trait is already implemented for function pointers with the same
/// signature as `format_event`.
/// # Arguments
/// The following arguments are passed to `FormatEvent::format_event`:
/// * A [`FmtContext`]. This is an extension of the [`layer::Context`] type,
/// which can be used for accessing stored information such as the current
/// span context an event occurred in.
/// In addition, [`FmtContext`] exposes access to the [`FormatFields`]
/// implementation that the subscriber was configured to use via the
/// [`FmtContext::field_format`] method. This can be used when the
/// [`FormatEvent`] implementation needs to format the event's fields.
/// For convenience, [`FmtContext`] also [implements `FormatFields`],
/// forwarding to the configured [`FormatFields`] type.
/// * A [`Writer`] to which the formatted representation of the event is
/// written. This type implements the [`std::fmt::Write`] trait, and therefore
/// can be used with the [`std::write!`] and [`std::writeln!`] macros, as well
/// as calling [`std::fmt::Write`] methods directly.
/// The [`Writer`] type also implements additional methods that provide
/// information about how the event should be formatted. The
/// [`Writer::has_ansi_escapes`] method indicates whether [ANSI terminal
/// escape codes] are supported by the underlying I/O writer that the event
/// will be written to. If this returns `true`, the formatter is permitted to
/// use ANSI escape codes to add colors and other text formatting to its
/// output. If it returns `false`, the event will be written to an output that
/// does not support ANSI escape codes (such as a log file), and they should
/// not be emitted.
/// Crates like [`nu_ansi_term`] and [`owo-colors`] can be used to add ANSI
/// escape codes to formatted output.
/// * The actual [`Event`] to be formatted.
/// # Examples
/// This example re-implements a simiplified version of this crate's [default
/// formatter]:
/// ```rust
/// use std::fmt;
/// use tracing_core::{Subscriber, Event};
/// use tracing_subscriber::fmt::{
/// format::{self, FormatEvent, FormatFields},
/// FmtContext,
/// FormattedFields,
/// };
/// use tracing_subscriber::registry::LookupSpan;
/// struct MyFormatter;
/// impl<S, N> FormatEvent<S, N> for MyFormatter
/// where
/// S: Subscriber + for<'a> LookupSpan<'a>,
/// N: for<'a> FormatFields<'a> + 'static,
/// {
/// fn format_event(
/// &self,
/// ctx: &FmtContext<'_, S, N>,
/// mut writer: format::Writer<'_>,
/// event: &Event<'_>,
/// ) -> fmt::Result {
/// // Format values from the event's's metadata:
/// let metadata = event.metadata();
/// write!(&mut writer, "{} {}: ", metadata.level(),;
/// // Format all the spans in the event's span context.
/// if let Some(scope) = ctx.event_scope() {
/// for span in scope.from_root() {
/// write!(writer, "{}",;
/// // `FormattedFields` is a formatted representation of the span's
/// // fields, which is stored in its extensions by the `fmt` layer's
/// // `new_span` method. The fields will have been formatted
/// // by the same field formatter that's provided to the event
/// // formatter in the `FmtContext`.
/// let ext = span.extensions();
/// let fields = &ext
/// .get::<FormattedFields<N>>()
/// .expect("will never be `None`");
/// // Skip formatting the fields if the span had no fields.
/// if !fields.is_empty() {
/// write!(writer, "{{{}}}", fields)?;
/// }
/// write!(writer, ": ")?;
/// }
/// }
/// // Write fields on the event
/// ctx.field_format().format_fields(writer.by_ref(), event)?;
/// writeln!(writer)
/// }
/// }
/// let _subscriber = tracing_subscriber::fmt()
/// .event_format(MyFormatter)
/// .init();
/// let _span = tracing::info_span!("my_span", answer = 42).entered();
/// tracing::info!(question = "life, the universe, and everything", "hello world");
/// ```
/// This formatter will print events like this:
/// ```text
/// DEBUG yak_shaving::shaver: some-span{field-on-span=foo}: started shaving yak
/// ```
/// [`layer::Context`]: crate::layer::Context
/// [`fmt::Layer`]: super::Layer
/// [`fmt::Subscriber`]: super::Subscriber
/// [`Event`]: tracing::Event
/// [implements `FormatFields`]: super::FmtContext#impl-FormatFields<'writer>
/// [ANSI terminal escape codes]:
/// [`Writer::has_ansi_escapes`]: Writer::has_ansi_escapes
/// [`nu_ansi_term`]:
/// [`owo-colors`]:
/// [default formatter]: Full
pub trait FormatEvent<S, N>
S: Subscriber + for<'a> LookupSpan<'a>,
N: for<'a> FormatFields<'a> + 'static,
/// Write a log message for `Event` in `Context` to the given [`Writer`].
fn format_event(
ctx: &FmtContext<'_, S, N>,
writer: Writer<'_>,
event: &Event<'_>,
) -> fmt::Result;
impl<S, N> FormatEvent<S, N>
for fn(ctx: &FmtContext<'_, S, N>, Writer<'_>, &Event<'_>) -> fmt::Result
S: Subscriber + for<'a> LookupSpan<'a>,
N: for<'a> FormatFields<'a> + 'static,
fn format_event(
ctx: &FmtContext<'_, S, N>,
writer: Writer<'_>,
event: &Event<'_>,
) -> fmt::Result {
(*self)(ctx, writer, event)
/// A type that can format a [set of fields] to a [`Writer`].
/// `FormatFields` is primarily used in the context of [`FmtSubscriber`]. Each
/// time a span or event with fields is recorded, the subscriber will format
/// those fields with its associated `FormatFields` implementation.
/// [set of fields]: crate::field::RecordFields
/// [`FmtSubscriber`]: super::Subscriber
pub trait FormatFields<'writer> {
/// Format the provided `fields` to the provided [`Writer`], returning a result.
fn format_fields<R: RecordFields>(&self, writer: Writer<'writer>, fields: R) -> fmt::Result;
/// Record additional field(s) on an existing span.
/// By default, this appends a space to the current set of fields if it is
/// non-empty, and then calls `self.format_fields`. If different behavior is
/// required, the default implementation of this method can be overridden.
fn add_fields(
current: &'writer mut FormattedFields<Self>,
fields: &span::Record<'_>,
) -> fmt::Result {
if !current.fields.is_empty() {
current.fields.push(' ');
self.format_fields(current.as_writer(), fields)
/// Returns the default configuration for an [event formatter].
/// Methods on the returned event formatter can be used for further
/// configuration. For example:
/// ```rust
/// let format = tracing_subscriber::fmt::format()
/// .without_time() // Don't include timestamps
/// .with_target(false) // Don't include event targets.
/// .with_level(false) // Don't include event levels.
/// .compact(); // Use a more compact, abbreviated format.
/// // Use the configured formatter when building a new subscriber.
/// tracing_subscriber::fmt()
/// .event_format(format)
/// .init();
/// ```
pub fn format() -> Format {
/// Returns the default configuration for a JSON [event formatter].
#[cfg(feature = "json")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "json")))]
pub fn json() -> Format<Json> {
/// Returns a [`FormatFields`] implementation that formats fields using the
/// provided function or closure.
pub fn debug_fn<F>(f: F) -> FieldFn<F>
F: Fn(&mut Writer<'_>, &Field, &dyn fmt::Debug) -> fmt::Result + Clone,
/// A writer to which formatted representations of spans and events are written.
/// This type is provided as input to the [`FormatEvent::format_event`] and
/// [`FormatFields::format_fields`] methods, which will write formatted
/// representations of [`Event`]s and [fields] to the `Writer`.
/// This type implements the [`std::fmt::Write`] trait, allowing it to be used
/// with any function that takes an instance of [`std::fmt::Write`].
/// Additionally, it can be used with the standard library's [`std::write!`] and
/// [`std::writeln!`] macros.
/// Additionally, a `Writer` may expose additional `tracing`-specific
/// information to the formatter implementation.
/// [fields]: tracing_core::field
pub struct Writer<'writer> {
writer: &'writer mut dyn fmt::Write,
// TODO(eliza): add ANSI support
is_ansi: bool,
/// A [`FormatFields`] implementation that formats fields by calling a function
/// or closure.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct FieldFn<F>(F);
/// The [visitor] produced by [`FieldFn`]'s [`MakeVisitor`] implementation.
/// [visitor]: super::super::field::Visit
/// [`MakeVisitor`]: super::super::field::MakeVisitor
pub struct FieldFnVisitor<'a, F> {
f: F,
writer: Writer<'a>,
result: fmt::Result,
/// Marker for [`Format`] that indicates that the compact log format should be used.
/// The compact format includes fields from all currently entered spans, after
/// the event's fields. Span names are listed in order before fields are
/// displayed.
/// # Example Output
/// <pre><font color="#4E9A06"><b>:;</b></font> <font color="#4E9A06">cargo</font> run --example fmt-compact
/// <font color="#4E9A06"><b> Finished</b></font> dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.08s
/// <font color="#4E9A06"><b> Running</b></font> `target/debug/examples/fmt-compact`
/// <font color="#AAAAAA">2022-02-17T19:51:05.809287Z </font><font color="#4E9A06"> INFO</font> <b>fmt_compact</b><font color="#AAAAAA">: preparing to shave yaks </font><i>number_of_yaks</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=3</font>
/// <font color="#AAAAAA">2022-02-17T19:51:05.809367Z </font><font color="#4E9A06"> INFO</font> <b>shaving_yaks</b>: <b>fmt_compact::yak_shave</b><font color="#AAAAAA">: shaving yaks </font><font color="#AAAAAA"><i>yaks</i></font><font color="#AAAAAA">=3</font>
/// <font color="#AAAAAA">2022-02-17T19:51:05.809414Z </font><font color="#75507B">TRACE</font> <b>shaving_yaks</b>:<b>shave</b>: <b>fmt_compact::yak_shave</b><font color="#AAAAAA">: hello! I&apos;m gonna shave a yak </font><i>excitement</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=&quot;yay!&quot; </font><font color="#AAAAAA"><i>yaks</i></font><font color="#AAAAAA">=3 </font><font color="#AAAAAA"><i>yak</i></font><font color="#AAAAAA">=1</font>
/// <font color="#AAAAAA">2022-02-17T19:51:05.809443Z </font><font color="#75507B">TRACE</font> <b>shaving_yaks</b>:<b>shave</b>: <b>fmt_compact::yak_shave</b><font color="#AAAAAA">: yak shaved successfully </font><font color="#AAAAAA"><i>yaks</i></font><font color="#AAAAAA">=3 </font><font color="#AAAAAA"><i>yak</i></font><font color="#AAAAAA">=1</font>
/// <font color="#AAAAAA">2022-02-17T19:51:05.809477Z </font><font color="#3465A4">DEBUG</font> <b>shaving_yaks</b>: <b>yak_events</b><font color="#AAAAAA">: </font><i>yak</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=1 </font><i>shaved</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=true </font><font color="#AAAAAA"><i>yaks</i></font><font color="#AAAAAA">=3</font>
/// <font color="#AAAAAA">2022-02-17T19:51:05.809500Z </font><font color="#75507B">TRACE</font> <b>shaving_yaks</b>: <b>fmt_compact::yak_shave</b><font color="#AAAAAA">: </font><i>yaks_shaved</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=1 </font><font color="#AAAAAA"><i>yaks</i></font><font color="#AAAAAA">=3</font>
/// <font color="#AAAAAA">2022-02-17T19:51:05.809531Z </font><font color="#75507B">TRACE</font> <b>shaving_yaks</b>:<b>shave</b>: <b>fmt_compact::yak_shave</b><font color="#AAAAAA">: hello! I&apos;m gonna shave a yak </font><i>excitement</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=&quot;yay!&quot; </font><font color="#AAAAAA"><i>yaks</i></font><font color="#AAAAAA">=3 </font><font color="#AAAAAA"><i>yak</i></font><font color="#AAAAAA">=2</font>
/// <font color="#AAAAAA">2022-02-17T19:51:05.809554Z </font><font color="#75507B">TRACE</font> <b>shaving_yaks</b>:<b>shave</b>: <b>fmt_compact::yak_shave</b><font color="#AAAAAA">: yak shaved successfully </font><font color="#AAAAAA"><i>yaks</i></font><font color="#AAAAAA">=3 </font><font color="#AAAAAA"><i>yak</i></font><font color="#AAAAAA">=2</font>
/// <font color="#AAAAAA">2022-02-17T19:51:05.809581Z </font><font color="#3465A4">DEBUG</font> <b>shaving_yaks</b>: <b>yak_events</b><font color="#AAAAAA">: </font><i>yak</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=2 </font><i>shaved</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=true </font><font color="#AAAAAA"><i>yaks</i></font><font color="#AAAAAA">=3</font>
/// <font color="#AAAAAA">2022-02-17T19:51:05.809606Z </font><font color="#75507B">TRACE</font> <b>shaving_yaks</b>: <b>fmt_compact::yak_shave</b><font color="#AAAAAA">: </font><i>yaks_shaved</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=2 </font><font color="#AAAAAA"><i>yaks</i></font><font color="#AAAAAA">=3</font>
/// <font color="#AAAAAA">2022-02-17T19:51:05.809635Z </font><font color="#75507B">TRACE</font> <b>shaving_yaks</b>:<b>shave</b>: <b>fmt_compact::yak_shave</b><font color="#AAAAAA">: hello! I&apos;m gonna shave a yak </font><i>excitement</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=&quot;yay!&quot; </font><font color="#AAAAAA"><i>yaks</i></font><font color="#AAAAAA">=3 </font><font color="#AAAAAA"><i>yak</i></font><font color="#AAAAAA">=3</font>
/// <font color="#AAAAAA">2022-02-17T19:51:05.809664Z </font><font color="#C4A000"> WARN</font> <b>shaving_yaks</b>:<b>shave</b>: <b>fmt_compact::yak_shave</b><font color="#AAAAAA">: could not locate yak </font><font color="#AAAAAA"><i>yaks</i></font><font color="#AAAAAA">=3 </font><font color="#AAAAAA"><i>yak</i></font><font color="#AAAAAA">=3</font>
/// <font color="#AAAAAA">2022-02-17T19:51:05.809693Z </font><font color="#3465A4">DEBUG</font> <b>shaving_yaks</b>: <b>yak_events</b><font color="#AAAAAA">: </font><i>yak</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=3 </font><i>shaved</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=false </font><font color="#AAAAAA"><i>yaks</i></font><font color="#AAAAAA">=3</font>
/// <font color="#AAAAAA">2022-02-17T19:51:05.809717Z </font><font color="#CC0000">ERROR</font> <b>shaving_yaks</b>: <b>fmt_compact::yak_shave</b><font color="#AAAAAA">: failed to shave yak </font><i>yak</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=3 </font><i>error</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=missing yak </font><i>error.sources</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=[out of space, out of cash] </font><font color="#AAAAAA"><i>yaks</i></font><font color="#AAAAAA">=3</font>
/// <font color="#AAAAAA">2022-02-17T19:51:05.809743Z </font><font color="#75507B">TRACE</font> <b>shaving_yaks</b>: <b>fmt_compact::yak_shave</b><font color="#AAAAAA">: </font><i>yaks_shaved</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=2 </font><font color="#AAAAAA"><i>yaks</i></font><font color="#AAAAAA">=3</font>
/// <font color="#AAAAAA">2022-02-17T19:51:05.809768Z </font><font color="#4E9A06"> INFO</font> <b>fmt_compact</b><font color="#AAAAAA">: yak shaving completed </font><i>all_yaks_shaved</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=false</font>
/// </pre>
#[derive(Default, Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Compact;
/// Marker for [`Format`] that indicates that the default log format should be used.
/// This formatter shows the span context before printing event data. Spans are
/// displayed including their names and fields.
/// # Example Output
/// <pre><font color="#4E9A06"><b>:;</b></font> <font color="#4E9A06">cargo</font> run --example fmt
/// <font color="#4E9A06"><b> Finished</b></font> dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.08s
/// <font color="#4E9A06"><b> Running</b></font> `target/debug/examples/fmt`
/// <font color="#AAAAAA">2022-02-15T18:40:14.289898Z </font><font color="#4E9A06"> INFO</font> fmt: preparing to shave yaks <i>number_of_yaks</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=3</font>
/// <font color="#AAAAAA">2022-02-15T18:40:14.289974Z </font><font color="#4E9A06"> INFO</font> <b>shaving_yaks{</b><i>yaks</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=3</font><b>}</b><font color="#AAAAAA">: fmt::yak_shave: shaving yaks</font>
/// <font color="#AAAAAA">2022-02-15T18:40:14.290011Z </font><font color="#75507B">TRACE</font> <b>shaving_yaks{</b><i>yaks</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=3</font><b>}</b><font color="#AAAAAA">:</font><b>shave{</b><i>yak</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=1</font><b>}</b><font color="#AAAAAA">: fmt::yak_shave: hello! I&apos;m gonna shave a yak </font><i>excitement</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=&quot;yay!&quot;</font>
/// <font color="#AAAAAA">2022-02-15T18:40:14.290038Z </font><font color="#75507B">TRACE</font> <b>shaving_yaks{</b><i>yaks</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=3</font><b>}</b><font color="#AAAAAA">:</font><b>shave{</b><i>yak</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=1</font><b>}</b><font color="#AAAAAA">: fmt::yak_shave: yak shaved successfully</font>
/// <font color="#AAAAAA">2022-02-15T18:40:14.290070Z </font><font color="#3465A4">DEBUG</font> <b>shaving_yaks{</b><i>yaks</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=3</font><b>}</b><font color="#AAAAAA">: yak_events: </font><i>yak</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=1 </font><i>shaved</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=true</font>
/// <font color="#AAAAAA">2022-02-15T18:40:14.290089Z </font><font color="#75507B">TRACE</font> <b>shaving_yaks{</b><i>yaks</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=3</font><b>}</b><font color="#AAAAAA">: fmt::yak_shave: </font><i>yaks_shaved</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=1</font>
/// <font color="#AAAAAA">2022-02-15T18:40:14.290114Z </font><font color="#75507B">TRACE</font> <b>shaving_yaks{</b><i>yaks</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=3</font><b>}</b><font color="#AAAAAA">:</font><b>shave{</b><i>yak</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=2</font><b>}</b><font color="#AAAAAA">: fmt::yak_shave: hello! I&apos;m gonna shave a yak </font><i>excitement</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=&quot;yay!&quot;</font>
/// <font color="#AAAAAA">2022-02-15T18:40:14.290134Z </font><font color="#75507B">TRACE</font> <b>shaving_yaks{</b><i>yaks</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=3</font><b>}</b><font color="#AAAAAA">:</font><b>shave{</b><i>yak</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=2</font><b>}</b><font color="#AAAAAA">: fmt::yak_shave: yak shaved successfully</font>
/// <font color="#AAAAAA">2022-02-15T18:40:14.290157Z </font><font color="#3465A4">DEBUG</font> <b>shaving_yaks{</b><i>yaks</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=3</font><b>}</b><font color="#AAAAAA">: yak_events: </font><i>yak</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=2 </font><i>shaved</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=true</font>
/// <font color="#AAAAAA">2022-02-15T18:40:14.290174Z </font><font color="#75507B">TRACE</font> <b>shaving_yaks{</b><i>yaks</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=3</font><b>}</b><font color="#AAAAAA">: fmt::yak_shave: </font><i>yaks_shaved</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=2</font>
/// <font color="#AAAAAA">2022-02-15T18:40:14.290198Z </font><font color="#75507B">TRACE</font> <b>shaving_yaks{</b><i>yaks</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=3</font><b>}</b><font color="#AAAAAA">:</font><b>shave{</b><i>yak</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=3</font><b>}</b><font color="#AAAAAA">: fmt::yak_shave: hello! I&apos;m gonna shave a yak </font><i>excitement</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=&quot;yay!&quot;</font>
/// <font color="#AAAAAA">2022-02-15T18:40:14.290222Z </font><font color="#C4A000"> WARN</font> <b>shaving_yaks{</b><i>yaks</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=3</font><b>}</b><font color="#AAAAAA">:</font><b>shave{</b><i>yak</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=3</font><b>}</b><font color="#AAAAAA">: fmt::yak_shave: could not locate yak</font>
/// <font color="#AAAAAA">2022-02-15T18:40:14.290247Z </font><font color="#3465A4">DEBUG</font> <b>shaving_yaks{</b><i>yaks</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=3</font><b>}</b><font color="#AAAAAA">: yak_events: </font><i>yak</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=3 </font><i>shaved</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=false</font>
/// <font color="#AAAAAA">2022-02-15T18:40:14.290268Z </font><font color="#CC0000">ERROR</font> <b>shaving_yaks{</b><i>yaks</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=3</font><b>}</b><font color="#AAAAAA">: fmt::yak_shave: failed to shave yak </font><i>yak</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=3 </font><i>error</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=missing yak </font><i>error.sources</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=[out of space, out of cash]</font>
/// <font color="#AAAAAA">2022-02-15T18:40:14.290287Z </font><font color="#75507B">TRACE</font> <b>shaving_yaks{</b><i>yaks</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=3</font><b>}</b><font color="#AAAAAA">: fmt::yak_shave: </font><i>yaks_shaved</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=2</font>
/// <font color="#AAAAAA">2022-02-15T18:40:14.290309Z </font><font color="#4E9A06"> INFO</font> fmt: yak shaving completed. <i>all_yaks_shaved</i><font color="#AAAAAA">=false</font>
/// </pre>
#[derive(Default, Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Full;
/// A pre-configured event formatter.
/// You will usually want to use this as the `FormatEvent` for a `FmtSubscriber`.
/// The default logging format, [`Full`] includes all fields in each event and its containing
/// spans. The [`Compact`] logging format is intended to produce shorter log
/// lines; it displays each event's fields, along with fields from the current
/// span context, but other information is abbreviated. The [`Pretty`] logging
/// format is an extra-verbose, multi-line human-readable logging format
/// intended for use in development.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Format<F = Full, T = SystemTime> {
format: F,
pub(crate) timer: T,
pub(crate) ansi: Option<bool>,
pub(crate) display_timestamp: bool,
pub(crate) display_target: bool,
pub(crate) display_level: bool,
pub(crate) display_thread_id: bool,
pub(crate) display_thread_name: bool,
pub(crate) display_filename: bool,
pub(crate) display_line_number: bool,
// === impl Writer ===
impl<'writer> Writer<'writer> {
// TODO(eliza): consider making this a public API?
// We may not want to do that if we choose to expose specialized
// constructors instead (e.g. `from_string` that stores whether the string
// is empty...?)
pub(crate) fn new(writer: &'writer mut impl fmt::Write) -> Self {
Self {
writer: writer as &mut dyn fmt::Write,
is_ansi: false,
// TODO(eliza): consider making this a public API?
pub(crate) fn with_ansi(self, is_ansi: bool) -> Self {
Self { is_ansi, ..self }
/// Return a new `Writer` that mutably borrows `self`.
/// This can be used to temporarily borrow a `Writer` to pass a new `Writer`
/// to a function that takes a `Writer` by value, allowing the original writer
/// to still be used once that function returns.
pub fn by_ref(&mut self) -> Writer<'_> {
let is_ansi = self.is_ansi;
Writer {
writer: self as &mut dyn fmt::Write,
/// Writes a string slice into this `Writer`, returning whether the write succeeded.
/// This method can only succeed if the entire string slice was successfully
/// written, and this method will not return until all data has been written
/// or an error occurs.
/// This is identical to calling the [`write_str` method] from the `Writer`'s
/// [`std::fmt::Write`] implementation. However, it is also provided as an
/// inherent method, so that `Writer`s can be used without needing to import the
/// [`std::fmt::Write`] trait.
/// # Errors
/// This function will return an instance of [`std::fmt::Error`] on error.
/// [`write_str` method]: std::fmt::Write::write_str
pub fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> fmt::Result {
/// Writes a [`char`] into this writer, returning whether the write succeeded.
/// A single [`char`] may be encoded as more than one byte.
/// This method can only succeed if the entire byte sequence was successfully
/// written, and this method will not return until all data has been
/// written or an error occurs.
/// This is identical to calling the [`write_char` method] from the `Writer`'s
/// [`std::fmt::Write`] implementation. However, it is also provided as an
/// inherent method, so that `Writer`s can be used without needing to import the
/// [`std::fmt::Write`] trait.
/// # Errors
/// This function will return an instance of [`std::fmt::Error`] on error.
/// [`write_char` method]: std::fmt::Write::write_char
pub fn write_char(&mut self, c: char) -> fmt::Result {
/// Glue for usage of the [`write!`] macro with `Writer`s.
/// This method should generally not be invoked manually, but rather through
/// the [`write!`] macro itself.
/// This is identical to calling the [`write_fmt` method] from the `Writer`'s
/// [`std::fmt::Write`] implementation. However, it is also provided as an
/// inherent method, so that `Writer`s can be used with the [`write!` macro]
/// without needing to import the
/// [`std::fmt::Write`] trait.
/// [`write_fmt` method]: std::fmt::Write::write_fmt
pub fn write_fmt(&mut self, args: fmt::Arguments<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
/// Returns `true` if [ANSI escape codes] may be used to add colors
/// and other formatting when writing to this `Writer`.
/// If this returns `false`, formatters should not emit ANSI escape codes.
/// [ANSI escape codes]:
pub fn has_ansi_escapes(&self) -> bool {
pub(in crate::fmt::format) fn bold(&self) -> Style {
#[cfg(feature = "ansi")]
if self.is_ansi {
return Style::new().bold();
pub(in crate::fmt::format) fn dimmed(&self) -> Style {
#[cfg(feature = "ansi")]
if self.is_ansi {
return Style::new().dimmed();
pub(in crate::fmt::format) fn italic(&self) -> Style {
#[cfg(feature = "ansi")]
if self.is_ansi {
return Style::new().italic();
impl fmt::Write for Writer<'_> {
fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> fmt::Result {
Writer::write_str(self, s)
fn write_char(&mut self, c: char) -> fmt::Result {
Writer::write_char(self, c)
fn write_fmt(&mut self, args: fmt::Arguments<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
Writer::write_fmt(self, args)
impl fmt::Debug for Writer<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("writer", &format_args!("<&mut dyn fmt::Write>"))
.field("is_ansi", &self.is_ansi)
// === impl Format ===
impl Default for Format<Full, SystemTime> {
fn default() -> Self {
Format {
format: Full,
timer: SystemTime,
ansi: None,
display_timestamp: true,
display_target: true,
display_level: true,
display_thread_id: false,
display_thread_name: false,
display_filename: false,
display_line_number: false,
impl<F, T> Format<F, T> {
/// Use a less verbose output format.
/// See [`Compact`].
pub fn compact(self) -> Format<Compact, T> {
Format {
format: Compact,
timer: self.timer,
ansi: self.ansi,
display_target: self.display_target,
display_timestamp: self.display_timestamp,
display_level: self.display_level,
display_thread_id: self.display_thread_id,
display_thread_name: self.display_thread_name,
display_filename: self.display_filename,
display_line_number: self.display_line_number,
/// Use an excessively pretty, human-readable output format.
/// See [`Pretty`].
/// Note that this requires the "ansi" feature to be enabled.
/// # Options
/// [`Format::with_ansi`] can be used to disable ANSI terminal escape codes (which enable
/// formatting such as colors, bold, italic, etc) in event formatting. However, a field
/// formatter must be manually provided to avoid ANSI in the formatting of parent spans, like
/// so:
/// ```
/// # use tracing_subscriber::fmt::format;
/// tracing_subscriber::fmt()
/// .pretty()
/// .with_ansi(false)
/// .fmt_fields(format::PrettyFields::new().with_ansi(false))
/// // ... other settings ...
/// .init();
/// ```
#[cfg(feature = "ansi")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "ansi")))]
pub fn pretty(self) -> Format<Pretty, T> {
Format {
format: Pretty::default(),
timer: self.timer,
ansi: self.ansi,
display_target: self.display_target,
display_timestamp: self.display_timestamp,
display_level: self.display_level,
display_thread_id: self.display_thread_id,
display_thread_name: self.display_thread_name,
display_filename: true,
display_line_number: true,
/// Use the full JSON format.
/// The full format includes fields from all entered spans.
/// # Example Output
/// ```ignore,json
/// {"timestamp":"Feb 20 11:28:15.096","level":"INFO","target":"mycrate","fields":{"message":"some message", "key": "value"}}
/// ```
/// # Options
/// - [`Format::flatten_event`] can be used to enable flattening event fields into the root
/// object.
#[cfg(feature = "json")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "json")))]
pub fn json(self) -> Format<Json, T> {
Format {
format: Json::default(),
timer: self.timer,
ansi: self.ansi,
display_target: self.display_target,
display_timestamp: self.display_timestamp,
display_level: self.display_level,
display_thread_id: self.display_thread_id,
display_thread_name: self.display_thread_name,
display_filename: self.display_filename,
display_line_number: self.display_line_number,
/// Use the given [`timer`] for log message timestamps.
/// See [`time` module] for the provided timer implementations.
/// Note that using the `"time"` feature flag enables the
/// additional time formatters [`UtcTime`] and [`LocalTime`], which use the
/// [`time` crate] to provide more sophisticated timestamp formatting
/// options.
/// [`timer`]: super::time::FormatTime
/// [`time` module]: mod@super::time
/// [`UtcTime`]: super::time::UtcTime
/// [`LocalTime`]: super::time::LocalTime
/// [`time` crate]:
pub fn with_timer<T2>(self, timer: T2) -> Format<F, T2> {
Format {
format: self.format,
ansi: self.ansi,
display_target: self.display_target,
display_timestamp: self.display_timestamp,
display_level: self.display_level,
display_thread_id: self.display_thread_id,
display_thread_name: self.display_thread_name,
display_filename: self.display_filename,
display_line_number: self.display_line_number,
/// Do not emit timestamps with log messages.
pub fn without_time(self) -> Format<F, ()> {
Format {
format: self.format,
timer: (),
ansi: self.ansi,
display_timestamp: false,
display_target: self.display_target,
display_level: self.display_level,
display_thread_id: self.display_thread_id,
display_thread_name: self.display_thread_name,
display_filename: self.display_filename,
display_line_number: self.display_line_number,
/// Enable ANSI terminal colors for formatted output.
pub fn with_ansi(self, ansi: bool) -> Format<F, T> {
Format {
ansi: Some(ansi),
/// Sets whether or not an event's target is displayed.
pub fn with_target(self, display_target: bool) -> Format<F, T> {
Format {
/// Sets whether or not an event's level is displayed.
pub fn with_level(self, display_level: bool) -> Format<F, T> {
Format {
/// Sets whether or not the [thread ID] of the current thread is displayed
/// when formatting events.
/// [thread ID]: std::thread::ThreadId
pub fn with_thread_ids(self, display_thread_id: bool) -> Format<F, T> {
Format {
/// Sets whether or not the [name] of the current thread is displayed
/// when formatting events.
/// [name]: std::thread#naming-threads
pub fn with_thread_names(self, display_thread_name: bool) -> Format<F, T> {
Format {
/// Sets whether or not an event's [source code file path][file] is
/// displayed.
/// [file]: tracing_core::Metadata::file
pub fn with_file(self, display_filename: bool) -> Format<F, T> {
Format {
/// Sets whether or not an event's [source code line number][line] is
/// displayed.
/// [line]: tracing_core::Metadata::line
pub fn with_line_number(self, display_line_number: bool) -> Format<F, T> {
Format {
/// Sets whether or not the source code location from which an event
/// originated is displayed.
/// This is equivalent to calling [`Format::with_file`] and
/// [`Format::with_line_number`] with the same value.
pub fn with_source_location(self, display_location: bool) -> Self {
fn format_timestamp(&self, writer: &mut Writer<'_>) -> fmt::Result
T: FormatTime,
// If timestamps are disabled, do nothing.
if !self.display_timestamp {
return Ok(());
// If ANSI color codes are enabled, format the timestamp with ANSI
// colors.
#[cfg(feature = "ansi")]
if writer.has_ansi_escapes() {
let style = Style::new().dimmed();
write!(writer, "{}", style.prefix())?;
// If getting the timestamp failed, don't bail --- only bail on
// formatting errors.
if self.timer.format_time(writer).is_err() {
writer.write_str("<unknown time>")?;
write!(writer, "{} ", style.suffix())?;
return Ok(());
// Otherwise, just format the timestamp without ANSI formatting.
// If getting the timestamp failed, don't bail --- only bail on
// formatting errors.
if self.timer.format_time(writer).is_err() {
writer.write_str("<unknown time>")?;
writer.write_char(' ')
#[cfg(feature = "json")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "json")))]
impl<T> Format<Json, T> {
/// Use the full JSON format with the event's event fields flattened.
/// # Example Output
/// ```ignore,json
/// {"timestamp":"Feb 20 11:28:15.096","level":"INFO","target":"mycrate", "message":"some message", "key": "value"}
/// ```
/// See [`Json`][super::format::Json].
#[cfg(feature = "json")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "json")))]
pub fn flatten_event(mut self, flatten_event: bool) -> Format<Json, T> {
/// Sets whether or not the formatter will include the current span in
/// formatted events.
/// See [`format::Json`][Json]
#[cfg(feature = "json")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "json")))]
pub fn with_current_span(mut self, display_current_span: bool) -> Format<Json, T> {
/// Sets whether or not the formatter will include a list (from root to
/// leaf) of all currently entered spans in formatted events.
/// See [`format::Json`][Json]
#[cfg(feature = "json")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "json")))]
pub fn with_span_list(mut self, display_span_list: bool) -> Format<Json, T> {
impl<S, N, T> FormatEvent<S, N> for Format<Full, T>
S: Subscriber + for<'a> LookupSpan<'a>,
N: for<'a> FormatFields<'a> + 'static,
T: FormatTime,
fn format_event(
ctx: &FmtContext<'_, S, N>,
mut writer: Writer<'_>,
event: &Event<'_>,
) -> fmt::Result {
#[cfg(feature = "tracing-log")]
let normalized_meta = event.normalized_metadata();
#[cfg(feature = "tracing-log")]
let meta = normalized_meta.as_ref().unwrap_or_else(|| event.metadata());
#[cfg(not(feature = "tracing-log"))]
let meta = event.metadata();
// if the `Format` struct *also* has an ANSI color configuration,
// override the writer...the API for configuring ANSI color codes on the
// `Format` struct is deprecated, but we still need to honor those
// configurations.
if let Some(ansi) = self.ansi {
writer = writer.with_ansi(ansi);
self.format_timestamp(&mut writer)?;
if self.display_level {
let fmt_level = {
#[cfg(feature = "ansi")]
FmtLevel::new(meta.level(), writer.has_ansi_escapes())
#[cfg(not(feature = "ansi"))]
write!(writer, "{} ", fmt_level)?;
if self.display_thread_name {
let current_thread = std::thread::current();
match {
Some(name) => {
write!(writer, "{} ", FmtThreadName::new(name))?;
// fall-back to thread id when name is absent and ids are not enabled
None if !self.display_thread_id => {
write!(writer, "{:0>2?} ",;
_ => {}
if self.display_thread_id {
write!(writer, "{:0>2?} ", std::thread::current().id())?;
let dimmed = writer.dimmed();
if let Some(scope) = ctx.event_scope() {
let bold = writer.bold();
let mut seen = false;
for span in scope.from_root() {
write!(writer, "{}", bold.paint(span.metadata().name()))?;
seen = true;
let ext = span.extensions();
if let Some(fields) = &ext.get::<FormattedFields<N>>() {
if !fields.is_empty() {
write!(writer, "{}{}{}", bold.paint("{"), fields, bold.paint("}"))?;
write!(writer, "{}", dimmed.paint(":"))?;
if seen {
writer.write_char(' ')?;
if self.display_target {
"{}{} ",
let line_number = if self.display_line_number {
} else {
if self.display_filename {
if let Some(filename) = meta.file() {
if line_number.is_some() { "" } else { " " }
if let Some(line_number) = line_number {
"{}{}:{} ",
ctx.format_fields(writer.by_ref(), event)?;
impl<S, N, T> FormatEvent<S, N> for Format<Compact, T>
S: Subscriber + for<'a> LookupSpan<'a>,
N: for<'a> FormatFields<'a> + 'static,
T: FormatTime,
fn format_event(
ctx: &FmtContext<'_, S, N>,
mut writer: Writer<'_>,
event: &Event<'_>,
) -> fmt::Result {
#[cfg(feature = "tracing-log")]
let normalized_meta = event.normalized_metadata();
#[cfg(feature = "tracing-log")]
let meta = normalized_meta.as_ref().unwrap_or_else(|| event.metadata());
#[cfg(not(feature = "tracing-log"))]
let meta = event.metadata();
// if the `Format` struct *also* has an ANSI color configuration,
// override the writer...the API for configuring ANSI color codes on the
// `Format` struct is deprecated, but we still need to honor those
// configurations.
if let Some(ansi) = self.ansi {
writer = writer.with_ansi(ansi);
self.format_timestamp(&mut writer)?;
if self.display_level {
let fmt_level = {
#[cfg(feature = "ansi")]
FmtLevel::new(meta.level(), writer.has_ansi_escapes())
#[cfg(not(feature = "ansi"))]
write!(writer, "{} ", fmt_level)?;
if self.display_thread_name {
let current_thread = std::thread::current();
match {
Some(name) => {
write!(writer, "{} ", FmtThreadName::new(name))?;
// fall-back to thread id when name is absent and ids are not enabled
None if !self.display_thread_id => {
write!(writer, "{:0>2?} ",;
_ => {}
if self.display_thread_id {
write!(writer, "{:0>2?} ", std::thread::current().id())?;
let fmt_ctx = {
#[cfg(feature = "ansi")]
FmtCtx::new(ctx, event.parent(), writer.has_ansi_escapes())
#[cfg(not(feature = "ansi"))]
FmtCtx::new(&ctx, event.parent())
write!(writer, "{}", fmt_ctx)?;
let bold = writer.bold();
let dimmed = writer.dimmed();
let mut needs_space = false;
if self.display_target {
write!(writer, "{}{}", bold.paint(, dimmed.paint(":"))?;
needs_space = true;
if self.display_filename {
if let Some(filename) = meta.file() {
if self.display_target {
writer.write_char(' ')?;
write!(writer, "{}{}", bold.paint(filename), dimmed.paint(":"))?;
needs_space = true;
if self.display_line_number {
if let Some(line_number) = meta.line() {
needs_space = true;
if needs_space {
writer.write_char(' ')?;
ctx.format_fields(writer.by_ref(), event)?;
for span in ctx
let exts = span.extensions();
if let Some(fields) = exts.get::<FormattedFields<N>>() {
if !fields.is_empty() {
write!(writer, " {}", dimmed.paint(&fields.fields))?;
// === impl FormatFields ===
impl<'writer, M> FormatFields<'writer> for M
M: MakeOutput<Writer<'writer>, fmt::Result>,
M::Visitor: VisitFmt + VisitOutput<fmt::Result>,
fn format_fields<R: RecordFields>(&self, writer: Writer<'writer>, fields: R) -> fmt::Result {
let mut v = self.make_visitor(writer);
fields.record(&mut v);
/// The default [`FormatFields`] implementation.
pub struct DefaultFields {
// reserve the ability to add fields to this without causing a breaking
// change in the future.
_private: (),
/// The [visitor] produced by [`DefaultFields`]'s [`MakeVisitor`] implementation.
/// [visitor]: super::super::field::Visit
/// [`MakeVisitor`]: super::super::field::MakeVisitor
pub struct DefaultVisitor<'a> {
writer: Writer<'a>,
is_empty: bool,
result: fmt::Result,
impl DefaultFields {
/// Returns a new default [`FormatFields`] implementation.
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self { _private: () }
impl Default for DefaultFields {
fn default() -> Self {
impl<'a> MakeVisitor<Writer<'a>> for DefaultFields {
type Visitor = DefaultVisitor<'a>;
fn make_visitor(&self, target: Writer<'a>) -> Self::Visitor {
DefaultVisitor::new(target, true)
// === impl DefaultVisitor ===
impl<'a> DefaultVisitor<'a> {
/// Returns a new default visitor that formats to the provided `writer`.
/// # Arguments
/// - `writer`: the writer to format to.
/// - `is_empty`: whether or not any fields have been previously written to
/// that writer.
pub fn new(writer: Writer<'a>, is_empty: bool) -> Self {
Self {
result: Ok(()),
fn maybe_pad(&mut self) {
if self.is_empty {
self.is_empty = false;
} else {
self.result = write!(self.writer, " ");
impl<'a> field::Visit for DefaultVisitor<'a> {
fn record_str(&mut self, field: &Field, value: &str) {
if self.result.is_err() {
if == "message" {
self.record_debug(field, &format_args!("{}", value))
} else {
self.record_debug(field, &value)
fn record_error(&mut self, field: &Field, value: &(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)) {
if let Some(source) = value.source() {
let italic = self.writer.italic();
"{} {}{}{}{}",
} else {
self.record_debug(field, &format_args!("{}", value))
fn record_debug(&mut self, field: &Field, value: &dyn fmt::Debug) {
if self.result.is_err() {
self.result = match {
"message" => write!(self.writer, "{:?}", value),
// Skip fields that are actually log metadata that have already been handled
#[cfg(feature = "tracing-log")]
name if name.starts_with("log.") => Ok(()),
name if name.starts_with("r#") => write!(
name => write!(
impl<'a> crate::field::VisitOutput<fmt::Result> for DefaultVisitor<'a> {
fn finish(self) -> fmt::Result {
impl<'a> crate::field::VisitFmt for DefaultVisitor<'a> {
fn writer(&mut self) -> &mut dyn fmt::Write {
&mut self.writer
/// Renders an error into a list of sources, *including* the error
struct ErrorSourceList<'a>(&'a (dyn std::error::Error + 'static));
impl<'a> Display for ErrorSourceList<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let mut list = f.debug_list();
let mut curr = Some(self.0);
while let Some(curr_err) = curr {
list.entry(&format_args!("{}", curr_err));
curr = curr_err.source();
struct FmtCtx<'a, S, N> {
ctx: &'a FmtContext<'a, S, N>,
span: Option<&'a span::Id>,
#[cfg(feature = "ansi")]
ansi: bool,
impl<'a, S, N: 'a> FmtCtx<'a, S, N>
S: Subscriber + for<'lookup> LookupSpan<'lookup>,
N: for<'writer> FormatFields<'writer> + 'static,
#[cfg(feature = "ansi")]
pub(crate) fn new(
ctx: &'a FmtContext<'_, S, N>,
span: Option<&'a span::Id>,
ansi: bool,
) -> Self {
Self { ctx, span, ansi }
#[cfg(not(feature = "ansi"))]
pub(crate) fn new(ctx: &'a FmtContext<'_, S, N>, span: Option<&'a span::Id>) -> Self {
Self { ctx, span }
fn bold(&self) -> Style {
#[cfg(feature = "ansi")]
if self.ansi {
return Style::new().bold();
impl<'a, S, N: 'a> fmt::Display for FmtCtx<'a, S, N>
S: Subscriber + for<'lookup> LookupSpan<'lookup>,
N: for<'writer> FormatFields<'writer> + 'static,
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let bold = self.bold();
let mut seen = false;
let span = self
.and_then(|id| self.ctx.ctx.span(id))
.or_else(|| self.ctx.ctx.lookup_current());
let scope = span.into_iter().flat_map(|span| span.scope().from_root());
for span in scope {
seen = true;
write!(f, "{}:", bold.paint(span.metadata().name()))?;
if seen {
f.write_char(' ')?;
#[cfg(not(feature = "ansi"))]
struct Style;
#[cfg(not(feature = "ansi"))]
impl Style {
fn new() -> Self {
fn bold(self) -> Self {
fn paint(&self, d: impl fmt::Display) -> impl fmt::Display {
fn prefix(&self) -> impl fmt::Display {
fn suffix(&self) -> impl fmt::Display {
struct FmtThreadName<'a> {
name: &'a str,
impl<'a> FmtThreadName<'a> {
pub(crate) fn new(name: &'a str) -> Self {
Self { name }
impl<'a> fmt::Display for FmtThreadName<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
use std::sync::atomic::{
Ordering::{AcqRel, Acquire, Relaxed},
// Track the longest thread name length we've seen so far in an atomic,
// so that it can be updated by any thread.
static MAX_LEN: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
let len =;
// Snapshot the current max thread name length.
let mut max_len = MAX_LEN.load(Relaxed);
while len > max_len {
// Try to set a new max length, if it is still the value we took a
// snapshot of.
match MAX_LEN.compare_exchange(max_len, len, AcqRel, Acquire) {
// We successfully set the new max value
Ok(_) => break,
// Another thread set a new max value since we last observed
// it! It's possible that the new length is actually longer than
// ours, so we'll loop again and check whether our length is
// still the longest. If not, we'll just use the newer value.
Err(actual) => max_len = actual,
// pad thread name using `max_len`
write!(f, "{:>width$}",, width = max_len)
struct FmtLevel<'a> {
level: &'a Level,
#[cfg(feature = "ansi")]
ansi: bool,
impl<'a> FmtLevel<'a> {
#[cfg(feature = "ansi")]
pub(crate) fn new(level: &'a Level, ansi: bool) -> Self {
Self { level, ansi }
#[cfg(not(feature = "ansi"))]
pub(crate) fn new(level: &'a Level) -> Self {
Self { level }
const TRACE_STR: &str = "TRACE";
const DEBUG_STR: &str = "DEBUG";
const INFO_STR: &str = " INFO";
const WARN_STR: &str = " WARN";
const ERROR_STR: &str = "ERROR";
#[cfg(not(feature = "ansi"))]
impl<'a> fmt::Display for FmtLevel<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match *self.level {
Level::TRACE => f.pad(TRACE_STR),
Level::DEBUG => f.pad(DEBUG_STR),
Level::INFO => f.pad(INFO_STR),
Level::WARN => f.pad(WARN_STR),
Level::ERROR => f.pad(ERROR_STR),
#[cfg(feature = "ansi")]
impl<'a> fmt::Display for FmtLevel<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
if self.ansi {
match *self.level {
Level::TRACE => write!(f, "{}", Color::Purple.paint(TRACE_STR)),
Level::DEBUG => write!(f, "{}", Color::Blue.paint(DEBUG_STR)),
Level::INFO => write!(f, "{}", Color::Green.paint(INFO_STR)),
Level::WARN => write!(f, "{}", Color::Yellow.paint(WARN_STR)),
Level::ERROR => write!(f, "{}", Color::Red.paint(ERROR_STR)),
} else {
match *self.level {
Level::TRACE => f.pad(TRACE_STR),
Level::DEBUG => f.pad(DEBUG_STR),
Level::INFO => f.pad(INFO_STR),
Level::WARN => f.pad(WARN_STR),
Level::ERROR => f.pad(ERROR_STR),
// === impl FieldFn ===
impl<'a, F> MakeVisitor<Writer<'a>> for FieldFn<F>
F: Fn(&mut Writer<'a>, &Field, &dyn fmt::Debug) -> fmt::Result + Clone,
type Visitor = FieldFnVisitor<'a, F>;
fn make_visitor(&self, writer: Writer<'a>) -> Self::Visitor {
FieldFnVisitor {
f: self.0.clone(),
result: Ok(()),
impl<'a, F> Visit for FieldFnVisitor<'a, F>
F: Fn(&mut Writer<'a>, &Field, &dyn fmt::Debug) -> fmt::Result,
fn record_debug(&mut self, field: &Field, value: &dyn fmt::Debug) {
if self.result.is_ok() {
self.result = (self.f)(&mut self.writer, field, value)
impl<'a, F> VisitOutput<fmt::Result> for FieldFnVisitor<'a, F>
F: Fn(&mut Writer<'a>, &Field, &dyn fmt::Debug) -> fmt::Result,
fn finish(self) -> fmt::Result {
impl<'a, F> VisitFmt for FieldFnVisitor<'a, F>
F: Fn(&mut Writer<'a>, &Field, &dyn fmt::Debug) -> fmt::Result,
fn writer(&mut self) -> &mut dyn fmt::Write {
&mut self.writer
impl<'a, F> fmt::Debug for FieldFnVisitor<'a, F> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("f", &format_args!("{}", std::any::type_name::<F>()))
.field("writer", &self.writer)
.field("result", &self.result)
// === printing synthetic Span events ===
/// Configures what points in the span lifecycle are logged as events.
/// See also [`with_span_events`](super::SubscriberBuilder.html::with_span_events).
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
pub struct FmtSpan(u8);
impl FmtSpan {
/// one event when span is created
pub const NEW: FmtSpan = FmtSpan(1 << 0);
/// one event per enter of a span
pub const ENTER: FmtSpan = FmtSpan(1 << 1);
/// one event per exit of a span
pub const EXIT: FmtSpan = FmtSpan(1 << 2);
/// one event when the span is dropped
pub const CLOSE: FmtSpan = FmtSpan(1 << 3);
/// spans are ignored (this is the default)
pub const NONE: FmtSpan = FmtSpan(0);
/// one event per enter/exit of a span
pub const ACTIVE: FmtSpan = FmtSpan(FmtSpan::ENTER.0 | FmtSpan::EXIT.0);
/// events at all points (new, enter, exit, drop)
pub const FULL: FmtSpan =
FmtSpan(FmtSpan::NEW.0 | FmtSpan::ENTER.0 | FmtSpan::EXIT.0 | FmtSpan::CLOSE.0);
/// Check whether or not a certain flag is set for this [`FmtSpan`]
fn contains(&self, other: FmtSpan) -> bool {
self.clone() & other.clone() == other
macro_rules! impl_fmt_span_bit_op {
($trait:ident, $func:ident, $op:tt) => {
impl std::ops::$trait for FmtSpan {
type Output = FmtSpan;
fn $func(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
FmtSpan(self.0 $op rhs.0)
macro_rules! impl_fmt_span_bit_assign_op {
($trait:ident, $func:ident, $op:tt) => {
impl std::ops::$trait for FmtSpan {
fn $func(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
*self = FmtSpan(self.0 $op rhs.0)
impl_fmt_span_bit_op!(BitAnd, bitand, &);
impl_fmt_span_bit_op!(BitOr, bitor, |);
impl_fmt_span_bit_op!(BitXor, bitxor, ^);
impl_fmt_span_bit_assign_op!(BitAndAssign, bitand_assign, &);
impl_fmt_span_bit_assign_op!(BitOrAssign, bitor_assign, |);
impl_fmt_span_bit_assign_op!(BitXorAssign, bitxor_assign, ^);
impl Debug for FmtSpan {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let mut wrote_flag = false;
let mut write_flags = |flag, flag_str| -> fmt::Result {
if self.contains(flag) {
if wrote_flag {
f.write_str(" | ")?;
wrote_flag = true;
if FmtSpan::NONE | self.clone() == FmtSpan::NONE {
} else {
write_flags(FmtSpan::NEW, "FmtSpan::NEW")?;
write_flags(FmtSpan::ENTER, "FmtSpan::ENTER")?;
write_flags(FmtSpan::EXIT, "FmtSpan::EXIT")?;
write_flags(FmtSpan::CLOSE, "FmtSpan::CLOSE")?;
pub(super) struct FmtSpanConfig {
pub(super) kind: FmtSpan,
pub(super) fmt_timing: bool,
impl FmtSpanConfig {
pub(super) fn without_time(self) -> Self {
Self {
kind: self.kind,
fmt_timing: false,
pub(super) fn with_kind(self, kind: FmtSpan) -> Self {
Self {
fmt_timing: self.fmt_timing,
pub(super) fn trace_new(&self) -> bool {
pub(super) fn trace_enter(&self) -> bool {
pub(super) fn trace_exit(&self) -> bool {
pub(super) fn trace_close(&self) -> bool {
impl Debug for FmtSpanConfig {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
impl Default for FmtSpanConfig {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
kind: FmtSpan::NONE,
fmt_timing: true,
pub(super) struct TimingDisplay(pub(super) u64);
impl Display for TimingDisplay {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let mut t = self.0 as f64;
for unit in ["ns", "µs", "ms", "s"].iter() {
if t < 10.0 {
return write!(f, "{:.2}{}", t, unit);
} else if t < 100.0 {
return write!(f, "{:.1}{}", t, unit);
} else if t < 1000.0 {
return write!(f, "{:.0}{}", t, unit);
t /= 1000.0;
write!(f, "{:.0}s", t * 1000.0)
pub(super) mod test {
use crate::fmt::{test::MockMakeWriter, time::FormatTime};
use tracing::{
dispatcher::{set_default, Dispatch},
use super::*;
use regex::Regex;
use std::{fmt, path::Path};
pub(crate) struct MockTime;
impl FormatTime for MockTime {
fn format_time(&self, w: &mut Writer<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(w, "fake time")
fn disable_everything() {
// This test reproduces
let make_writer = MockMakeWriter::default();
let subscriber = crate::fmt::Subscriber::builder()
#[cfg(feature = "ansi")]
let subscriber = subscriber.with_ansi(false);
assert_info_hello(subscriber, make_writer, "hello\n")
fn test_ansi<T>(
is_ansi: bool,
expected: &str,
builder: crate::fmt::SubscriberBuilder<DefaultFields, Format<T>>,
) where
Format<T, MockTime>: FormatEvent<crate::Registry, DefaultFields>,
T: Send + Sync + 'static,
let make_writer = MockMakeWriter::default();
let subscriber = builder
run_test(subscriber, make_writer, expected)
#[cfg(not(feature = "ansi"))]
fn test_without_ansi<T>(
expected: &str,
builder: crate::fmt::SubscriberBuilder<DefaultFields, Format<T>>,
) where
Format<T, MockTime>: FormatEvent<crate::Registry, DefaultFields>,
T: Send + Sync,
let make_writer = MockMakeWriter::default();
let subscriber = builder.with_writer(make_writer).with_timer(MockTime);
run_test(subscriber, make_writer, expected)
fn test_without_level<T>(
expected: &str,
builder: crate::fmt::SubscriberBuilder<DefaultFields, Format<T>>,
) where
Format<T, MockTime>: FormatEvent<crate::Registry, DefaultFields>,
T: Send + Sync + 'static,
let make_writer = MockMakeWriter::default();
let subscriber = builder
run_test(subscriber, make_writer, expected);
fn with_line_number_and_file_name() {
let make_writer = MockMakeWriter::default();
let subscriber = crate::fmt::Subscriber::builder()
let expected = Regex::new(&format!(
"^fake time tracing_subscriber::fmt::format::test: {}:[0-9]+: hello\n$",
// if we're on Windows, the path might contain backslashes, which
// have to be escpaed before compiling the regex.
.replace('\\', "\\\\")
let _default = set_default(&subscriber.into());
let res = make_writer.get_string();
fn with_line_number() {
let make_writer = MockMakeWriter::default();
let subscriber = crate::fmt::Subscriber::builder()
let expected =
Regex::new("^fake time tracing_subscriber::fmt::format::test: [0-9]+: hello\n$")
let _default = set_default(&subscriber.into());
let res = make_writer.get_string();
fn with_filename() {
let make_writer = MockMakeWriter::default();
let subscriber = crate::fmt::Subscriber::builder()
let expected = &format!(
"fake time tracing_subscriber::fmt::format::test: {}: hello\n",
assert_info_hello(subscriber, make_writer, expected);
fn with_thread_ids() {
let make_writer = MockMakeWriter::default();
let subscriber = crate::fmt::Subscriber::builder()
let expected =
"fake time INFO ThreadId(NUMERIC) tracing_subscriber::fmt::format::test: hello\n";
assert_info_hello_ignore_numeric(subscriber, make_writer, expected);
fn pretty_default() {
let make_writer = MockMakeWriter::default();
let subscriber = crate::fmt::Subscriber::builder()
let expected = format!(
r#" fake time INFO tracing_subscriber::fmt::format::test: hello
assert_info_hello_ignore_numeric(subscriber, make_writer, &expected)
fn assert_info_hello(subscriber: impl Into<Dispatch>, buf: MockMakeWriter, expected: &str) {
let _default = set_default(&subscriber.into());
let result = buf.get_string();
assert_eq!(expected, result)
// When numeric characters are used they often form a non-deterministic value as they usually represent things like a thread id or line number.
// This assert method should be used when non-deterministic numeric characters are present.
fn assert_info_hello_ignore_numeric(
subscriber: impl Into<Dispatch>,
buf: MockMakeWriter,
expected: &str,
) {
let _default = set_default(&subscriber.into());
let regex = Regex::new("[0-9]+").unwrap();
let result = buf.get_string();
let result_cleaned = regex.replace_all(&result, "NUMERIC");
assert_eq!(expected, result_cleaned)
fn test_overridden_parents<T>(
expected: &str,
builder: crate::fmt::SubscriberBuilder<DefaultFields, Format<T>>,
) where
Format<T, MockTime>: FormatEvent<crate::Registry, DefaultFields>,
T: Send + Sync + 'static,
let make_writer = MockMakeWriter::default();
let subscriber = builder
with_default(subscriber, || {
let span1 = tracing::info_span!("span1", span = 1);
let span2 = tracing::info_span!(parent: &span1, "span2", span = 2);
tracing::info!(parent: &span2, "hello");
assert_eq!(expected, make_writer.get_string());
fn test_overridden_parents_in_scope<T>(
expected1: &str,
expected2: &str,
builder: crate::fmt::SubscriberBuilder<DefaultFields, Format<T>>,
) where
Format<T, MockTime>: FormatEvent<crate::Registry, DefaultFields>,
T: Send + Sync + 'static,
let make_writer = MockMakeWriter::default();
let subscriber = builder
with_default(subscriber, || {
let span1 = tracing::info_span!("span1", span = 1);
let span2 = tracing::info_span!(parent: &span1, "span2", span = 2);
let span3 = tracing::info_span!("span3", span = 3);
let _e3 = span3.enter();
assert_eq!(expected1, make_writer.get_string().as_str());
tracing::info!(parent: &span2, "hello");
assert_eq!(expected2, make_writer.get_string().as_str());
fn run_test(subscriber: impl Into<Dispatch>, buf: MockMakeWriter, expected: &str) {
let _default = set_default(&subscriber.into());
assert_eq!(expected, buf.get_string())
mod default {
use super::*;
fn with_thread_ids() {
let make_writer = MockMakeWriter::default();
let subscriber = crate::fmt::Subscriber::builder()
let expected =
"fake time INFO ThreadId(NUMERIC) tracing_subscriber::fmt::format::test: hello\n";
assert_info_hello_ignore_numeric(subscriber, make_writer, expected);
#[cfg(feature = "ansi")]
fn with_ansi_true() {
let expected = "\u{1b}[2mfake time\u{1b}[0m \u{1b}[32m INFO\u{1b}[0m \u{1b}[2mtracing_subscriber::fmt::format::test\u{1b}[0m\u{1b}[2m:\u{1b}[0m hello\n";
test_ansi(true, expected, crate::fmt::Subscriber::builder());
#[cfg(feature = "ansi")]
fn with_ansi_false() {
let expected = "fake time INFO tracing_subscriber::fmt::format::test: hello\n";
test_ansi(false, expected, crate::fmt::Subscriber::builder());
#[cfg(not(feature = "ansi"))]
fn without_ansi() {
let expected = "fake time INFO tracing_subscriber::fmt::format::test: hello\n";
test_without_ansi(expected, crate::fmt::Subscriber::builder())
fn without_level() {
let expected = "fake time tracing_subscriber::fmt::format::test: hello\n";
test_without_level(expected, crate::fmt::Subscriber::builder())
fn overridden_parents() {
let expected = "fake time span1{span=1}:span2{span=2}: tracing_subscriber::fmt::format::test: hello\n";
test_overridden_parents(expected, crate::fmt::Subscriber::builder())
fn overridden_parents_in_scope() {
"fake time span3{span=3}: tracing_subscriber::fmt::format::test: hello\n",
"fake time span1{span=1}:span2{span=2}: tracing_subscriber::fmt::format::test: hello\n",
mod compact {
use super::*;
#[cfg(feature = "ansi")]
fn with_ansi_true() {
let expected = "\u{1b}[2mfake time\u{1b}[0m \u{1b}[32m INFO\u{1b}[0m \u{1b}[1mtracing_subscriber::fmt::format::test\u{1b}[0m\u{1b}[2m:\u{1b}[0m hello\n";
test_ansi(true, expected, crate::fmt::Subscriber::builder().compact())
#[cfg(feature = "ansi")]
fn with_ansi_false() {
let expected = "fake time INFO tracing_subscriber::fmt::format::test: hello\n";
test_ansi(false, expected, crate::fmt::Subscriber::builder().compact());
#[cfg(not(feature = "ansi"))]
fn without_ansi() {
let expected = "fake time INFO tracing_subscriber::fmt::format::test: hello\n";
test_without_ansi(expected, crate::fmt::Subscriber::builder().compact())
fn without_level() {
let expected = "fake time tracing_subscriber::fmt::format::test: hello\n";
test_without_level(expected, crate::fmt::Subscriber::builder().compact());
fn overridden_parents() {
let expected = "fake time span1:span2: tracing_subscriber::fmt::format::test: hello span=1 span=2\n";
test_overridden_parents(expected, crate::fmt::Subscriber::builder().compact())
fn overridden_parents_in_scope() {
"fake time span3: tracing_subscriber::fmt::format::test: hello span=3\n",
"fake time span1:span2: tracing_subscriber::fmt::format::test: hello span=1 span=2\n",
mod pretty {
use super::*;
fn pretty_default() {
let make_writer = MockMakeWriter::default();
let subscriber = crate::fmt::Subscriber::builder()
let expected = format!(
" fake time INFO tracing_subscriber::fmt::format::test: hello\n at {}:NUMERIC\n\n",
assert_info_hello_ignore_numeric(subscriber, make_writer, &expected)
fn format_nanos() {
fn fmt(t: u64) -> String {
assert_eq!(fmt(1), "1.00ns");
assert_eq!(fmt(12), "12.0ns");
assert_eq!(fmt(123), "123ns");
assert_eq!(fmt(1234), "1.23µs");
assert_eq!(fmt(12345), "12.3µs");
assert_eq!(fmt(123456), "123µs");
assert_eq!(fmt(1234567), "1.23ms");
assert_eq!(fmt(12345678), "12.3ms");
assert_eq!(fmt(123456789), "123ms");
assert_eq!(fmt(1234567890), "1.23s");
assert_eq!(fmt(12345678901), "12.3s");
assert_eq!(fmt(123456789012), "123s");
assert_eq!(fmt(1234567890123), "1235s");
fn fmt_span_combinations() {
let f = FmtSpan::NONE;
let f = FmtSpan::ACTIVE;
let f = FmtSpan::FULL;
let f = FmtSpan::NEW | FmtSpan::CLOSE;
/// Returns the test's module path.
fn current_path() -> String {
.expect("path must not contain invalid unicode")