blob: 81a9ae2bde898d60337a0df5b4d3d3dfaa0b2d8c [file] [log] [blame]
//! A `Layer` that enables or disables spans and events based on a set of
//! filtering directives.
// these are publicly re-exported, but the compiler doesn't realize
// that for some reason.
pub use self::{builder::Builder, directive::Directive, field::BadName as BadFieldName};
mod builder;
mod directive;
mod field;
use crate::{
layer::{Context, Layer},
use directive::ParseError;
use std::{cell::RefCell, collections::HashMap, env, error::Error, fmt, str::FromStr};
use thread_local::ThreadLocal;
use tracing_core::{
subscriber::{Interest, Subscriber},
/// A [`Layer`] which filters spans and events based on a set of filter
/// directives.
/// `EnvFilter` implements both the [`Layer`](#impl-Layer<S>) and [`Filter`] traits, so it may
/// be used for both [global filtering][global] and [per-layer filtering][plf],
/// respectively. See [the documentation on filtering with `Layer`s][filtering]
/// for details.
/// The [`Targets`] type implements a similar form of filtering, but without the
/// ability to dynamically enable events based on the current span context, and
/// without filtering on field values. When these features are not required,
/// [`Targets`] provides a lighter-weight alternative to [`EnvFilter`].
/// # Directives
/// A filter consists of one or more comma-separated directives which match on [`Span`]s and [`Event`]s.
/// Each directive may have a corresponding maximum verbosity [`level`] which
/// enables (e.g., _selects for_) spans and events that match. Like `log`,
/// `tracing` considers less exclusive levels (like `trace` or `info`) to be more
/// verbose than more exclusive levels (like `error` or `warn`).
/// The directive syntax is similar to that of [`env_logger`]'s. At a high level, the syntax for directives
/// consists of several parts:
/// ```text
/// target[span{field=value}]=level
/// ```
/// Each component (`target`, `span`, `field`, `value`, and `level`) will be covered in turn.
/// - `target` matches the event or span's target. In general, this is the module path and/or crate name.
/// Examples of targets `h2`, `tokio::net`, or `tide::server`. For more information on targets,
/// please refer to [`Metadata`]'s documentation.
/// - `span` matches on the span's name. If a `span` directive is provided alongside a `target`,
/// the `span` directive will match on spans _within_ the `target`.
/// - `field` matches on [fields] within spans. Field names can also be supplied without a `value`
/// and will match on any [`Span`] or [`Event`] that has a field with that name.
/// For example: `[span{field=\"value\"}]=debug`, `[{field}]=trace`.
/// - `value` matches on the value of a span's field. If a value is a numeric literal or a bool,
/// it will match _only_ on that value. Otherwise, this filter matches the
/// [`std::fmt::Debug`] output from the value.
/// - `level` sets a maximum verbosity level accepted by this directive.
/// When a field value directive (`[{<FIELD NAME>=<FIELD_VALUE>}]=...`) matches a
/// value's [`std::fmt::Debug`] output (i.e., the field value in the directive
/// is not a `bool`, `i64`, `u64`, or `f64` literal), the matched pattern may be
/// interpreted as either a regular expression or as the precise expected
/// output of the field's [`std::fmt::Debug`] implementation. By default, these
/// filters are interpreted as regular expressions, but this can be disabled
/// using the [`Builder::with_regex`] builder method to use precise matching
/// instead.
/// When field value filters are interpreted as regular expressions, the
/// [`regex-automata` crate's regular expression syntax][re-syntax] is
/// supported.
/// **Note**: When filters are constructed from potentially untrusted inputs,
/// [disabling regular expression matching](Builder::with_regex) is strongly
/// recommended.
/// ## Usage Notes
/// - The portion of the directive which is included within the square brackets is `tracing`-specific.
/// - Any portion of the directive can be omitted.
/// - The sole exception are the `field` and `value` directives. If a `value` is provided,
/// a `field` must _also_ be provided. However, the converse does not hold, as fields can
/// be matched without a value.
/// - If only a level is provided, it will set the maximum level for all `Span`s and `Event`s
/// that are not enabled by other filters.
/// - A directive without a level will enable anything that it matches. This is equivalent to `=trace`.
/// - When a crate has a dash in its name, the default target for events will be the
/// crate's module path as it appears in Rust. This means every dash will be replaced
/// with an underscore.
/// - A dash in a target will only appear when being specified explicitly:
/// `tracing::info!(target: "target-name", ...);`
/// ## Example Syntax
/// - `tokio::net=info` will enable all spans or events that:
/// - have the `tokio::net` target,
/// - at the level `info` or above.
/// - `warn,tokio::net=info` will enable all spans and events that:
/// - are at the level `warn` or above, *or*
/// - have the `tokio::net` target at the level `info` or above.
/// - `my_crate[span_a]=trace` will enable all spans and events that:
/// - are within the `span_a` span or named `span_a` _if_ `span_a` has the target `my_crate`,
/// - at the level `trace` or above.
/// - `[span_b{name=\"bob\"}]` will enable all spans or event that:
/// - have _any_ target,
/// - are inside a span named `span_b`,
/// - which has a field named `name` with value `bob`,
/// - at _any_ level.
/// # Examples
/// Parsing an `EnvFilter` from the [default environment
/// variable](EnvFilter::from_default_env) (`RUST_LOG`):
/// ```
/// use tracing_subscriber::{EnvFilter, fmt, prelude::*};
/// tracing_subscriber::registry()
/// .with(fmt::layer())
/// .with(EnvFilter::from_default_env())
/// .init();
/// ```
/// Parsing an `EnvFilter` [from a user-provided environment
/// variable](EnvFilter::from_env):
/// ```
/// use tracing_subscriber::{EnvFilter, fmt, prelude::*};
/// tracing_subscriber::registry()
/// .with(fmt::layer())
/// .with(EnvFilter::from_env("MYAPP_LOG"))
/// .init();
/// ```
/// Using `EnvFilter` as a [per-layer filter][plf] to filter only a single
/// [`Layer`]:
/// ```
/// use tracing_subscriber::{EnvFilter, fmt, prelude::*};
/// // Parse an `EnvFilter` configuration from the `RUST_LOG`
/// // environment variable.
/// let filter = EnvFilter::from_default_env();
/// // Apply the filter to this layer *only*.
/// let filtered_layer = fmt::layer().with_filter(filter);
/// // Some other layer, whose output we don't want to filter.
/// let unfiltered_layer = // ...
/// # fmt::layer();
/// tracing_subscriber::registry()
/// .with(filtered_layer)
/// .with(unfiltered_layer)
/// .init();
/// ```
/// # Constructing `EnvFilter`s
/// An `EnvFilter` is be constructed by parsing a string containing one or more
/// directives. The [`EnvFilter::new`] constructor parses an `EnvFilter` from a
/// string, ignoring any invalid directives, while [`EnvFilter::try_new`]
/// returns an error if invalid directives are encountered. Similarly, the
/// [`EnvFilter::from_env`] and [`EnvFilter::try_from_env`] constructors parse
/// an `EnvFilter` from the value of the provided environment variable, with
/// lossy and strict validation, respectively.
/// A [builder](EnvFilter::builder) interface is available to set additional
/// configuration options prior to parsing an `EnvFilter`. See the [`Builder`
/// type's documentation](Builder) for details on the options that can be
/// configured using the builder.
/// [`Span`]: tracing_core::span
/// [fields]: tracing_core::Field
/// [`Event`]: tracing_core::Event
/// [`level`]: tracing_core::Level
/// [`Metadata`]: tracing_core::Metadata
/// [`Targets`]: crate::filter::Targets
/// [`env_logger`]:
/// [`Filter`]: #impl-Filter<S>
/// [global]: crate::layer#global-filtering
/// [plf]: crate::layer#per-layer-filtering
/// [filtering]: crate::layer#filtering-with-layers
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(all(feature = "env-filter", feature = "std"))))]
pub struct EnvFilter {
statics: directive::Statics,
dynamics: directive::Dynamics,
has_dynamics: bool,
by_id: RwLock<HashMap<span::Id, directive::SpanMatcher>>,
by_cs: RwLock<HashMap<callsite::Identifier, directive::CallsiteMatcher>>,
scope: ThreadLocal<RefCell<Vec<LevelFilter>>>,
regex: bool,
type FieldMap<T> = HashMap<Field, T>;
/// Indicates that an error occurred while parsing a `EnvFilter` from an
/// environment variable.
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(all(feature = "env-filter", feature = "std"))))]
pub struct FromEnvError {
kind: ErrorKind,
enum ErrorKind {
impl EnvFilter {
/// `RUST_LOG` is the default environment variable used by
/// [`EnvFilter::from_default_env`] and [`EnvFilter::try_from_default_env`].
/// [`EnvFilter::from_default_env`]: EnvFilter::from_default_env()
/// [`EnvFilter::try_from_default_env`]: EnvFilter::try_from_default_env()
pub const DEFAULT_ENV: &'static str = "RUST_LOG";
// === constructors, etc ===
/// Returns a [builder] that can be used to configure a new [`EnvFilter`]
/// instance.
/// The [`Builder`] type is used to set additional configurations, such as
/// [whether regular expressions are enabled](Builder::with_regex) or [the
/// default directive](Builder::with_default_directive) before parsing an
/// [`EnvFilter`] from a string or environment variable.
/// [builder]:
pub fn builder() -> Builder {
/// Returns a new `EnvFilter` from the value of the `RUST_LOG` environment
/// variable, ignoring any invalid filter directives.
/// If the environment variable is empty or not set, or if it contains only
/// invalid directives, a default directive enabling the [`ERROR`] level is
/// added.
/// To set additional configuration options prior to parsing the filter, use
/// the [`Builder`] type instead.
/// This function is equivalent to the following:
/// ```rust
/// use tracing_subscriber::filter::{EnvFilter, LevelFilter};
/// # fn docs() -> EnvFilter {
/// EnvFilter::builder()
/// .with_default_directive(LevelFilter::ERROR.into())
/// .from_env_lossy()
/// # }
/// ```
/// [`ERROR`]: tracing::Level::ERROR
pub fn from_default_env() -> Self {
/// Returns a new `EnvFilter` from the value of the given environment
/// variable, ignoring any invalid filter directives.
/// If the environment variable is empty or not set, or if it contains only
/// invalid directives, a default directive enabling the [`ERROR`] level is
/// added.
/// To set additional configuration options prior to parsing the filter, use
/// the [`Builder`] type instead.
/// This function is equivalent to the following:
/// ```rust
/// use tracing_subscriber::filter::{EnvFilter, LevelFilter};
/// # fn docs() -> EnvFilter {
/// # let env = "";
/// EnvFilter::builder()
/// .with_default_directive(LevelFilter::ERROR.into())
/// .with_env_var(env)
/// .from_env_lossy()
/// # }
/// ```
/// [`ERROR`]: tracing::Level::ERROR
pub fn from_env<A: AsRef<str>>(env: A) -> Self {
/// Returns a new `EnvFilter` from the directives in the given string,
/// ignoring any that are invalid.
/// If the string is empty or contains only invalid directives, a default
/// directive enabling the [`ERROR`] level is added.
/// To set additional configuration options prior to parsing the filter, use
/// the [`Builder`] type instead.
/// This function is equivalent to the following:
/// ```rust
/// use tracing_subscriber::filter::{EnvFilter, LevelFilter};
/// # fn docs() -> EnvFilter {
/// # let directives = "";
/// EnvFilter::builder()
/// .with_default_directive(LevelFilter::ERROR.into())
/// .parse_lossy(directives)
/// # }
/// ```
/// [`ERROR`]: tracing::Level::ERROR
pub fn new<S: AsRef<str>>(directives: S) -> Self {
/// Returns a new `EnvFilter` from the directives in the given string,
/// or an error if any are invalid.
/// If the string is empty, a default directive enabling the [`ERROR`] level
/// is added.
/// To set additional configuration options prior to parsing the filter, use
/// the [`Builder`] type instead.
/// This function is equivalent to the following:
/// ```rust
/// use tracing_subscriber::filter::{EnvFilter, LevelFilter};
/// # fn docs() -> Result<EnvFilter, tracing_subscriber::filter::ParseError> {
/// # let directives = "";
/// EnvFilter::builder()
/// .with_default_directive(LevelFilter::ERROR.into())
/// .parse(directives)
/// # }
/// ```
/// [`ERROR`]: tracing::Level::ERROR
pub fn try_new<S: AsRef<str>>(dirs: S) -> Result<Self, directive::ParseError> {
/// Returns a new `EnvFilter` from the value of the `RUST_LOG` environment
/// variable, or an error if the environment variable is unset or contains
/// any invalid filter directives.
/// To set additional configuration options prior to parsing the filter, use
/// the [`Builder`] type instead.
/// This function is equivalent to the following:
/// ```rust
/// use tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter;
/// # fn docs() -> Result<EnvFilter, tracing_subscriber::filter::FromEnvError> {
/// EnvFilter::builder().try_from_env()
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn try_from_default_env() -> Result<Self, FromEnvError> {
/// Returns a new `EnvFilter` from the value of the given environment
/// variable, or an error if the environment variable is unset or contains
/// any invalid filter directives.
/// To set additional configuration options prior to parsing the filter, use
/// the [`Builder`] type instead.
/// This function is equivalent to the following:
/// ```rust
/// use tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter;
/// # fn docs() -> Result<EnvFilter, tracing_subscriber::filter::FromEnvError> {
/// # let env = "";
/// EnvFilter::builder().with_env_var(env).try_from_env()
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn try_from_env<A: AsRef<str>>(env: A) -> Result<Self, FromEnvError> {
/// Add a filtering directive to this `EnvFilter`.
/// The added directive will be used in addition to any previously set
/// directives, either added using this method or provided when the filter
/// is constructed.
/// Filters may be created from [`LevelFilter`] or [`Level`], which will
/// enable all traces at or below a certain verbosity level, or
/// parsed from a string specifying a directive.
/// If a filter directive is inserted that matches exactly the same spans
/// and events as a previous filter, but sets a different level for those
/// spans and events, the previous directive is overwritten.
/// [`LevelFilter`]: super::LevelFilter
/// [`Level`]: tracing_core::Level
/// # Examples
/// From [`LevelFilter`]:
/// ```rust
/// use tracing_subscriber::filter::{EnvFilter, LevelFilter};
/// let mut filter = EnvFilter::from_default_env()
/// .add_directive(LevelFilter::INFO.into());
/// ```
/// Or from [`Level`]:
/// ```rust
/// # use tracing_subscriber::filter::{EnvFilter, LevelFilter};
/// # use tracing::Level;
/// let mut filter = EnvFilter::from_default_env()
/// .add_directive(Level::INFO.into());
/// ```
/// Parsed from a string:
/// ```rust
/// use tracing_subscriber::filter::{EnvFilter, Directive};
/// # fn try_mk_filter() -> Result<(), Box<dyn ::std::error::Error>> {
/// let mut filter = EnvFilter::try_from_default_env()?
/// .add_directive("my_crate::module=trace".parse()?)
/// .add_directive("my_crate::my_other_module::something=info".parse()?);
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
/// In the above example, substitute `my_crate`, `module`, etc. with the
/// name your target crate/module is imported with. This might be
/// different from the package name in Cargo.toml (`-` is replaced by `_`).
/// Example, if the package name in your Cargo.toml is `MY-FANCY-LIB`, then
/// the corresponding Rust identifier would be `MY_FANCY_LIB`:
pub fn add_directive(mut self, mut directive: Directive) -> Self {
if !self.regex {
if let Some(stat) = directive.to_static() {
} else {
self.has_dynamics = true;
// === filtering methods ===
/// Returns `true` if this `EnvFilter` would enable the provided `metadata`
/// in the current context.
/// This is equivalent to calling the [`Layer::enabled`] or
/// [`Filter::enabled`] methods on `EnvFilter`'s implementations of those
/// traits, but it does not require the trait to be in scope.
pub fn enabled<S>(&self, metadata: &Metadata<'_>, _: Context<'_, S>) -> bool {
let level = metadata.level();
// is it possible for a dynamic filter directive to enable this event?
// if not, we can avoid the thread loca'l access + iterating over the
// spans in the current scope.
if self.has_dynamics && self.dynamics.max_level >= *level {
if metadata.is_span() {
// If the metadata is a span, see if we care about its callsite.
let enabled_by_cs = self
.map(|by_cs| by_cs.contains_key(&metadata.callsite()))
if enabled_by_cs {
return true;
let enabled_by_scope = {
let scope = self.scope.get_or_default().borrow();
for filter in &*scope {
if filter >= level {
return true;
if enabled_by_scope {
return true;
// is it possible for a static filter directive to enable this event?
if self.statics.max_level >= *level {
// Otherwise, fall back to checking if the callsite is
// statically enabled.
return self.statics.enabled(metadata);
/// Returns an optional hint of the highest [verbosity level][level] that
/// this `EnvFilter` will enable.
/// This is equivalent to calling the [`Layer::max_level_hint`] or
/// [`Filter::max_level_hint`] methods on `EnvFilter`'s implementations of those
/// traits, but it does not require the trait to be in scope.
/// [level]: tracing_core::metadata::Level
pub fn max_level_hint(&self) -> Option<LevelFilter> {
if self.dynamics.has_value_filters() {
// If we perform any filtering on span field *values*, we will
// enable *all* spans, because their field values are not known
// until recording.
return Some(LevelFilter::TRACE);
/// Informs the filter that a new span was created.
/// This is equivalent to calling the [`Layer::on_new_span`] or
/// [`Filter::on_new_span`] methods on `EnvFilter`'s implementations of those
/// traits, but it does not require the trait to be in scope.
pub fn on_new_span<S>(&self, attrs: &span::Attributes<'_>, id: &span::Id, _: Context<'_, S>) {
let by_cs = try_lock!(;
if let Some(cs) = by_cs.get(&attrs.metadata().callsite()) {
let span = cs.to_span_match(attrs);
try_lock!(self.by_id.write()).insert(id.clone(), span);
/// Informs the filter that the span with the provided `id` was entered.
/// This is equivalent to calling the [`Layer::on_enter`] or
/// [`Filter::on_enter`] methods on `EnvFilter`'s implementations of those
/// traits, but it does not require the trait to be in scope.
pub fn on_enter<S>(&self, id: &span::Id, _: Context<'_, S>) {
// XXX: This is where _we_ could push IDs to the stack instead, and use
// that to allow changing the filter while a span is already entered.
// But that might be much less efficient...
if let Some(span) = try_lock!( {
/// Informs the filter that the span with the provided `id` was exited.
/// This is equivalent to calling the [`Layer::on_exit`] or
/// [`Filter::on_exit`] methods on `EnvFilter`'s implementations of those
/// traits, but it does not require the trait to be in scope.
pub fn on_exit<S>(&self, id: &span::Id, _: Context<'_, S>) {
if self.cares_about_span(id) {
/// Informs the filter that the span with the provided `id` was closed.
/// This is equivalent to calling the [`Layer::on_close`] or
/// [`Filter::on_close`] methods on `EnvFilter`'s implementations of those
/// traits, but it does not require the trait to be in scope.
pub fn on_close<S>(&self, id: span::Id, _: Context<'_, S>) {
// If we don't need to acquire a write lock, avoid doing so.
if !self.cares_about_span(&id) {
let mut spans = try_lock!(self.by_id.write());
/// Informs the filter that the span with the provided `id` recorded the
/// provided field `values`.
/// This is equivalent to calling the [`Layer::on_record`] or
/// [`Filter::on_record`] methods on `EnvFilter`'s implementations of those
/// traits, but it does not require the trait to be in scope
pub fn on_record<S>(&self, id: &span::Id, values: &span::Record<'_>, _: Context<'_, S>) {
if let Some(span) = try_lock!( {
fn cares_about_span(&self, span: &span::Id) -> bool {
let spans = try_lock!(, else return false);
fn base_interest(&self) -> Interest {
if self.has_dynamics {
} else {
fn register_callsite(&self, metadata: &'static Metadata<'static>) -> Interest {
if self.has_dynamics && metadata.is_span() {
// If this metadata describes a span, first, check if there is a
// dynamic filter that should be constructed for it. If so, it
// should always be enabled, since it influences filtering.
if let Some(matcher) = self.dynamics.matcher(metadata) {
let mut by_cs = try_lock!(self.by_cs.write(), else return self.base_interest());
by_cs.insert(metadata.callsite(), matcher);
return Interest::always();
// Otherwise, check if any of our static filters enable this metadata.
if self.statics.enabled(metadata) {
} else {
impl<S: Subscriber> Layer<S> for EnvFilter {
fn register_callsite(&self, metadata: &'static Metadata<'static>) -> Interest {
EnvFilter::register_callsite(self, metadata)
fn max_level_hint(&self) -> Option<LevelFilter> {
fn enabled(&self, metadata: &Metadata<'_>, ctx: Context<'_, S>) -> bool {
self.enabled(metadata, ctx)
fn on_new_span(&self, attrs: &span::Attributes<'_>, id: &span::Id, ctx: Context<'_, S>) {
self.on_new_span(attrs, id, ctx)
fn on_record(&self, id: &span::Id, values: &span::Record<'_>, ctx: Context<'_, S>) {
self.on_record(id, values, ctx);
fn on_enter(&self, id: &span::Id, ctx: Context<'_, S>) {
self.on_enter(id, ctx);
fn on_exit(&self, id: &span::Id, ctx: Context<'_, S>) {
self.on_exit(id, ctx);
fn on_close(&self, id: span::Id, ctx: Context<'_, S>) {
self.on_close(id, ctx);
feature! {
#![all(feature = "registry", feature = "std")]
use crate::layer::Filter;
impl<S> Filter<S> for EnvFilter {
fn enabled(&self, meta: &Metadata<'_>, ctx: &Context<'_, S>) -> bool {
self.enabled(meta, ctx.clone())
fn callsite_enabled(&self, meta: &'static Metadata<'static>) -> Interest {
fn max_level_hint(&self) -> Option<LevelFilter> {
fn on_new_span(&self, attrs: &span::Attributes<'_>, id: &span::Id, ctx: Context<'_, S>) {
self.on_new_span(attrs, id, ctx)
fn on_record(&self, id: &span::Id, values: &span::Record<'_>, ctx: Context<'_, S>) {
self.on_record(id, values, ctx);
fn on_enter(&self, id: &span::Id, ctx: Context<'_, S>) {
self.on_enter(id, ctx);
fn on_exit(&self, id: &span::Id, ctx: Context<'_, S>) {
self.on_exit(id, ctx);
fn on_close(&self, id: span::Id, ctx: Context<'_, S>) {
self.on_close(id, ctx);
impl FromStr for EnvFilter {
type Err = directive::ParseError;
fn from_str(spec: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
impl<S> From<S> for EnvFilter
S: AsRef<str>,
fn from(s: S) -> Self {
impl Default for EnvFilter {
fn default() -> Self {
impl fmt::Display for EnvFilter {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let mut statics = self.statics.iter();
let wrote_statics = if let Some(next) = {
fmt::Display::fmt(next, f)?;
for directive in statics {
write!(f, ",{}", directive)?;
} else {
let mut dynamics = self.dynamics.iter();
if let Some(next) = {
if wrote_statics {
fmt::Display::fmt(next, f)?;
for directive in dynamics {
write!(f, ",{}", directive)?;
// ===== impl FromEnvError =====
impl From<directive::ParseError> for FromEnvError {
fn from(p: directive::ParseError) -> Self {
Self {
kind: ErrorKind::Parse(p),
impl From<env::VarError> for FromEnvError {
fn from(v: env::VarError) -> Self {
Self {
kind: ErrorKind::Env(v),
impl fmt::Display for FromEnvError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self.kind {
ErrorKind::Parse(ref p) => p.fmt(f),
ErrorKind::Env(ref e) => e.fmt(f),
impl Error for FromEnvError {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> {
match self.kind {
ErrorKind::Parse(ref p) => Some(p),
ErrorKind::Env(ref e) => Some(e),
mod tests {
use super::*;
use tracing_core::field::FieldSet;
use tracing_core::*;
struct NoSubscriber;
impl Subscriber for NoSubscriber {
fn register_callsite(&self, _: &'static Metadata<'static>) -> subscriber::Interest {
fn new_span(&self, _: &span::Attributes<'_>) -> span::Id {
fn event(&self, _event: &Event<'_>) {}
fn record(&self, _span: &span::Id, _values: &span::Record<'_>) {}
fn record_follows_from(&self, _span: &span::Id, _follows: &span::Id) {}
fn enabled(&self, _metadata: &Metadata<'_>) -> bool {
fn enter(&self, _span: &span::Id) {}
fn exit(&self, _span: &span::Id) {}
struct Cs;
impl Callsite for Cs {
fn set_interest(&self, _interest: Interest) {}
fn metadata(&self) -> &Metadata<'_> {
fn callsite_enabled_no_span_directive() {
let filter = EnvFilter::new("app=debug").with_subscriber(NoSubscriber);
static META: &Metadata<'static> = &Metadata::new(
FieldSet::new(&[], identify_callsite!(&Cs)),
let interest = filter.register_callsite(META);
fn callsite_off() {
let filter = EnvFilter::new("app=off").with_subscriber(NoSubscriber);
static META: &Metadata<'static> = &Metadata::new(
FieldSet::new(&[], identify_callsite!(&Cs)),
let interest = filter.register_callsite(META);
fn callsite_enabled_includes_span_directive() {
let filter = EnvFilter::new("app[mySpan]=debug").with_subscriber(NoSubscriber);
static META: &Metadata<'static> = &Metadata::new(
FieldSet::new(&[], identify_callsite!(&Cs)),
let interest = filter.register_callsite(META);
fn callsite_enabled_includes_span_directive_field() {
let filter =
static META: &Metadata<'static> = &Metadata::new(
FieldSet::new(&["field"], identify_callsite!(&Cs)),
let interest = filter.register_callsite(META);
fn callsite_enabled_includes_span_directive_multiple_fields() {
let filter = EnvFilter::new("app[mySpan{field=\"value\",field2=2}]=debug")
static META: &Metadata<'static> = &Metadata::new(
FieldSet::new(&["field"], identify_callsite!(&Cs)),
let interest = filter.register_callsite(META);
fn roundtrip() {
let f1: EnvFilter =
"[span1{foo=1}]=error,[span2{bar=2 baz=false}],crate2[{quux=\"quuux\"}]=debug"
let f2: EnvFilter = format!("{}", f1).parse().unwrap();
assert_eq!(f1.statics, f2.statics);
assert_eq!(f1.dynamics, f2.dynamics);
fn size_of_filters() {
fn print_sz(s: &str) {
let filter = s.parse::<EnvFilter>().expect("filter should parse");
"size_of_val({:?})\n -> {}B",
print_sz("[span1{foo=1}]=error,[span2{bar=2 baz=false}],crate2[{quux=\"quuux\"}]=debug");
[span2{bar=2 baz=false}],crate2[{quux=\"quuux\"}]=debug",
fn parse_empty_string() {
// There is no corresponding test for [`Builder::parse_lossy`] as failed
// parsing does not produce any observable side effects. If this test fails
// check that [`Builder::parse_lossy`] is behaving correctly as well.