blob: 8ef3d23e804b7f474a66709ef5b98ddc9e30822a [file] [log] [blame]
//! Make sure that a retag acts like a read for the data race model.
//! This is a retag/write race condition.
//! This test is sensitive to the exact schedule so we disable preemption.
//@compile-flags: -Zmiri-tree-borrows -Zmiri-preemption-rate=0
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct SendPtr(*mut u8);
unsafe impl Send for SendPtr {}
unsafe fn thread_1(SendPtr(p): SendPtr) {
let _r = &*p;
unsafe fn thread_2(SendPtr(p): SendPtr) {
*p = 5; //~ ERROR: Data race detected between (1) Read on thread `<unnamed>` and (2) Write on thread `<unnamed>`
fn main() {
let mut x = 0;
let p = std::ptr::addr_of_mut!(x);
let p = SendPtr(p);
let t1 = std::thread::spawn(move || unsafe { thread_1(p) });
let t2 = std::thread::spawn(move || unsafe { thread_2(p) });
let _ = t1.join();
let _ = t2.join();