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<a name="apply-imports"></a>Overriding Template Rules</h3>
<p class="element-syntax">
<a name="element-apply-imports"></a><code>&lt;!--
Category: instruction --&gt;<br>
<p>A template rule that is being used to override a template rule in an
imported stylesheet (see <a class="external" href="">[<b>5.5 Conflict Resolution for
Template Rules</b>]</a>) can use the <code>xsl:apply-imports</code> element
to invoke the overridden template rule.</p>
<a name="dt-current-template-rule"></a>At any point in the processing of a
stylesheet, there is a <b>current template rule</b>. Whenever a template
rule is chosen by matching a pattern, the template rule becomes the current
template rule for the instantiation of the rule's template. When an
<code>xsl:for-each</code> element is instantiated, the current template rule
becomes null for the instantiation of the content of the
<code>xsl:for-each</code> element.</p>
<code>xsl:apply-imports</code> processes the current node using only
template rules that were imported into the stylesheet element containing the
current template rule; the node is processed in the current template rule's
mode. It is an error if <code>xsl:apply-imports</code> is instantiated when
the current template rule is null.</p>
<p>For example, suppose the stylesheet <code>doc.xsl</code> contains a
template rule for <code>example</code> elements:</p>
<pre>&lt;xsl:template match="example"&gt;
<p>Another stylesheet could import <code>doc.xsl</code> and modify the
treatment of <code>example</code> elements as follows:</p>
<pre>&lt;xsl:import href="doc.xsl"/&gt;
&lt;xsl:template match="example"&gt;
&lt;div style="border: solid red"&gt;
<p>The combined effect would be to transform an <code>example</code> into an
element of the form:</p>
<pre>&lt;div style="border: solid red"&gt;&lt;pre&gt;...&lt;/pre&gt;&lt;/div&gt;</pre>
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