blob: 7eae7a696554d4de637bc587aae030d6cb62e56c [file] [log] [blame]
# =========================================================
# (c) 2004, RenderX
# Author: Alexander Peshkov <>
# Permission is granted to use this document, copy and
# modify free of charge, provided that every derived work
# bear a reference to the present document.
# This document contains a computer program written in
# XSL Transformations Language. It is published with no
# warranty of any kind about its usability, as a mere
# example of XSL technology. RenderX shall not be
# considered liable for any damage or loss of data caused
# by use of this program.
# =========================================================
namespace local = ""
default namespace fo = ""
namespace rx = ""
# ***************************************************************
# Common XSL FO datatypes definitions
# ***************************************************************
integer.datatype = xsd:integer
number.datatype = xsd:decimal
length.datatype = xsd:string { pattern = "[\-+]?(\d*\.?\d+)(cm|mm|in|pt|pc|px|em)" }
angle.datatype = xsd:string { pattern = "[\-+]?(\d*\.?\d+)(deg|grad|rad)" }
percentage.datatype = xsd:string { pattern = "[\-+]?(\d*\.?\d+)%" }
character.datatype = xsd:string { pattern = ".|\r|\n" }
string.datatype = string
name.datatype = xsd:NCName
family-name.datatype = xsd:normalizedString
#MEMO: Should I add some constraints to the family-name.datatype?
color.datatype= xsd:token
#MEMO: Should I add some constraints to the color.datatype?
country.datatype = xsd:string { pattern = "\w{2,3}" }
language.datatype = xsd:string { pattern = "\w{2,3}" }
script.datatype = xsd:string { pattern = "\w" }
#MEMO: Should I add detailed constraints to the country/language/script.datatype?
uri-specification.datatype = xsd:string
#MEMO: Should I add some constraints to the uri-specification.datatype?
time.datatype = xsd:string { pattern = "[\-+]?(\d*\.?\d+)(m?s)" }
frequency.datatype = xsd:string { pattern = "[\-+]?(\d*\.?\d+)(k?Hz)" }
# NOTE: <shape> datatype added in XSL FO 1.0 Errata
shape.datatype = xsd:normalizedString { pattern = "(([\-+]?(\d*\.?\d+)(cm|mm|in|pt|pc|px|em))|auto) (([\-+]?(\d*\.?\d+)(cm|mm|in|pt|pc|px|em))|auto) (([\-+]?(\d*\.?\d+)(cm|mm|in|pt|pc|px|em))|auto) (([\-+]?(\d*\.?\d+)(cm|mm|in|pt|pc|px|em))|auto)" }
# ***************************************************************
# Special datatype - expressions
# ***************************************************************
#MEMO: simple example of constraint for functions
expr.datatype = xsd:normalizedString { pattern = ".*\(.*\).*" }
x = abc:x {