blob: d9761f39badfe32f5d3815664249dc0d9b9f7b73 [file] [log] [blame]
namespace a = ""
namespace xlink = ""
## SVG 1.1 XLink Attribute Module
## file: svg-xlink-attrib.rng
## This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
## Copyright 2001, 2002 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
## Modifications Copyright 2007 Mozilla Foundation
## $Id$
## XLink Attribute
## type, href, role, arcrole, title, show, actuate
## This module defines the XLink, XLinkRequired, XLinkEmbed, and
## XLinkReplace attribute set.
[ xml:lang = "en" ]
grammar {
SVG.XLink.extra.attrib = empty
SVG.XLink.attrib &=
[ a:defaultValue = "simple" ]
attribute xlink:type { string "simple" }?,
attribute xlink:href { URI.datatype }?,
attribute xlink:role { URI.datatype }?,
attribute xlink:arcrole { URI.datatype }?,
attribute xlink:title { text }?,
[ a:defaultValue = "other" ] attribute xlink:show { string "other" }?,
[ a:defaultValue = "onLoad" ]
attribute xlink:actuate { string "onLoad" }?,
SVG.XLinkRequired.extra.attrib = empty
SVG.XLinkRequired.attrib &=
[ a:defaultValue = "simple" ]
attribute xlink:type { string "simple" }?,
attribute xlink:href { URI.datatype },
attribute xlink:role { URI.datatype }?,
attribute xlink:arcrole { URI.datatype }?,
attribute xlink:title { text }?,
[ a:defaultValue = "other" ] attribute xlink:show { string "other" }?,
[ a:defaultValue = "onLoad" ]
attribute xlink:actuate { string "onLoad" }?,
SVG.XLinkEmbed.extra.attrib = empty
SVG.XLinkEmbed.attrib &=
[ a:defaultValue = "simple" ]
attribute xlink:type { string "simple" }?,
attribute xlink:href { URI.datatype },
attribute xlink:role { URI.datatype }?,
attribute xlink:arcrole { URI.datatype }?,
attribute xlink:title { text }?,
[ a:defaultValue = "embed" ] attribute xlink:show { string "embed" }?,
[ a:defaultValue = "onLoad" ]
attribute xlink:actuate { string "onLoad" }?,
SVG.XLinkReplace.extra.attrib = empty
SVG.XLinkReplace.attrib &=
[ a:defaultValue = "simple" ]
attribute xlink:type { string "simple" }?,
attribute xlink:href { URI.datatype },
attribute xlink:role { URI.datatype }?,
attribute xlink:arcrole { URI.datatype }?,
attribute xlink:title { text }?,
[ a:defaultValue = "replace" ]
attribute xlink:show { string "new" | string "replace" }?,
[ a:defaultValue = "onRequest" ]
attribute xlink:actuate { string "onRequest" }?,