blob: d78abee0c5549a489e0ff71c4dc159167878d839 [file] [log] [blame]
namespace svg = ""
namespace math = ""
namespace rdf = ""
include "html5/xhtml5full-xhtml.rnc" {
start = svg
include "svg11/svg11-inc.rnc"
include "inkscape/inkscape.rnc"
include "mml3/mathml3-inc.rnc"
include "rdf/rdf.rnc"
common.elem.metadata |= rdf.elem
SVG.metadata.content |= rdf.elem
common.elem.phrasing |= svg
common.elem.phrasing |= math
SVG.foreignObject.content |=
( math
| html.elem
| body.elem
| common.inner.flow
annotation-xml.model.svg |= svg
annotation-xml.model.xhtml |=
( html.elem
| common.elem.flow
# in our integration, <mtext> is the only MathML "token element" that can
# contain HTML element content; the <mi>, <mn>, <mo> and <ms> elements
# cannot; see for a
# rationale
mtext.content |= common.elem.phrasing