blob: 5079cb165264b9459719e46d333421dcc4d79100 [file] [log] [blame]
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* JFlex 1.4.3 *
* Copyright (C) 1998-2009 Gerwin Klein <> *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License. See the file *
* COPYRIGHT for more information. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
package JFlex;
import java_cup.runtime.Symbol;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Stack;
* The lexer of JFlex.
* Generated by <a href="">JFlex</a>.
* @author Gerwin Klein
* @version $Revision: 1.4.3 $, $Date: 2009/12/21 15:58:48 $
%class LexScan
%implements sym, java_cup.runtime.Scanner
%function next_token
%type Symbol
%state CTOR_ARG
int balance = 0;
int commentbalance = 0;
int action_line = 0;
int bufferSize = 16384;
File file;
Stack files = new Stack();
StringBuffer userCode = new StringBuffer();
String classCode;
String initCode;
String initThrow;
String eofCode;
String eofThrow;
String lexThrow;
String eofVal;
String scanErrorException;
String cupSymbol = "sym";
StringBuffer actionText = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer string = new StringBuffer();
boolean charCount;
boolean lineCount;
boolean columnCount;
boolean cupCompatible;
boolean cupDebug;
boolean isInteger;
boolean isIntWrap;
boolean isYYEOF;
boolean notUnix;
boolean isPublic;
boolean isFinal;
boolean isAbstract;
boolean bolUsed;
boolean standalone;
boolean debugOption;
boolean useRowMap = Options.gen_method == Options.PACK || Options.gen_method == Options.TABLE;
boolean packed = Options.gen_method == Options.PACK;
boolean caseless;
boolean inclusive_states;
boolean eofclose;
String isImplementing;
String isExtending;
String className = "Yylex";
String functionName;
String tokenType;
String visibility = "public";
Vector /* String */ ctorArgs = new Vector();
Vector /* String */ ctorTypes = new Vector();
LexicalStates states = new LexicalStates();
Vector actions = new Vector();
private int nextState;
boolean macroDefinition;
Timer t = new Timer();
public int currentLine() {
return yyline;
public void setFile(File file) {
this.file = file;
private Symbol symbol(int type, Object value) {
return new Symbol(type, yyline, yycolumn, value);
private Symbol symbol(int type) {
return new Symbol(type, yyline, yycolumn);
// updates line and column count to the beginning of the first
// non whitespace character in yytext, but leaves yyline+yycolumn
// untouched
private Symbol symbol_countUpdate(int type, Object value) {
int lc = yyline;
int cc = yycolumn;
String text = yytext();
for (int i=0; i < text.length(); i++) {
char c = text.charAt(i);
if (c != '\n' && c != '\r' && c != ' ' && c != '\t' )
return new Symbol(type, lc, cc, value);
if (c == '\n') {
cc = 0;
return new Symbol(type, yyline, yycolumn, value);
private String makeMacroIdent() {
String matched = yytext().trim();
return matched.substring(1, matched.length()-1).trim();
public static String conc(Object a, Object b) {
if (a == null && b == null) return null;
if (a == null) return b.toString();
if (b == null) return a.toString();
return a.toString()+b.toString();
public static String concExc(Object a, Object b) {
if (a == null && b == null) return null;
if (a == null) return b.toString();
if (b == null) return a.toString();
return a.toString()+", "+b.toString();
states.insert("YYINITIAL", true);
Digit = [0-9]
HexDigit = [0-9a-fA-F]
OctDigit = [0-7]
Number = {Digit}+
HexNumber = \\ x {HexDigit} {2}
Unicode = \\ u {HexDigit} {1, 4}
OctNumber = \\ [0-3]? {OctDigit} {1, 2}
// see
WSP = [ \t\b]
WSPNL = [\u2028\u2029\u000A\u000B\u000C\u000D\u0085\t\b\ ]
NL = [\u2028\u2029\u000A\u000B\u000C\u000D\u0085] | \u000D\u000A
NNL = [^\u2028\u2029\u000A\u000B\u000C\u000D\u0085]
Ident = {IdentStart} {IdentPart}*
QualIdent = {Ident} ( {WSP}* "." {WSP}* {Ident} )*
QUIL = {QualIdent} ( {WSP}* "," {WSP}* {QualIdent} )*
Array = "[" {WSP}* "]"
ParamPart = {IdentStart}|{IdentPart}|"<"|">"|","|{WSP}|"&"|"?"|"."
GenParam = "<" {ParamPart}+ ">"
ClassT = {Ident} ({WSP}* {GenParam})?
QClassT = {QualIdent} ({WSP}* {GenParam})?
ArrType = ({GenParam} {WSP}*)? {QClassT} ({WSP}* {Array})*
IdentStart = [:jletter:]
IdentPart = [:jletterdigit:]
JFlexCommentChar = [^*/]|"/"+[^*/]|"*"+[^*/]
JFlexComment = {JFlexCommentChar}*
/* Java comments */
JavaComment = {TraditionalComment}|{EndOfLineComment}
TraditionalComment = "/*"{CommentContent}\*+"/"
EndOfLineComment = "//".*{NL}
CommentContent = ([^*]|\*+[^*/])*
StringCharacter = [^\u2028\u2029\u000A\u000B\u000C\u000D\u0085\"\\]
CharLiteral = \'([^\u2028\u2029\u000A\u000B\u000C\u000D\u0085\'\\]|{EscapeSequence})\'
StringLiteral = \"({StringCharacter}|{EscapeSequence})*\"
EscapeSequence = \\[^\u2028\u2029\u000A\u000B\u000C\u000D\u0085]|\\+u{HexDigit}{4}|\\[0-3]?{OctDigit}{1,2}
/* \\(b|t|n|f|r|\"|\'|\\|[0-3]?{OctDigit}{1,2}|u{HexDigit}{4}) */
JavaRest = [^\{\}\"\'/]|"/"[^*/]
JavaCode = ({JavaRest}|{StringLiteral}|{CharLiteral}|{JavaComment})+
"%%".*{NL}? {
macroDefinition = true;
return symbol(USERCODE,userCode);
.*{NL} { userCode.append(yytext()); }
.* { return symbol(EOF); }
<MACROS> ("%{"|"%init{"|"%initthrow{"|"%eof{"|"%eofthrow{"|"%yylexthrow{"|"%eofval{").*{NL}
{ string.setLength(0); yybegin(COPY); }
<COPY> {
"%}".*{NL} { classCode = conc(classCode,string); yybegin(MACROS); }
"%init}".*{NL} { initCode = conc(initCode,string); yybegin(MACROS); }
"%initthrow}".*{NL} { initThrow = concExc(initThrow,string); yybegin(MACROS); }
"%eof}".*{NL} { eofCode = conc(eofCode,string); yybegin(MACROS); }
"%eofthrow}".*{NL} { eofThrow = concExc(eofThrow,string); yybegin(MACROS); }
"%yylexthrow}".*{NL} { lexThrow = concExc(lexThrow,string); yybegin(MACROS); }
"%eofval}".*{NL} { eofVal = string.toString(); yybegin(MACROS); }
.*{NL} { string.append(yytext()); }
<<EOF>> { throw new ScannerException(file,ErrorMessages.EOF_IN_MACROS); }
<MACROS> ^"%s" ("tate" "s"?)? {WSP}+ { inclusive_states = true; yybegin(STATELIST); }
<MACROS> ^"%x" ("state" "s"?)? {WSP}+ { inclusive_states = false; yybegin(STATELIST); }
{Ident} { states.insert(yytext(),inclusive_states); }
([\ \t]*","[\ \t]*)|([\ \t]+) { }
{NL} { yybegin(MACROS); }
<<EOF>> { throw new ScannerException(file,ErrorMessages.EOF_IN_MACROS); }
"%char" { charCount = true; }
"%line" { lineCount = true; }
"%column" { columnCount = true; }
"%byaccj" { isInteger = true;
if (eofVal == null)
eofVal = "return 0;";
eofclose = true;
"%cup" { cupCompatible = true;
isImplementing = concExc(isImplementing, "java_cup.runtime.Scanner");
if (functionName == null)
functionName = "next_token";
if (tokenType == null)
tokenType = "java_cup.runtime.Symbol";
if (eofVal == null)
eofVal = "return new java_cup.runtime.Symbol("+cupSymbol+".EOF);";
if (!Options.jlex) eofclose = true;
"%cupsym"{WSP}+{QualIdent} {WSP}* { cupSymbol = yytext().substring(8).trim();
if (cupCompatible) Out.warning(ErrorMessages.CUPSYM_AFTER_CUP, yyline); }
"%cupsym"{WSP}+{NNL}* { throw new ScannerException(file,ErrorMessages.QUIL_CUPSYM, yyline); }
"%cupdebug" { cupDebug = true; }
"%eofclose"({WSP}+"true")? { eofclose = true; }
"%eofclose"({WSP}+"false") { eofclose = false; }
"%class"{WSP}+{ClassT} {WSP}* { className = yytext().substring(7).trim(); }
"%ctorarg"{WSP}+{ArrType}{WSP}+ { yybegin(CTOR_ARG); ctorTypes.add(yytext().substring(8).trim()); }
"%function"{WSP}+{Ident} {WSP}* { functionName = yytext().substring(10).trim(); }
"%type"{WSP}+{ArrType} {WSP}* { tokenType = yytext().substring(6).trim(); }
"%integer"|"%int" { isInteger = true; }
"%intwrap" { isIntWrap = true; }
"%yyeof" { isYYEOF = true; }
"%notunix" { notUnix = true; }
"%7bit" { return symbol(ASCII); }
"%full"|"%8bit" { return symbol(FULL); }
"%unicode"|"%16bit" { return symbol(UNICODE); }
"%caseless"|"%ignorecase" { caseless = true; }
"%implements"{WSP}+.* { isImplementing = concExc(isImplementing, yytext().substring(12).trim()); }
"%extends"{WSP}+{QClassT}{WSP}* { isExtending = yytext().substring(9).trim(); }
"%public" { isPublic = true; }
"%apiprivate" { visibility = "private"; Skeleton.makePrivate(); }
"%final" { isFinal = true; }
"%abstract" { isAbstract = true; }
"%debug" { debugOption = true; }
"%standalone" { standalone = true; isInteger = true; }
"%switch" { packed = false; useRowMap = false; }
"%table" { packed = false; useRowMap = true; }
"%pack" { packed = true; useRowMap = true; }
"%include" {WSP}+ .* { File f = new File(yytext().substring(9).trim());
if ( !f.canRead() )
throw new ScannerException(file,ErrorMessages.NOT_READABLE, yyline);
// check for cycle
if ( > 0)
throw new ScannerException(file,ErrorMessages.FILE_CYCLE, yyline);
try {
yypushStream( new FileReader(f) );
file = f;
Out.println("Including \""+file+"\"");
catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new ScannerException(file,ErrorMessages.NOT_READABLE, yyline);
"%buffer" {WSP}+ {Number} {WSP}* { bufferSize = Integer.parseInt(yytext().substring(8).trim()); }
"%buffer" {WSP}+ {NNL}* { throw new ScannerException(file,ErrorMessages.NO_BUFFER_SIZE, yyline); }
"%initthrow" {WSP}+ {QUIL} {WSP}* { initThrow = concExc(initThrow,yytext().substring(11).trim()); }
"%initthrow" {WSP}+ {NNL}* { throw new ScannerException(file,ErrorMessages.QUIL_INITTHROW, yyline); }
"%eofthrow" {WSP}+ {QUIL} {WSP}* { eofThrow = concExc(eofThrow,yytext().substring(10).trim()); }
"%eofthrow" {WSP}+ {NNL}* { throw new ScannerException(file,ErrorMessages.QUIL_EOFTHROW, yyline); }
"%yylexthrow"{WSP}+ {QUIL} {WSP}* { lexThrow = concExc(lexThrow,yytext().substring(12).trim()); }
"%throws" {WSP}+ {QUIL} {WSP}* { lexThrow = concExc(lexThrow,yytext().substring(8).trim()); }
"%yylexthrow"{WSP}+ {NNL}* { throw new ScannerException(file,ErrorMessages.QUIL_YYLEXTHROW, yyline); }
"%throws" {WSP}+ {NNL}* { throw new ScannerException(file,ErrorMessages.QUIL_THROW, yyline); }
"%scanerror" {WSP}+ {QualIdent} {WSP}* { scanErrorException = yytext().substring(11).trim(); }
"%scanerror" {WSP}+ {NNL}* { throw new ScannerException(file,ErrorMessages.QUIL_SCANERROR, yyline); }
{Ident} { return symbol(IDENT, yytext()); }
"="{WSP}* { yybegin(REGEXP); return symbol(EQUALS); }
"/*" { nextState = MACROS; yybegin(COMMENT); }
{EndOfLineComment} { }
/* no {NL} at the end of this expression, because <REGEXPSTART>
needs at least one {WSPNL} to start a regular expression! */
^"%%" {NNL}* { macroDefinition = false; yybegin(REGEXPSTART); return symbol(DELIMITER); }
"%"{Ident} { throw new ScannerException(file,ErrorMessages.UNKNOWN_OPTION, yyline, yycolumn); }
"%" { throw new ScannerException(file,ErrorMessages.UNKNOWN_OPTION, yyline, yycolumn); }
^{WSP}+"%" { Out.warning(ErrorMessages.NOT_AT_BOL, yyline); yypushback(1); }
{WSP}+ { }
{NL}+ { }
<<EOF>> { if ( yymoreStreams() ) {
file = (File) files.pop();
throw new ScannerException(file,ErrorMessages.EOF_IN_MACROS);
{Ident} {WSP}* { yybegin(MACROS); ctorArgs.add(yytext().trim()); }
[^] { throw new ScannerException(file,ErrorMessages.CTOR_ARG,yyline,yycolumn); }
{WSPNL}* "/*" { nextState = REGEXPSTART; yybegin(COMMENT); }
{WSPNL}+ { yybegin(REGEXP); }
{WSPNL}* "<" { yybegin(STATES); return symbol_countUpdate(LESSTHAN, null); }
{WSPNL}* "}" { return symbol_countUpdate(RBRACE, null); }
{WSPNL}* "//" {NNL}* { }
{WSPNL}* "<<EOF>>" {WSPNL}* "{"
{ actionText.setLength(0); yybegin(JAVA_CODE);
Symbol s = symbol_countUpdate(EOFRULE, null);
action_line = s.left+1;
return s;
{Ident} { return symbol(IDENT, yytext()); }
"," { return symbol(COMMA); }
{WSPNL}+ { }
// "{" will be caught in REGEXP
">"{WSPNL}* { yybegin(REGEXP); return symbol(MORETHAN); }
<<EOF>> { throw new ScannerException(file,ErrorMessages.EOF_IN_STATES); }
"<<EOF>>" {WSPNL}+ "{" { actionText.setLength(0); yybegin(JAVA_CODE); action_line = yyline+1; return symbol(EOFRULE); }
"<<EOF>>" { throw new ScannerException(file,ErrorMessages.EOF_WO_ACTION); }
{WSPNL}*"|"{WSP}*$ { if (macroDefinition) {
return symbol(BAR);
else {
return symbol(NOACTION);
// stategroup
"{" { yybegin(REGEXPSTART); return symbol(LBRACE); }
{WSPNL}*"|" { return symbol(BAR); }
{WSPNL}*\" { string.setLength(0); nextState = REGEXP; yybegin(STRING_CONTENT); }
{WSPNL}*"!" { return symbol(BANG); }
{WSPNL}*"~" { return symbol(TILDE); }
{WSPNL}*"(" { return symbol(OPENBRACKET); }
{WSPNL}*")" { return symbol(CLOSEBRACKET); }
{WSPNL}*"*" { return symbol(STAR); }
{WSPNL}*"+" { return symbol(PLUS); }
{WSPNL}*"?" { return symbol(QUESTION); }
{WSPNL}*"$" { return symbol(DOLLAR); }
{WSPNL}*"^" { bolUsed = true; return symbol(HAT); }
{WSPNL}*"." { return symbol(POINT); }
{WSPNL}*"[" { yybegin(CHARCLASS); return symbol(OPENCLASS); }
{WSPNL}*"/" { return symbol(LOOKAHEAD); }
{WSPNL}* "{" {WSP}* {Ident} {WSP}* "}" { return symbol_countUpdate(MACROUSE, makeMacroIdent()); }
{WSPNL}* "{" {WSP}* {Number} { yybegin(REPEATEXP); return symbol(REPEAT, new Integer(yytext().trim().substring(1).trim())); }
{WSPNL}+ "{" { actionText.setLength(0); yybegin(JAVA_CODE); action_line = yyline+1; return symbol(REGEXPEND); }
{NL} { if (macroDefinition) { yybegin(MACROS); } return symbol(REGEXPEND); }
{WSPNL}*"/*" { nextState = REGEXP; yybegin(COMMENT); }
{WSPNL}*"//"{NNL}* { }
{WSP}+ { }
{WSPNL}*"[:jletter:]" { return symbol(JLETTERCLASS); }
{WSPNL}*"[:jletterdigit:]" { return symbol(JLETTERDIGITCLASS); }
{WSPNL}*"[:letter:]" { return symbol(LETTERCLASS); }
{WSPNL}*"[:digit:]" { return symbol(DIGITCLASS); }
{WSPNL}*"[:uppercase:]" { return symbol(UPPERCLASS); }
{WSPNL}*"[:lowercase:]" { return symbol(LOWERCLASS); }
{WSPNL}*"[:unicode_unassigned:]" { return symbol(UNICODE_UNASSIGNED); }
{WSPNL}*"[:unicode_uppercase_letter:]" { return symbol(UNICODE_UPPERCASE_LETTER); }
{WSPNL}*"[:unicode_lowercase_letter:]" { return symbol(UNICODE_LOWERCASE_LETTER); }
{WSPNL}*"[:unicode_titlecase_letter:]" { return symbol(UNICODE_TITLECASE_LETTER); }
{WSPNL}*"[:unicode_modifier_letter:]" { return symbol(UNICODE_MODIFIER_LETTER); }
{WSPNL}*"[:unicode_other_letter:]" { return symbol(UNICODE_OTHER_LETTER); }
{WSPNL}*"[:unicode_non_spacing_mark:]" { return symbol(UNICODE_NON_SPACING_MARK); }
{WSPNL}*"[:unicode_enclosing_mark:]" { return symbol(UNICODE_ENCLOSING_MARK); }
{WSPNL}*"[:unicode_combining_spacing_mark:]" { return symbol(UNICODE_COMBINING_SPACING_MARK); }
{WSPNL}*"[:unicode_decimal_digit_number:]" { return symbol(UNICODE_DECIMAL_DIGIT_NUMBER); }
{WSPNL}*"[:unicode_letter_number:]" { return symbol(UNICODE_LETTER_NUMBER); }
{WSPNL}*"[:unicode_other_number:]" { return symbol(UNICODE_OTHER_NUMBER); }
{WSPNL}*"[:unicode_space_separator:]" { return symbol(UNICODE_SPACE_SEPARATOR); }
{WSPNL}*"[:unicode_line_separator:]" { return symbol(UNICODE_LINE_SEPARATOR); }
{WSPNL}*"[:unicode_paragraph_separator:]" { return symbol(UNICODE_PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR); }
{WSPNL}*"[:unicode_control:]" { return symbol(UNICODE_CONTROL); }
{WSPNL}*"[:unicode_format:]" { return symbol(UNICODE_FORMAT); }
{WSPNL}*"[:unicode_private_use:]" { return symbol(UNICODE_PRIVATE_USE); }
{WSPNL}*"[:unicode_surrogate:]" { return symbol(UNICODE_SURROGATE); }
{WSPNL}*"[:unicode_dash_punctuation:]" { return symbol(UNICODE_DASH_PUNCTUATION); }
{WSPNL}*"[:unicode_start_punctuation:]" { return symbol(UNICODE_START_PUNCTUATION); }
{WSPNL}*"[:unicode_end_punctuation:]" { return symbol(UNICODE_END_PUNCTUATION); }
{WSPNL}*"[:unicode_connector_punctuation:]" { return symbol(UNICODE_CONNECTOR_PUNCTUATION); }
{WSPNL}*"[:unicode_other_punctuation:]" { return symbol(UNICODE_OTHER_PUNCTUATION); }
{WSPNL}*"[:unicode_math_symbol:]" { return symbol(UNICODE_MATH_SYMBOL); }
{WSPNL}*"[:unicode_currency_symbol:]" { return symbol(UNICODE_CURRENCY_SYMBOL); }
{WSPNL}*"[:unicode_modifier_symbol:]" { return symbol(UNICODE_MODIFIER_SYMBOL); }
{WSPNL}*"[:unicode_other_symbol:]" { return symbol(UNICODE_OTHER_SYMBOL); }
{WSPNL}*"[:unicode_initial_quote_punctuation:]" { return symbol(UNICODE_INITIAL_QUOTE_PUNCTUATION); }
{WSPNL}*"[:unicode_final_quote_punctuation:]" { return symbol(UNICODE_FINAL_QUOTE_PUNCTUATION); }
. { return symbol(CHAR, new Character(yytext().charAt(0))); }
<EATWSPNL> {WSPNL}+ { yybegin(REGEXP); }
"}" { yybegin(REGEXP); return symbol(RBRACE); }
"," {WSP}* {Number} { return symbol(REPEAT, new Integer(yytext().substring(1).trim())); }
{WSP}+ { }
<<EOF>> { throw new ScannerException(file,ErrorMessages.EOF_IN_REGEXP); }
"{"{Ident}"}" { return symbol(MACROUSE, yytext().substring(1,yytext().length()-1)); }
"[" { balance++; return symbol(OPENCLASS); }
"]" { if (balance > 0) balance--; else yybegin(REGEXP); return symbol(CLOSECLASS); }
"^" { return symbol(HAT); }
"-" { return symbol(DASH); }
// this is a hack to keep JLex compatibilty with char class
// expressions like [+-]
"-]" { yypushback(1); yycolumn--; return symbol(CHAR, new Character(yytext().charAt(0))); }
\" { string.setLength(0); nextState = CHARCLASS; yybegin(STRING_CONTENT); }
. { return symbol(CHAR, new Character(yytext().charAt(0))); }
\n { throw new ScannerException(file,ErrorMessages.EOL_IN_CHARCLASS,yyline,yycolumn); }
<<EOF>> { throw new ScannerException(file,ErrorMessages.EOF_IN_REGEXP); }
\" { yybegin(nextState); return symbol(STRING, string.toString()); }
\\\" { string.append('\"'); }
[^\"\\\u2028\u2029\u000A\u000B\u000C\u000D\u0085]+ { string.append(yytext()); }
{NL} { throw new ScannerException(file,ErrorMessages.UNTERMINATED_STR, yyline, yycolumn); }
{HexNumber} { string.append( (char) Integer.parseInt(yytext().substring(2,yytext().length()), 16)); }
{Unicode} { string.append( (char) Integer.parseInt(yytext().substring(2,yytext().length()), 16)); }
{OctNumber} { string.append( (char) Integer.parseInt(yytext().substring(1,yytext().length()), 8)); }
\\b { string.append('\b'); }
\\n { string.append('\n'); }
\\t { string.append('\t'); }
\\f { string.append('\f'); }
\\r { string.append('\r'); }
\\. { string.append(yytext().charAt(1)); }
<<EOF>> { throw new ScannerException(file,ErrorMessages.EOF_IN_STRING); }
{HexNumber} { return symbol(CHAR, new Character( (char) Integer.parseInt(yytext().substring(2,yytext().length()), 16))); }
{Unicode} { return symbol(CHAR, new Character( (char) Integer.parseInt(yytext().substring(2,yytext().length()), 16))); }
{OctNumber} { return symbol(CHAR, new Character( (char) Integer.parseInt(yytext().substring(1,yytext().length()), 8))); }
\\b { return symbol(CHAR,new Character('\b')); }
\\n { return symbol(CHAR,new Character('\n')); }
\\t { return symbol(CHAR,new Character('\t')); }
\\f { return symbol(CHAR,new Character('\f')); }
\\r { return symbol(CHAR,new Character('\r')); }
\\. { return symbol(CHAR, new Character(yytext().charAt(1))); }
"{" { balance++; actionText.append('{'); }
"}" { if (balance > 0) {
else {
Action a = new Action(actionText.toString(), action_line);
return symbol(ACTION, a);
{JavaCode} { actionText.append(yytext()); }
<<EOF>> { throw new ScannerException(file,ErrorMessages.EOF_IN_ACTION, action_line-1); }
"/"+ "*" { commentbalance++; }
"*"+ "/" { if (commentbalance > 0)
{JFlexComment} { /* ignore */ }
<<EOF>> { throw new ScannerException(file,ErrorMessages.EOF_IN_COMMENT); }
. { throw new ScannerException(file,ErrorMessages.UNEXPECTED_CHAR, yyline, yycolumn); }
\n { throw new ScannerException(file,ErrorMessages.UNEXPECTED_NL, yyline, yycolumn); }
<<EOF>> { if ( yymoreStreams() ) {
file = (File) files.pop();
return symbol(EOF); }