blob: 52c32d95d38d3ddc677e565c9b4945b2b9c75ed8 [file] [log] [blame]
package com.jetbrains.python.refactoring.classes.membersManager;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair;
import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement;
import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile;
import com.intellij.psi.PsiReference;
import com.intellij.util.containers.MultiMap;
import com.jetbrains.NotNullPredicate;
import com.jetbrains.python.PyNames;
import com.jetbrains.python.codeInsight.imports.AddImportHelper;
import com.jetbrains.python.psi.*;
import com.jetbrains.python.psi.impl.PyFunctionBuilder;
import com.jetbrains.python.psi.types.PyType;
import com.jetbrains.python.psi.types.TypeEvalContext;
import com.jetbrains.python.refactoring.classes.PyClassRefactoringUtil;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.*;
* Plugin that moves class methods
* @author Ilya.Kazakevich
class MethodsManager extends MembersManager<PyFunction> {
private static final String ABC_META_CLASS = "ABCMeta";
* Some decorators should be copied with methods if method is marked abstract. Here is list.
private static final String[] DECORATORS_MAY_BE_COPIED_TO_ABSTRACT =
public static final String ABC_META_PACKAGE = "abc";
private static final NoPropertiesPredicate NO_PROPERTIES = new NoPropertiesPredicate();
MethodsManager() {
public boolean hasConflict(@NotNull final PyFunction member, @NotNull final PyClass aClass) {
return NamePredicate.hasElementWithSameName(member, Arrays.asList(aClass.getMethods()));
protected Collection<PyElement> getDependencies(@NotNull final MultiMap<PyClass, PyElement> usedElements) {
return Collections.emptyList();
protected MultiMap<PyClass, PyElement> getDependencies(@NotNull final PyElement member) {
final MyPyRecursiveElementVisitor visitor = new MyPyRecursiveElementVisitor();
return visitor.myResult;
protected List<? extends PyElement> getMembersCouldBeMoved(@NotNull final PyClass pyClass) {
return FluentIterable.from(Arrays.asList(pyClass.getMethods())).filter(new NamelessFilter<PyFunction>()).filter(NO_PROPERTIES).toList();
protected Collection<PyElement> moveMembers(@NotNull final PyClass from,
@NotNull final Collection<PyMemberInfo<PyFunction>> members,
@NotNull final PyClass... to) {
final Collection<PyFunction> methodsToMove = fetchElements(Collections2.filter(members, new AbstractFilter(false)));
final Collection<PyFunction> methodsToAbstract = fetchElements(Collections2.filter(members, new AbstractFilter(true)));
makeMethodsAbstract(methodsToAbstract, to);
return moveMethods(from, methodsToMove, true, to);
* Creates abstract version of each method in each class (does not touch method itself as opposite to {@link #moveMethods(com.jetbrains.python.psi.PyClass, java.util.Collection, com.jetbrains.python.psi.PyClass...)})
* @param currentFunctions functions to make them abstract
* @param to classes where abstract method should be created
private static void makeMethodsAbstract(final Collection<PyFunction> currentFunctions, final PyClass... to) {
final Set<PsiFile> filesToCheckImport = new HashSet<PsiFile>();
final Set<PyClass> classesToAddMetaAbc = new HashSet<PyClass>();
for (final PyFunction function : currentFunctions) {
for (final PyClass destClass : to) {
final PyFunctionBuilder functionBuilder = PyFunctionBuilder.copySignature(function, DECORATORS_MAY_BE_COPIED_TO_ABSTRACT);
final LanguageLevel level = LanguageLevel.forElement(destClass);
PyClassRefactoringUtil.addMethods(destClass, false, functionBuilder.buildFunction(destClass.getProject(), level));
// Add ABCMeta to new classes if needed
for (final PyClass aClass : classesToAddMetaAbc) {
if (addMetaAbcIfNeeded(aClass)) {
// Add imports for ABC if needed
for (final PsiFile file : filesToCheckImport) {
addImportFromAbc(file, PyNames.ABSTRACTMETHOD);
addImportFromAbc(file, ABC_META_CLASS);
PyClassRefactoringUtil.optimizeImports(file); //To remove redundant imports
* Adds metaclass = ABCMeta for class if has no.
* @param aClass class where it should be added
* @return true if added. False if class already has metaclass so we did not touch it.
// TODO: Copy/Paste with PyClass.getMeta..
private static boolean addMetaAbcIfNeeded(@NotNull final PyClass aClass) {
final PsiFile file = aClass.getContainingFile();
final PyType type = aClass.getMetaClassType(TypeEvalContext.userInitiated(file));
if (type != null) {
return false; //User already has metaclass. He probably knows about metaclasses, so we should not add ABCMeta
final LanguageLevel languageLevel = LanguageLevel.forElement(aClass);
if (languageLevel.isPy3K()) { //TODO: Copy/paste, use strategy because we already has the same check in #couldBeAbstract
// Add (metaclass= for Py3K
.addSuperClassExpressions(aClass.getProject(), aClass, null, Collections.singletonList(Pair.create(PyNames.METACLASS,
else {
// Add __metaclass__ for Py2
PyClassRefactoringUtil.addClassAttributeIfNotExist(aClass, PyNames.DUNDER_METACLASS, ABC_META_CLASS);
return true;
* Adds import from ABC module
* @param file where to add import
* @param nameToImport what to import
private static void addImportFromAbc(@NotNull final PsiFile file, @NotNull final String nameToImport) {
AddImportHelper.addImportFromStatement(file, ABC_META_PACKAGE, nameToImport, null,
* Moves methods (as opposite to {@link #makeMethodsAbstract(java.util.Collection, com.jetbrains.python.psi.PyClass...)})
* @param from source
* @param methodsToMove what to move
* @param to where
* @param skipIfExist skip (do not add) if method already exists
* @return newly added methods
static List<PyElement> moveMethods(final PyClass from, final Collection<PyFunction> methodsToMove, final boolean skipIfExist, final PyClass... to) {
final List<PyElement> result = new ArrayList<PyElement>();
for (final PyClass destClass : to) {
//We move copies here because there may be several destinations
final List<PyFunction> copies = new ArrayList<PyFunction>(methodsToMove.size());
for (final PyFunction element : methodsToMove) {
final PyFunction newMethod = (PyFunction)element.copy();
result.addAll(PyClassRefactoringUtil.copyMethods(copies, destClass, skipIfExist));
return result;
public PyMemberInfo<PyFunction> apply(@NotNull final PyFunction pyFunction) {
final PyUtil.MethodFlags flags = PyUtil.MethodFlags.of(pyFunction);
assert flags != null : "No flags return while element is function " + pyFunction;
final boolean isStatic = flags.isStaticMethod() || flags.isClassMethod();
return new PyMemberInfo<PyFunction>(pyFunction, isStatic, buildDisplayMethodName(pyFunction), isOverrides(pyFunction), this,
* @return if method could be made abstract? (that means "create abstract version if method in parent class")
private static boolean couldBeAbstract(@NotNull final PyFunction function) {
if (PyUtil.isInit(function)) {
return false; // Who wants to make __init__ abstract?!
final PyUtil.MethodFlags flags = PyUtil.MethodFlags.of(function);
assert flags != null : "Function should be called on method!";
final boolean py3K = LanguageLevel.forElement(function).isPy3K();
//TODO: use strategy because we already has the same check in #addMetaAbcIfNeeded
return flags.isInstanceMethod() || py3K; //Any method could be made abstract in py3
private static Boolean isOverrides(final PyFunction pyFunction) {
final PyClass clazz = PyUtil.getContainingClassOrSelf(pyFunction);
assert clazz != null : "Refactoring called on function, not method: " + pyFunction;
for (final PyClass parentClass : clazz.getSuperClasses()) {
final PyFunction parentMethod = parentClass.findMethodByName(pyFunction.getName(), true);
if (parentMethod != null) {
return true;
return null;
private static String buildDisplayMethodName(@NotNull final PyFunction pyFunction) {
final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(pyFunction.getName());
final PyParameter[] arguments = pyFunction.getParameterList().getParameters();
for (final PyParameter parameter : arguments) {
if (arguments.length > 1 && parameter != arguments[arguments.length - 1]) {
builder.append(", ");
return builder.toString();
* Filters member infos to find if they should be abstracted
private static class AbstractFilter extends NotNullPredicate<PyMemberInfo<PyFunction>> {
private final boolean myAllowAbstractOnly;
* @param allowAbstractOnly returns only methods to be abstracted. Returns only methods to be moved otherwise.
private AbstractFilter(final boolean allowAbstractOnly) {
myAllowAbstractOnly = allowAbstractOnly;
protected boolean applyNotNull(@NotNull final PyMemberInfo<PyFunction> input) {
return input.isToAbstract() == myAllowAbstractOnly;
private static class MyPyRecursiveElementVisitor extends PyRecursiveElementVisitorWithResult {
public void visitPyCallExpression(final PyCallExpression node) {
// TODO: refactor, messy code
final PyExpression callee = node.getCallee();
if (callee != null) {
final PsiReference calleeRef = callee.getReference();
if (calleeRef != null) {
final PsiElement calleeDeclaration = calleeRef.resolve();
if (calleeDeclaration instanceof PyFunction) {
final PyFunction calleeFunction = (PyFunction)calleeDeclaration;
final PyClass clazz = calleeFunction.getContainingClass();
if (clazz != null) {
if (PyUtil.isInit(calleeFunction)) {
return; // Init call should not be marked as dependency
myResult.putValue(clazz, calleeFunction);
* Filter out property setters and getters
private static class NoPropertiesPredicate implements Predicate<PyFunction> {
public boolean apply(@NotNull PyFunction input) {
return input.getProperty() == null;