blob: d42b4b524e728a83554b7a73f684e68534fd8bc0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2013 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.jetbrains.python.codeInsight.codeFragment;
import com.intellij.codeInsight.codeFragment.CannotCreateCodeFragmentException;
import com.intellij.codeInsight.codeFragment.CodeFragmentUtil;
import com.intellij.codeInsight.codeFragment.Position;
import com.intellij.codeInsight.controlflow.ControlFlow;
import com.intellij.codeInsight.controlflow.Instruction;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair;
import com.intellij.psi.*;
import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil;
import com.jetbrains.python.PyBundle;
import com.jetbrains.python.codeInsight.controlflow.ControlFlowCache;
import com.jetbrains.python.codeInsight.controlflow.ReadWriteInstruction;
import com.jetbrains.python.codeInsight.controlflow.ScopeOwner;
import com.jetbrains.python.codeInsight.dataflow.scope.Scope;
import com.jetbrains.python.codeInsight.dataflow.scope.ScopeUtil;
import com.jetbrains.python.psi.*;
import com.jetbrains.python.psi.impl.PyForStatementNavigator;
import com.jetbrains.python.psi.impl.PyPsiUtils;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.*;
* @author oleg
public class PyCodeFragmentUtil {
private PyCodeFragmentUtil() {
public static PyCodeFragment createCodeFragment(@NotNull final ScopeOwner owner,
@NotNull final PsiElement startInScope,
@NotNull final PsiElement endInScope) throws CannotCreateCodeFragmentException {
final int start = startInScope.getTextOffset();
final int end = endInScope.getTextOffset() + endInScope.getTextLength();
final ControlFlow flow = ControlFlowCache.getControlFlow(owner);
if (flow == null) {
throw new CannotCreateCodeFragmentException("Cannot determine execution flow for the code fragment");
final List<Instruction> graph = Arrays.asList(flow.getInstructions());
final List<Instruction> subGraph = getFragmentSubGraph(graph, start, end);
final AnalysisResult subGraphAnalysis = analyseSubGraph(subGraph, start, end);
if ((subGraphAnalysis.regularExits > 0 && subGraphAnalysis.returns > 0) ||
subGraphAnalysis.targetInstructions > 1 ||
subGraphAnalysis.outerLoopBreaks > 0) {
throw new CannotCreateCodeFragmentException(
if (subGraphAnalysis.starImports > 0) {
throw new CannotCreateCodeFragmentException(
final Set<String> globalWrites = getGlobalWrites(subGraph, owner);
final Set<String> nonlocalWrites = getNonlocalWrites(subGraph, owner);
final Set<String> inputNames = new HashSet<String>();
for (PsiElement element : filterElementsInScope(getInputElements(subGraph, graph), owner)) {
final String name = getName(element);
if (name != null) {
// Ignore "self" and "cls", they are generated automatically when extracting any method fragment
if (resolvesToBoundMethodParameter(element)) {
if (globalWrites.contains(name) || nonlocalWrites.contains(name)) {
final Set<String> outputNames = new HashSet<String>();
for (PsiElement element : getOutputElements(subGraph, graph)) {
final String name = getName(element);
if (name != null) {
if (globalWrites.contains(name) || nonlocalWrites.contains(name)) {
final boolean yieldsFound = subGraphAnalysis.yieldExpressions > 0;
if (yieldsFound && LanguageLevel.forElement(owner).isOlderThan(LanguageLevel.PYTHON33)) {
throw new CannotCreateCodeFragmentException("Cannot perform refactoring with 'yield' statement inside code block");
return new PyCodeFragment(inputNames, outputNames, globalWrites, nonlocalWrites, subGraphAnalysis.returns > 0, yieldsFound);
private static boolean resolvesToBoundMethodParameter(@NotNull PsiElement element) {
if (PyPsiUtils.isMethodContext(element)) {
final PyFunction function = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(element, PyFunction.class);
if (function != null) {
final PsiReference reference = element.getReference();
if (reference != null) {
final PsiElement resolved = reference.resolve();
if (resolved instanceof PyParameter) {
final PyParameterList parameterList = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(resolved, PyParameterList.class);
if (parameterList != null) {
final PyParameter[] parameters = parameterList.getParameters();
if (parameters.length > 0) {
if (resolved == parameters[0]) {
final PyFunction.Modifier modifier = function.getModifier();
if (modifier == null || modifier == PyFunction.Modifier.CLASSMETHOD) {
return true;
return false;
private static String getName(@NotNull PsiElement element) {
if (element instanceof PsiNamedElement) {
return ((PsiNamedElement)element).getName();
else if (element instanceof PyImportElement) {
return ((PyImportElement)element).getVisibleName();
else if (element instanceof PyElement) {
return ((PyElement)element).getName();
return null;
private static List<Instruction> getFragmentSubGraph(@NotNull List<Instruction> graph, int start, int end) {
List<Instruction> instructions = new ArrayList<Instruction>();
for (Instruction instruction : graph) {
final PsiElement element = instruction.getElement();
if (element != null) {
if (CodeFragmentUtil.getPosition(element, start, end) == Position.INSIDE) {
// Hack for including inner assert type instructions that can point to elements outside of the selected scope
for (Instruction instruction : graph) {
if (instruction instanceof ReadWriteInstruction) {
final ReadWriteInstruction readWriteInstruction = (ReadWriteInstruction)instruction;
if (readWriteInstruction.getAccess().isAssertTypeAccess()) {
boolean innerAssertType = true;
for (Instruction next : readWriteInstruction.allSucc()) {
if (!instructions.contains(next)) {
innerAssertType = false;
if (innerAssertType && !instructions.contains(instruction)) {
return instructions;
private static class AnalysisResult {
private final int starImports;
private final int targetInstructions;
private final int regularExits;
private final int returns;
private final int outerLoopBreaks;
private final int yieldExpressions;
public AnalysisResult(int starImports, int targetInstructions, int returns, int regularExits, int outerLoopBreaks, int yieldExpressions) {
this.starImports = starImports;
this.targetInstructions = targetInstructions;
this.regularExits = regularExits;
this.returns = returns;
this.outerLoopBreaks = outerLoopBreaks;
this.yieldExpressions = yieldExpressions;
private static AnalysisResult analyseSubGraph(@NotNull List<Instruction> subGraph, int start, int end) {
int returnSources = 0;
int regularSources = 0;
final Set<Instruction> targetInstructions = new HashSet<Instruction>();
int starImports = 0;
int outerLoopBreaks = 0;
int yieldExpressions = 0;
for (Pair<Instruction, Instruction> edge : getOutgoingEdges(subGraph)) {
final Instruction sourceInstruction = edge.getFirst();
final Instruction targetInstruction = edge.getSecond();
final PsiElement source = sourceInstruction.getElement();
final PsiElement target = targetInstruction.getElement();
final PyReturnStatement returnStatement = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(source, PyReturnStatement.class, false);
final boolean isExceptTarget = target instanceof PyExceptPart || target instanceof PyFinallyPart;
final boolean isLoopTarget = target instanceof PyWhileStatement || PyForStatementNavigator.getPyForStatementByIterable(target) != null;
if (target != null && !isExceptTarget && !isLoopTarget) {
if (returnStatement != null && CodeFragmentUtil.getPosition(returnStatement, start, end) == Position.INSIDE) {
else if (!isExceptTarget) {
final Set<PsiElement> subGraphElements = getSubGraphElements(subGraph);
for (PsiElement element : subGraphElements) {
if (element instanceof PyFromImportStatement) {
final PyFromImportStatement fromImportStatement = (PyFromImportStatement)element;
if (fromImportStatement.getStarImportElement() != null) {
if (element instanceof PyContinueStatement || element instanceof PyBreakStatement) {
final PyLoopStatement loopStatement = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(element, PyLoopStatement.class);
if (loopStatement != null && !subGraphElements.contains(loopStatement)) {
if (element instanceof PyYieldExpression) {
return new AnalysisResult(starImports, targetInstructions.size(), returnSources, regularSources, outerLoopBreaks, yieldExpressions);
private static Set<Pair<Instruction, Instruction>> getOutgoingEdges(@NotNull Collection<Instruction> subGraph) {
final Set<Pair<Instruction, Instruction>> outgoing = new HashSet<Pair<Instruction, Instruction>>();
for (Instruction instruction : subGraph) {
for (Instruction next : instruction.allSucc()) {
if (!subGraph.contains(next)) {
outgoing.add(Pair.create(instruction, next));
return outgoing;
public static List<PsiElement> getInputElements(@NotNull List<Instruction> subGraph, @NotNull List<Instruction> graph) {
final List<PsiElement> result = new ArrayList<PsiElement>();
final Set<PsiElement> subGraphElements = getSubGraphElements(subGraph);
for (Instruction instruction : getReadInstructions(subGraph)) {
final PsiElement element = instruction.getElement();
if (element != null) {
final PsiReference reference = element.getReference();
if (reference != null) {
for (PsiElement resolved : multiResolve(reference)) {
if (!subGraphElements.contains(resolved)) {
final List<PsiElement> outputElements = getOutputElements(subGraph, graph);
for (Instruction instruction : getWriteInstructions(subGraph)) {
final PsiElement element = instruction.getElement();
if (element != null) {
final PsiReference reference = element.getReference();
if (reference != null) {
for (PsiElement resolved : multiResolve(reference)) {
if (!subGraphElements.contains(resolved) && outputElements.contains(element)) {
return result;
private static List<PsiElement> getOutputElements(@NotNull List<Instruction> subGraph, @NotNull List<Instruction> graph) {
final List<PsiElement> result = new ArrayList<PsiElement>();
final List<Instruction> outerGraph = new ArrayList<Instruction>();
for (Instruction instruction : graph) {
if (!subGraph.contains(instruction)) {
final Set<PsiElement> subGraphElements = getSubGraphElements(subGraph);
for (Instruction instruction : getReadInstructions(outerGraph)) {
final PsiElement element = instruction.getElement();
if (element != null) {
final PsiReference reference = element.getReference();
if (reference != null) {
for (PsiElement resolved : multiResolve(reference)) {
if (subGraphElements.contains(resolved)) {
return result;
private static List<PsiElement> filterElementsInScope(@NotNull Collection<PsiElement> elements, @NotNull ScopeOwner owner) {
final List<PsiElement> result = new ArrayList<PsiElement>();
for (PsiElement element : elements) {
final PsiReference reference = element.getReference();
if (reference != null) {
final PsiElement resolved = reference.resolve();
if (resolved != null && ScopeUtil.getScopeOwner(resolved) == owner && !(owner instanceof PsiFile)) {
return result;
private static Set<PsiElement> getSubGraphElements(@NotNull List<Instruction> subGraph) {
final Set<PsiElement> result = new HashSet<PsiElement>();
for (Instruction instruction : subGraph) {
final PsiElement element = instruction.getElement();
if (element != null) {
return result;
private static Set<String> getGlobalWrites(@NotNull List<Instruction> instructions, @NotNull ScopeOwner owner) {
final Scope scope = ControlFlowCache.getScope(owner);
final Set<String> globalWrites = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
for (Instruction instruction : getWriteInstructions(instructions)) {
if (instruction instanceof ReadWriteInstruction) {
final String name = ((ReadWriteInstruction)instruction).getName();
if (scope.isGlobal(name) || owner instanceof PsiFile) {
return globalWrites;
private static Set<String> getNonlocalWrites(@NotNull List<Instruction> instructions, @NotNull ScopeOwner owner) {
final Scope scope = ControlFlowCache.getScope(owner);
final Set<String> nonlocalWrites = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
for (Instruction instruction : getWriteInstructions(instructions)) {
if (instruction instanceof ReadWriteInstruction) {
final String name = ((ReadWriteInstruction)instruction).getName();
if (scope.isNonlocal(name)) {
return nonlocalWrites;
private static List<PsiElement> multiResolve(@NotNull PsiReference reference) {
if (reference instanceof PsiPolyVariantReference) {
final ResolveResult[] results = ((PsiPolyVariantReference)reference).multiResolve(false);
final List<PsiElement> resolved = new ArrayList<PsiElement>();
for (ResolveResult result : results) {
final PsiElement element = result.getElement();
if (element != null) {
for (PsiElement element : resolved) {
if (element instanceof PyClass) {
return Collections.singletonList(element);
return resolved;
final PsiElement element = reference.resolve();
if (element != null) {
return Collections.singletonList(element);
return Collections.emptyList();
private static List<Instruction> getReadInstructions(@NotNull List<Instruction> subGraph) {
final List<Instruction> result = new ArrayList<Instruction>();
for (Instruction instruction : subGraph) {
if (instruction instanceof ReadWriteInstruction) {
final ReadWriteInstruction readWriteInstruction = (ReadWriteInstruction)instruction;
if (readWriteInstruction.getAccess().isReadAccess()) {
return result;
private static List<Instruction> getWriteInstructions(@NotNull List<Instruction> subGraph) {
final List<Instruction> result = new ArrayList<Instruction>();
for (Instruction instruction : subGraph) {
if (instruction instanceof ReadWriteInstruction) {
final ReadWriteInstruction readWriteInstruction = (ReadWriteInstruction)instruction;
if (readWriteInstruction.getAccess().isWriteAccess()) {
return result;