blob: 6abd7cc9cdf5ec91ce4f6168da520e9da20d3747 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2006 Sascha Weinreuter
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.intellij.lang.xpath.xslt.impl;
import com.intellij.formatting.*;
import com.intellij.ide.highlighter.XmlFileType;
import com.intellij.lang.ASTNode;
import com.intellij.lang.xml.XMLLanguage;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.TextRange;
import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement;
import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile;
import com.intellij.psi.codeStyle.CodeStyleSettings;
import com.intellij.psi.formatter.xml.XmlBlock;
import com.intellij.psi.formatter.xml.XmlPolicy;
import com.intellij.psi.xml.XmlTag;
import org.intellij.lang.xpath.xslt.XsltSupport;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
class XsltFormattingModelBuilder implements CustomFormattingModelBuilder {
private final FormattingModelBuilder myBuilder;
public XsltFormattingModelBuilder(FormattingModelBuilder builder) {
myBuilder = builder;
public boolean isEngagedToFormat(PsiElement context) {
final PsiFile file = context.getContainingFile();
if (file == null) {
return false;
} else if (file.getFileType() == XmlFileType.INSTANCE
&& file.getLanguage() == XMLLanguage.INSTANCE) {
return XsltSupport.isXsltFile(file);
return false;
public TextRange getRangeAffectingIndent(PsiFile file, int offset, ASTNode elementAtOffset) {
return myBuilder.getRangeAffectingIndent(file, offset, elementAtOffset);
public FormattingModel createModel(final PsiElement element, final CodeStyleSettings settings) {
FormattingModel baseModel = myBuilder.createModel(element, settings);
return new DelegatingFormattingModel(baseModel, getDelegatingBlock(settings, baseModel));
static Block getDelegatingBlock(final CodeStyleSettings settings, FormattingModel baseModel) {
final Block block = baseModel.getRootBlock();
if (block instanceof XmlBlock) {
final XmlBlock xmlBlock = (XmlBlock)block;
final XmlPolicy xmlPolicy = new XmlPolicy(settings, baseModel.getDocumentModel()) {
public boolean keepWhiteSpacesInsideTag(XmlTag xmlTag) {
return super.keepWhiteSpacesInsideTag(xmlTag) || isXslTextTag(xmlTag);
public boolean isTextElement(XmlTag tag) {
return super.isTextElement(tag) || isXslTextTag(tag) || isXslValueOfTag(tag);
final ASTNode node = xmlBlock.getNode();
final Wrap wrap = xmlBlock.getWrap();
final Alignment alignment = xmlBlock.getAlignment();
final Indent indent = xmlBlock.getIndent();
final TextRange textRange = xmlBlock.getTextRange();
return new XmlBlock(node, wrap, alignment, xmlPolicy, indent, textRange);
} else {
return block;
private static boolean isXslTextTag(XmlTag xmlTag) {
return "text".equals(xmlTag.getLocalName()) && XsltSupport.XSLT_NS.equals(xmlTag.getNamespace());
private static boolean isXslValueOfTag(XmlTag xmlTag) {
return "value-of".equals(xmlTag.getLocalName()) && XsltSupport.XSLT_NS.equals(xmlTag.getNamespace());