blob: d7483c496c1f69649eaf5386b3c9ce9086ecca42 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file was auto-generated from WSDL
* by the Apache Axis 1.4 Apr 22, 2006 (06:55:48 PDT) WSDL2Java emitter.
package com.intellij.tasks.mantis.model;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.rmi.Remote;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
public interface MantisConnectPortType extends Remote {
String mc_version() throws RemoteException;
* Get the enumeration for statuses.
ObjectRef[] mc_enum_status(String username, String password) throws RemoteException;
* Get the enumeration for priorities.
ObjectRef[] mc_enum_priorities(String username, String password) throws RemoteException;
* Get the enumeration for severities.
ObjectRef[] mc_enum_severities(String username, String password) throws RemoteException;
* Get the enumeration for reproducibilities.
ObjectRef[] mc_enum_reproducibilities(String username, String password) throws RemoteException;
* Get the enumeration for projections.
ObjectRef[] mc_enum_projections(String username, String password) throws RemoteException;
* Get the enumeration for ETAs.
ObjectRef[] mc_enum_etas(String username, String password) throws RemoteException;
* Get the enumeration for resolutions.
ObjectRef[] mc_enum_resolutions(String username, String password) throws RemoteException;
* Get the enumeration for access levels.
ObjectRef[] mc_enum_access_levels(String username, String password) throws RemoteException;
* Get the enumeration for project statuses.
ObjectRef[] mc_enum_project_status(String username, String password) throws RemoteException;
* Get the enumeration for project view states.
ObjectRef[] mc_enum_project_view_states(String username, String password) throws RemoteException;
* Get the enumeration for view states.
ObjectRef[] mc_enum_view_states(String username, String password) throws RemoteException;
* Get the enumeration for custom field types.
ObjectRef[] mc_enum_custom_field_types(String username, String password) throws RemoteException;
* Get the enumeration for the specified enumeration type.
String mc_enum_get(String username, String password, String enumeration) throws RemoteException;
* Check there exists an issue with the specified id.
boolean mc_issue_exists(String username, String password, BigInteger issue_id) throws RemoteException;
* Get the issue with the specified id.
IssueData mc_issue_get(String username, String password, BigInteger issue_id) throws RemoteException;
* Get the latest submitted issue in the specified project.
BigInteger mc_issue_get_biggest_id(String username, String password, BigInteger project_id) throws RemoteException;
* Get the id of the issue with the specified summary.
BigInteger mc_issue_get_id_from_summary(String username, String password, String summary) throws RemoteException;
* Submit the specified issue details.
BigInteger mc_issue_add(String username, String password, IssueData issue) throws RemoteException;
* Update Issue method.
boolean mc_issue_update(String username, String password, BigInteger issueId, IssueData issue) throws RemoteException;
* Sets the tags for a specified issue.
boolean mc_issue_set_tags(String username, String password, BigInteger issue_id, TagData[] tags) throws RemoteException;
* Delete the issue with the specified id.
boolean mc_issue_delete(String username, String password, BigInteger issue_id) throws RemoteException;
* Submit a new note.
BigInteger mc_issue_note_add(String username, String password, BigInteger issue_id, IssueNoteData note) throws RemoteException;
* Delete the note with the specified id.
boolean mc_issue_note_delete(String username, String password, BigInteger issue_note_id) throws RemoteException;
* Update a specific note of a specific issue.
boolean mc_issue_note_update(String username, String password, IssueNoteData note) throws RemoteException;
* Submit a new relationship.
BigInteger mc_issue_relationship_add(String username,
String password,
BigInteger issue_id,
RelationshipData relationship) throws RemoteException;
* Delete the relationship for the specified issue.
boolean mc_issue_relationship_delete(String username, String password, BigInteger issue_id, BigInteger relationship_id)
throws RemoteException;
* Submit a new issue attachment.
BigInteger mc_issue_attachment_add(String username, String password, BigInteger issue_id, String name, String file_type, byte[] content)
throws RemoteException;
* Delete the issue attachment with the specified id.
boolean mc_issue_attachment_delete(String username, String password, BigInteger issue_attachment_id) throws RemoteException;
* Get the data for the specified issue attachment.
byte[] mc_issue_attachment_get(String username, String password, BigInteger issue_attachment_id) throws RemoteException;
* Add a new project to the tracker (must have admin privileges)
BigInteger mc_project_add(String username, String password, ProjectData project) throws RemoteException;
* Add a new project to the tracker (must have admin privileges)
boolean mc_project_delete(String username, String password, BigInteger project_id) throws RemoteException;
* Update a specific project to the tracker (must have admin privileges)
boolean mc_project_update(String username, String password, BigInteger project_id, ProjectData project) throws RemoteException;
* Get the id of the project with the specified name.
BigInteger mc_project_get_id_from_name(String username, String password, String project_name) throws RemoteException;
* Get the issues that match the specified project id and paging
* details.
IssueData[] mc_project_get_issues(String username,
String password,
BigInteger project_id,
BigInteger page_number,
BigInteger per_page) throws RemoteException;
* Get the issue headers that match the specified project id and
* paging details.
IssueHeaderData[] mc_project_get_issue_headers(String username,
String password,
BigInteger project_id,
BigInteger page_number,
BigInteger per_page) throws RemoteException;
* Get appropriate users assigned to a project by access level.
AccountData[] mc_project_get_users(String username,
String password,
BigInteger project_id,
BigInteger access) throws RemoteException;
* Get the list of projects that are accessible to the logged
* in user.
ProjectData[] mc_projects_get_user_accessible(String username, String password) throws RemoteException;
* Get the categories belonging to the specified project.
String[] mc_project_get_categories(String username, String password, BigInteger project_id) throws RemoteException;
* Add a category of specific project.
BigInteger mc_project_add_category(String username, String password, BigInteger project_id, String p_category_name)
throws RemoteException;
* Delete a category of specific project.
BigInteger mc_project_delete_category(String username, String password, BigInteger project_id, String p_category_name)
throws RemoteException;
* Rename a category of specific project.
BigInteger mc_project_rename_category_by_name(String username,
String password,
BigInteger project_id,
String p_category_name,
String p_category_name_new,
BigInteger p_assigned_to) throws RemoteException;
* Get the versions belonging to the specified project.
ProjectVersionData[] mc_project_get_versions(String username, String password, BigInteger project_id) throws RemoteException;
* Submit the specified version details.
BigInteger mc_project_version_add(String username, String password, ProjectVersionData version) throws RemoteException;
* Update version method.
boolean mc_project_version_update(String username,
String password,
BigInteger version_id,
ProjectVersionData version) throws RemoteException;
* Delete the version with the specified id.
boolean mc_project_version_delete(String username, String password, BigInteger version_id) throws RemoteException;
* Get the released versions that belong to the specified project.
ProjectVersionData[] mc_project_get_released_versions(String username,
String password,
BigInteger project_id) throws RemoteException;
* Get the unreleased version that belong to the specified project.
ProjectVersionData[] mc_project_get_unreleased_versions(String username,
String password,
BigInteger project_id) throws RemoteException;
* Get the attachments that belong to the specified project.
ProjectAttachmentData[] mc_project_get_attachments(String username,
String password,
BigInteger project_id) throws RemoteException;
* Get the custom fields that belong to the specified project.
CustomFieldDefinitionData[] mc_project_get_custom_fields(String username,
String password,
BigInteger project_id) throws RemoteException;
* Get the data for the specified project attachment.
byte[] mc_project_attachment_get(String username, String password, BigInteger project_attachment_id) throws RemoteException;
* Submit a new project attachment.
BigInteger mc_project_attachment_add(String username,
String password,
BigInteger project_id,
String name,
String title,
String description,
String file_type,
byte[] content) throws RemoteException;
* Delete the project attachment with the specified id.
boolean mc_project_attachment_delete(String username, String password, BigInteger project_attachment_id) throws RemoteException;
* Get the subprojects ID of a specific project.
String[] mc_project_get_all_subprojects(String username, String password, BigInteger project_id) throws RemoteException;
* Get the filters defined for the specified project.
FilterData[] mc_filter_get(String username, String password, BigInteger project_id) throws RemoteException;
* Get the issues that match the specified filter and paging details.
IssueData[] mc_filter_get_issues(String username,
String password,
BigInteger project_id,
BigInteger filter_id,
BigInteger page_number,
BigInteger per_page) throws RemoteException;
* Get the issue headers that match the specified filter and paging
* details.
IssueHeaderData[] mc_filter_get_issue_headers(String username,
String password,
BigInteger project_id,
BigInteger filter_id,
BigInteger page_number,
BigInteger per_page) throws RemoteException;
* Get the value for the specified configuration variable.
String mc_config_get_string(String username, String password, String config_var) throws RemoteException;
* Notifies MantisBT of a check-in for the issue with the specified
* id.
boolean mc_issue_checkin(String username, String password, BigInteger issue_id, String comment, boolean fixed) throws RemoteException;
* Get the value for the specified user preference.
String mc_user_pref_get_pref(String username, String password, BigInteger project_id, String pref_name) throws RemoteException;
* Get profiles available to the current user.
ProfileDataSearchResult mc_user_profiles_get_all(String username,
String password,
BigInteger page_number,
BigInteger per_page) throws RemoteException;
* Gets all the tags.
TagDataSearchResult mc_tag_get_all(String username,
String password,
BigInteger page_number,
BigInteger per_page) throws RemoteException;
* Creates a tag.
BigInteger mc_tag_add(String username, String password, TagData tag) throws RemoteException;
* Deletes a tag.
boolean mc_tag_delete(String username, String password, BigInteger tag_id) throws RemoteException;