blob: 6c822177b774406348bca71d05b57ea04ac90849 [file] [log] [blame]
package com.intellij.tasks.jira.jql;
import com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType;
import com.intellij.psi.tree.IFileElementType;
import com.intellij.psi.tree.TokenSet;
import com.intellij.tasks.jira.jql.psi.impl.*;
* @author Mikhail Golubev
* Slightly refactored JQL grammar. See original ANTLR parser grammar at:
* query ::= or_clause [order_by]
* or_clause ::= and_clause {or_op and_clause}
* and_clause ::= not_expr {and_op not_expr}
* not_expr ::= not_op not_expr
* | subclause
* | terminal_clause
* subclause ::= "(" or_clause ")"
* terminal_clause ::= simple_clause
* | was_clause
* | changed_clause
* simple_clause ::= field simple_op value
* # although this is not mentioned in JQL manual, usage of both "from" and "to" predicates in "was" clause is legal
* was_clause ::= field "was" ["not"] ["in"] operand {history_predicate}
* changed_clause ::= field "changed" {history_predicate}
* simple_op ::= "="
* | "!="
* | "~"
* | "!~"
* | "<"
* | ">"
* | "<="
* | ">="
* | ["not"] "in"
* | "is" ["not"]
* not_op ::= "not" | "!"
* and_op ::= "and" | "&&" | "&"
* or_op ::= "or" | "||" | "|"
* history_predicate ::= "from" operand
* | "to" operand
* | "by" operand
* | "before" operand
* | "after" operand
* | "on" operand
* | "during" operand
* field ::= string
* operand ::= empty
* | string
* | func
* | list
* empty ::= "empty" | "null"
* list ::= "(" operand {"," operand} ")"
* func ::= fname "(" arg_list ")"
* # function name can be even number (!)
* fname ::= string | NUMBER
* arg_list ::= argument {"," argument}
* argument ::= string | NUMBER
* string ::= SQUOTED_STRING
* order_by ::= "order" "by" sort_key {sort_key}
* sort_key ::= field ("asc" | "desc")
public interface JqlElementTypes {
IFileElementType FILE = new IFileElementType(JqlLanguage.INSTANCE);
IElementType QUERY = new JqlElementType("QUERY", JqlQueryImpl.class);
IElementType OR_CLAUSE = new JqlElementType("OR_CLAUSE", JqlOrClauseImpl.class);
IElementType AND_CLAUSE = new JqlElementType("AND_CLAUSE", JqlAndClauseImpl.class);
IElementType NOT_CLAUSE = new JqlElementType("NOT_CLAUSE", JqlNotClauseImpl.class);
// actually parenthesized clause, named so to be consistent with official grammar
IElementType SUB_CLAUSE = new JqlElementType("SUB_CLAUSE", JqlSubClauseImpl.class);
//IElementType TERMINAL_CLAUSE = new JqlElementType("TERMINAL_CLAUSE");
// field (= | != | ~ | !~ | < | > | <= | >= | is [not] | [not] in) value
IElementType SIMPLE_CLAUSE = new JqlElementType("SIMPLE_CLAUSE", JqlSimpleClauseImpl.class);
// field was [not] [in] value {history_predicate}
IElementType WAS_CLAUSE = new JqlElementType("WAS_CLAUSE", JqlWasClauseImpl.class);
// field changed {history_predicate}
IElementType CHANGED_CLAUSE = new JqlElementType("CHANGED_CLAUSE", JqlChangedClauseImpl.class);
IElementType LIST = new JqlElementType("LIST", JqlListImpl.class);
IElementType ORDER_BY = new JqlElementType("ORDER_BY", JqlOrderByImpl.class);
IElementType IDENTIFIER = new JqlElementType("IDENTIFIER", JqlIdentifierImpl.class);
IElementType LITERAL = new JqlElementType("LITERAL", JqlLiteralImpl.class);
IElementType FUNCTION_CALL = new JqlElementType("FUNCTION_CALL", JqlFunctionCallImpl.class);
IElementType ARGUMENT_LIST = new JqlElementType("ARGUMENT_LIST", JqlArgumentListImpl.class);
IElementType SORT_KEY = new JqlElementType("SORT_KEY", JqlSortKeyImpl.class);
IElementType EMPTY = new JqlElementType("EMPTY", JqlEmptyValueImpl.class);
IElementType HISTORY_PREDICATE = new JqlElementType("HISTORY_PREDICATE", JqlHistoryPredicateImpl.class);
TokenSet OPERAND_NODES = TokenSet.create(