blob: 86168f835d40a8f5c6a3852809dbee7ab24d4459 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package standardDsls
def vetoableMethods = {
method name: "addVetoableChangeListener",
type: "void",
params: [propertyName: "java.lang.String",
listener: "java.beans.VetoableChangeListener"],
doc: """
Add a VetoableChangeListener for a specific property. The listener will be invoked only when a call on
fireVetoableChange names that specific property. The same listener object may be added more than once.
For each property, the listener will be invoked the number of times it was added for that property. If
propertyName or listener is null, no exception is thrown and no action is taken.
@param propertyName The name of the property to listen on.
@param listener The VetoableChangeListener to be added"""
method name: "addVetoableChangeListener",
type: "void",
params: [listener: "java.beans.VetoableChangeListener"],
doc: """
Add a VetoableListener to the listener list. The listener is registered for all properties. The same listener
object may beadded more than once, and will be called as many times as it is added. If listener is null, no
exception is thrown and no action is taken.
@param listener The VetoableChangeListener to be added"""
method name: "removeVetoableChangeListener",
type: "void",
params: [propertyName: "java.lang.String",
listener: "java.beans.VetoableChangeListener"],
doc: """
Remove a VetoableChangeListener for a specific property. If listener was added more than once to the same event
source for the specified property, it will be notified one less time after being removed. If propertyName is null,
no exception is thrown and no action is taken. If listener is null, or was never added for the specified property,
no exception is thrown and no action is taken.
@param propertyName The name of the property that was listened on.
@param listener The VetoableChangeListener to be removed"""
method name: "removeVetoableChangeListener",
type: "void",
params: [listener: "java.beans.VetoableChangeListener"],
doc: """
Remove a VetoableChangeListener from the listener list. This removes a VetoableChangeListener that was registered
for all properties. If listener was added more than once to the same event source, it will be notified one less
time after being removed. If listener is null, or was never added, no exception is thrown and no action is taken.
@param listener The VetoableChangeListener to be removed"""
method name: "fireVetoableChange",
type: "void",
params: [propertyName: "java.lang.String", oldValue: "java.lang.Object", newValue: "java.lang.Object"],
doc: """
Report a vetoable property update to any registered listeners. If anyone vetos the change, then fire a new event
reverting everyone to the old value and then rethrow the PropertyVetoException.
No event is fired if old and new are equal and non-null.
@param propertyName The programmatic name of the property that is about to change..
@param oldValue The old value of the property.
@param newValue The new value of the property. """
method name: "getVetoableChangeListeners",
type: "java.beans.VetoableChangeListener[]",
doc: """
Returns the list of VetoableChangeListeners. If named vetoable change listeners were added, then VetoableChangeListenerProxy
wrappers will returned.
@return List of VetoableChangeListeners and VetoableChangeListenerProxys if named property change listeners were added."""
method name: "getVetoableChangeListeners",
type: "java.beans.VetoableChangeListener[]",
params: [propertyName: "java.lang.String"],
doc: """
Returns an array of all the listeners which have been associated with the named property.
@param propertyName The name of the property being listened to
@return all the VetoableChangeListeners associated with the named property. If no such listeners have been added, or if
propertyName is null, an empty array is returned."""
contributor(ctype:hasField(hasAnnotation("groovy.beans.Vetoable"))) {
if (psiClass?.fields?.find {it.hasAnnotation("groovy.beans.Vetoable")}) {
vetoableMethods.delegate = delegate
vetoableMethods.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST