blob: f494f0190e255c7bc610cda33bbd5a3e077a2497 [file] [log] [blame]
package com.siyeh.igtest.bugs.malformed_format_string;
import java.util.Locale;
public class MalformedFormatString {
public void foo()
String.format("%", 3.0);
System.out.printf("%", 3.0);
System.out.printf("%q", 3.0);
System.out.printf("%d", 3.0);
System.out.printf(new Locale(""),"%d%s", 3.0, "foo");
public static void main(String[] args) {
String local = "hmm";
String good = String.format("%s %s", 1, 2); // this is valid according to the inspector (correct)
String warn = String.format("%s %s", 1); // this is invalid according to the inspector (correct)
String invalid = String.format("%s %s" + local, 1); // this is valid according to the inspector (INCORRECT!)
String interesting = String.format("%s %s" + "hmm", 1); // this is invalid according to the inspector (correct)
String intAsChar = String.format("symbol '%1$c' (numeric value %1$d)", 60); // integer->char conversion is ok (correct)
public void outOfMemory() {
String.format("%2147483640$s", "s");
public void optionalSettings() {
SomeOtherLogger logger = new SomeOtherLogger();
logger.d("%s %s", 1); // this is invalid according to the inspector (correct)
public class SomeOtherLogger {
public void d(String message, Object...args) {
// Do some logging.
void shouldWarn() {
String.format("%1$c %1$d", 10L);
void shouldNotWarn() {
String.format("%c", 0x10300);
String charAsInt = String.format("%1$d %1$c", 10); // int followed by char should be ok too.