blob: 2ffd3a2a27a38dfe760a06fcacdc99f256be8694 [file] [log] [blame]
Reports <b>native</b> methods whose names are either too short, too long, or do not follow
the specified regular expression pattern. Methods that override library
methods are ignored by this inspection.
When this inspection is enabled, the <i>Instance method naming convention</i> and
<i>'static' method naming convention</i> inspections will ignore <b>native</b> methods automatically.
<!-- tooltip end -->
Use the fields below to specify minimum length, maximum length and regular expression expected for <b>native</b> method names.
Specify <b>0</b> to not check the length of names. Regular expressions are in standard <b>java.util.regex</b> format.
<small>New in 14</small>