blob: 3d7bf82469a791e11fcd5a356f9fd422d67a2126 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o.
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package com.intellij.vcs.log.graph.utils.impl;
import com.intellij.util.BooleanFunction;
import com.intellij.vcs.log.graph.utils.UpdatableIntToIntMap;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
public class ListIntToIntMap extends AbstractIntToIntMap implements UpdatableIntToIntMap {
public static final int DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE = 30;
public static UpdatableIntToIntMap newInstance(@NotNull final BooleanFunction<Integer> thisIsVisible, final int longSize) {
return newInstance(thisIsVisible, longSize, DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE);
* @param blockSize
* memory usage is: longSize / blockSize;
* getLongIndex access need: log(longSize) + blockSize
* getShortIndex access need: blockSize
public static UpdatableIntToIntMap newInstance(@NotNull final BooleanFunction<Integer> thisIsVisible, final int longSize, int blockSize) {
if (longSize < 0)
throw new NegativeArraySizeException("size < 0: " + longSize);
if (longSize == 0)
return IDIntToIntMap.EMPTY;
int sumSize = (longSize - 1) / blockSize + 1;
ListIntToIntMap listIntToIntMap = new ListIntToIntMap(thisIsVisible, longSize, blockSize, new int[sumSize]);
listIntToIntMap.update(0, longSize - 1);
return listIntToIntMap;
final BooleanFunction<Integer> myThisIsVisible;
private final int myLongSize;
private final int myBlockSize;
private final int[] mySubSumOfBlocks;
private ListIntToIntMap(@NotNull BooleanFunction<Integer> thisIsVisible, int longSize, int blockSize, int[] subSumOfBlocks) {
myLongSize = longSize;
myThisIsVisible = thisIsVisible;
myBlockSize = blockSize;
mySubSumOfBlocks = subSumOfBlocks;
public int shortSize() {
return mySubSumOfBlocks[mySubSumOfBlocks.length - 1];
public int longSize() {
return myLongSize;
private int getRelevantSumIndex(int longIndex) {
return longIndex / myBlockSize;
public int getLongIndex(int shortIndex) {
int a = 0;
int b = mySubSumOfBlocks.length - 1;
while (b > a) {
int middle = (a + b) / 2;
if (mySubSumOfBlocks[middle] <= shortIndex)
a = middle + 1;
b = middle;
assert a == b;
int blockIndex = a;
int prefVisibleCount = 0;
if (blockIndex > 0)
prefVisibleCount = mySubSumOfBlocks[blockIndex - 1];
for (int longIndex = blockIndex * myBlockSize; longIndex < myLongSize; longIndex++) {
if (
if (prefVisibleCount > shortIndex)
return longIndex;
throw new IllegalAccessError("This should never happen!");
public int getShortIndex(int longIndex) {
int blockIndex = getRelevantSumIndex(longIndex);
int countVisible = calculateSumForBlock(blockIndex, longIndex);
if (countVisible > 0)
return countVisible - 1;
return 0;
// for calculate sum used blocks with index less that blockIndex
private int calculateSumForBlock(int blockIndex, int lastLongIndex) {
int sum = 0;
if (blockIndex > 0)
sum = mySubSumOfBlocks[blockIndex - 1];
for (int longIndex = blockIndex * myBlockSize; longIndex <= lastLongIndex; longIndex++) {
if (
return sum;
private void updateSumWithCorrectPrevious(int blockIndex) {
int endIndex = Math.min(myLongSize, (blockIndex + 1) * myBlockSize);
mySubSumOfBlocks[blockIndex] = calculateSumForBlock(blockIndex, endIndex - 1);
public void update(int startLongIndex, int endLongIndex) {
checkUpdateParameters(startLongIndex, endLongIndex);
int startSumIndex = getRelevantSumIndex(startLongIndex);
int endSumIndex = getRelevantSumIndex(endLongIndex);
int prevEndSum = mySubSumOfBlocks[endSumIndex];
for (int blockIndex = startSumIndex; blockIndex <= endSumIndex; blockIndex++)
int sumDelta = mySubSumOfBlocks[endSumIndex] - prevEndSum;
for (int blockIndex = endSumIndex + 1; blockIndex < mySubSumOfBlocks.length; blockIndex++)
mySubSumOfBlocks[blockIndex] += sumDelta;