blob: 78bc07b2b5d5f69ca4924213b654da06d3a13eff [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2012 JetBrains s.r.o.
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package com.intellij.notification;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.TextRange
import com.intellij.testFramework.LightPlatformTestCase
import com.intellij.testFramework.PlatformTestCase
* @author peter
class EventLogTest extends LightPlatformTestCase {
EventLogTest() {
public void testHtmlEntities() {
def entry = format("Title", "Hello world«»<>")
assert entry.message == 'Title: Hello world<<>><>'
public void testParseMultilineText() {
def entry = format("Title", "<html><body> " +
"<font size=\"3\">first line<br>" +
"second line<br>" +
"third<br>" +
"<a href=\"create\">Action</a><br>" +
assert entry.status == 'Title: first line second line third // Action'
assert entry.message == '''Title
\tfirst line
\tsecond line
\tAction (show balloon)'''
assert entry.links.collect { it.first } == [new TextRange(39, 45), new TextRange(47, 59)]
public void testInParagraph() {
def entry = format("Title", "<p>message</p>")
assert entry.message == 'Title: message'
assert entry.status == 'Title: message'
public void testJavaSeparators() {
def entry = format("Title", "fst\nsnd")
assert entry.message == '''Title
public void testLinkInTitle() {
def entry = format('<a href="a">link</a>', "content")
assert entry.message == 'link: content'
assert entry.links.collect { it.first } == [new TextRange(0, 4)]
public void testMalformedLink() throws Exception {
def entry = format('<a href="a">link<a/>', "content")
assert entry.message == 'link: content (show balloon)'
public void testVariousNewlines() throws Exception {
def entry = format('title', "foo<br/>bar")
assert entry.status == 'title: foo bar'
assert entry.message == '''title
entry = format('title', "foo<br/>/bar")
assert entry.status == 'title: foo // /bar'
assert entry.message == '''title
entry = format('title', "foo<br/>Bar")
assert entry.status == 'title: foo // Bar'
assert entry.message == '''title
EventLog.LogEntry format(String title, String content) {
EventLog.formatForLog(new Notification("xxx", title, content, NotificationType.ERROR), '\t')
public void testManyNewlines() throws Exception {
def entry = format('title', "foo\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nbar")
assert entry.status == 'title: foo bar'
assert entry.message == '''title
public void testTeamCityLink() {
def entry = format('title', '''<p>You are assigned for investigation of a test failure<br/>FtlFixesTest.testToplevelVariableLocal (IDEA Trunk), assigned by Roman Shevchenko<br/></p>
<p><a href='#'>Details &raquo;</a></p>''')
assert entry.message == '''title
\tYou are assigned for investigation of a test failure
\tFtlFixesTest.testToplevelVariableLocal (IDEA Trunk), assigned by Roman Shevchenko
\tDetails >>'''
assert entry.links.collect { it.first } == [new TextRange(144, 154)]