blob: 46386b27461c63ed639b2ee9c2c386eca27f34ea [file] [log] [blame]
package com.intellij.lang.javascript.boilerplate;
import com.intellij.openapi.application.PathManager;
import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProgressIndicator;
import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProgressManager;
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project;
import com.intellij.platform.templates.github.DownloadUtil;
import com.intellij.platform.templates.github.GeneratorException;
import com.intellij.platform.templates.github.Outcome;
import com.intellij.util.Producer;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
* @author Sergey Simonchik
public class GithubDownloadUtil {
private GithubDownloadUtil() {}
private static String formatGithubRepositoryName(@NotNull String userName, @NotNull String repositoryName) {
return "github-" + userName + "-" + repositoryName;
public static File getCacheDir(@NotNull String userName, @NotNull String repositoryName) {
File generatorsDir = new File(PathManager.getSystemPath(), "projectGenerators");
String dirName = formatGithubRepositoryName(userName, repositoryName);
File dir = new File(generatorsDir, dirName);
try {
return dir.getCanonicalFile();
} catch (IOException e) {
return dir;
public static File findCacheFile(@NotNull String userName, @NotNull String repositoryName, @NotNull String cacheFileName) {
File dir = getCacheDir(userName, repositoryName);
return new File(dir, cacheFileName);
public static void downloadContentToFileWithProgressSynchronously(
@Nullable Project project,
@NotNull final String url,
@NotNull String progressTitle,
@NotNull final File outputFile,
@NotNull final String userName,
@NotNull final String repositoryName,
final boolean retryOnError) throws GeneratorException
Outcome<File> outcome = DownloadUtil.provideDataWithProgressSynchronously(
"Downloading zip archive" + DownloadUtil.CONTENT_LENGTH_TEMPLATE + " ...",
new Callable<File>() {
public File call() throws Exception {
ProgressIndicator progress = ProgressManager.getInstance().getProgressIndicator();
downloadAtomically(progress, url, outputFile, userName, repositoryName);
return outputFile;
}, new Producer<Boolean>() {
public Boolean produce() {
if (!retryOnError) {
return false;
return IOExceptionDialog.showErrorDialog("Download Error", "Can not download '" + url + "'");
File out = outcome.get();
if (out != null) {
Exception e = outcome.getException();
if (e != null) {
throw new GeneratorException("Can not fetch content from " + url);
throw new GeneratorException("Download was cancelled");
* Downloads content of {@code url} to {@code outputFile}.
* {@code outputFile} won't be modified in case of any I/O download errors.
* @param indicator progress indicator
* @param url url to download
* @param outputFile output file
public static void downloadAtomically(@Nullable ProgressIndicator indicator,
@NotNull String url,
@NotNull File outputFile,
@NotNull String userName,
@NotNull String repositoryName) throws IOException
String tempFileName = String.format("github-%s-%s-%s", userName, repositoryName, outputFile.getName());
File tempFile = FileUtil.createTempFile(tempFileName + "-", ".tmp");
DownloadUtil.downloadAtomically(indicator, url, outputFile, tempFile);