blob: cf74790621d8e77ce3f8184850052281a65dc6f2 [file] [log] [blame]
package com.intellij.openapi.externalSystem.model.task;
import com.intellij.openapi.extensions.ExtensionPointName;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
* Defines contract for callback to listen external task notifications.
* @author Denis Zhdanov
* @since 11/10/11 11:57 AM
public interface ExternalSystemTaskNotificationListener {
ExtensionPointName<ExternalSystemTaskNotificationListener> EP_NAME
= ExtensionPointName.create("com.intellij.externalSystemTaskNotificationListener");
* Notifies that task with the given id is queued for the execution.
* <p/>
* 'Queued' here means that intellij process-local codebase receives request to execute the target task and even has not been
* sent it to the slave gradle api process.
* @param id target task's id
void onQueued(@NotNull ExternalSystemTaskId id);
* Notifies that task with the given id is about to be started.
* @param id target task's id
void onStart(@NotNull ExternalSystemTaskId id);
* Notifies about processing state change of task with the given id.
* @param event event that holds information about processing change state of the
* {@link ExternalSystemTaskNotificationEvent#getId() target task}
void onStatusChange(@NotNull ExternalSystemTaskNotificationEvent event);
* Notifies about text written to stdout/stderr during the task execution
* @param id id of the task being executed
* @param text text produced by external system during the target task execution
* @param stdOut flag which identifies output type (stdout or stderr)
void onTaskOutput(@NotNull ExternalSystemTaskId id, @NotNull String text, boolean stdOut);
// * Notifies about stdin during the task execution
// *
// * @param id id of the task being executed
// * @param text text produced by external system during the target task execution
// */
//void onTaskInput(@NotNull ExternalSystemTaskId id, @NotNull String text);
* Notifies that task with the given id is finished.
* @param id target task's id
void onEnd(@NotNull ExternalSystemTaskId id);
* Notifies that task with the given id is finished successfully.
* @param id target task's id
void onSuccess(@NotNull ExternalSystemTaskId id);
* Notifies that task with the given id is failed.
* @param id target task's id
* @param e failure exception
void onFailure(@NotNull ExternalSystemTaskId id, @NotNull Exception e);