blob: 9c93f1a868f75fa7178d1cd271fa201bd61b0cc7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2013 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.intellij.psi.impl.source.codeStyle;
import com.intellij.lang.*;
import com.intellij.openapi.command.AbnormalCommandTerminationException;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Document;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.Key;
import com.intellij.psi.*;
import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.tree.Factory;
import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.tree.LeafElement;
import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.tree.TreeElement;
import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.tree.TreeUtil;
import com.intellij.psi.templateLanguages.OuterLanguageElement;
import com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType;
import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiUtilCore;
import com.intellij.util.NotNullFunction;
import com.intellij.util.text.CharArrayUtil;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
public class CodeEditUtil {
private static final Key<Boolean> GENERATED_FLAG = new Key<Boolean>("GENERATED_FLAG");
private static final Key<Integer> INDENT_INFO = new Key<Integer>("INDENT_INFO");
private static final Key<Boolean> REFORMAT_BEFORE_KEY = new Key<Boolean>("REFORMAT_BEFORE_KEY");
private static final Key<Boolean> REFORMAT_KEY = new Key<Boolean>("REFORMAT_KEY");
private static final ThreadLocal<Boolean> ALLOW_TO_MARK_NODES_TO_REFORMAT = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>() {
protected Boolean initialValue() {
return Boolean.TRUE;
private static final ThreadLocal<Boolean> ALLOW_NODES_REFORMATTING = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>() {
protected Boolean initialValue() {
return Boolean.TRUE;
private static final ThreadLocal<NotNullFunction<ASTNode, Boolean>> NODE_REFORMAT_STRATEGY = new ThreadLocal<NotNullFunction<ASTNode, Boolean>>();
public static final Key<Boolean> OUTER_OK = new Key<Boolean>("OUTER_OK");
private CodeEditUtil() { }
public static void addChild(ASTNode parent, ASTNode child, ASTNode anchorBefore) {
addChildren(parent, child, child, anchorBefore);
public static void removeChild(ASTNode parent, @NotNull ASTNode child) {
removeChildren(parent, child, child);
public static ASTNode addChildren(ASTNode parent, @NotNull ASTNode first, @NotNull ASTNode last, ASTNode anchorBefore) {
ASTNode lastChild = last.getTreeNext();
ASTNode current = first;
while (current != lastChild) {
current = current.getTreeNext();
if (anchorBefore != null && isComment(anchorBefore.getElementType())) {
final ASTNode anchorPrev = anchorBefore.getTreePrev();
if (anchorPrev != null && anchorPrev.getElementType() == TokenType.WHITE_SPACE) {
anchorBefore = anchorPrev;
parent.addChildren(first, lastChild, anchorBefore);
ASTNode firstAddedLeaf = findFirstLeaf(first, last);
ASTNode prevLeaf = TreeUtil.prevLeaf(first);
ASTNode result = first;
if (firstAddedLeaf != null) {
ASTNode placeHolderEnd = makePlaceHolderBetweenTokens(prevLeaf, firstAddedLeaf, isFormattingRequired(prevLeaf, first), false);
if (placeHolderEnd != prevLeaf && first == firstAddedLeaf) {
result = placeHolderEnd;
ASTNode lastAddedLeaf = findLastLeaf(first, last);
placeHolderEnd = makePlaceHolderBetweenTokens(lastAddedLeaf, TreeUtil.nextLeaf(last), true, false);
if (placeHolderEnd != lastAddedLeaf && lastAddedLeaf == first) {
result = placeHolderEnd;
else {
makePlaceHolderBetweenTokens(prevLeaf, TreeUtil.nextLeaf(last), isFormattingRequired(prevLeaf, first), false);
return result;
private static boolean isComment(IElementType type) {
final ParserDefinition def = LanguageParserDefinitions.INSTANCE.forLanguage(type.getLanguage());
return def != null && def.getCommentTokens().contains(type);
private static boolean isFormattingRequired(ASTNode prevLeaf, ASTNode first) {
while (first != null) {
ASTNode current = prevLeaf;
while (current != null) {
if (current.getTreeNext() == first) return true;
current = current.getTreeParent();
final ASTNode parent = first.getTreeParent();
if (parent != null && parent.getTextRange().equals(first.getTextRange())) {
first = parent;
else {
return false;
public static void checkForOuters(ASTNode element) {
if (element instanceof OuterLanguageElement && element.getCopyableUserData(OUTER_OK) == null) {
throw new AbnormalCommandTerminationException();
ASTNode child = element.getFirstChildNode();
while (child != null) {
child = child.getTreeNext();
public static void saveWhitespacesInfo(ASTNode first) {
if (first == null || isNodeGenerated(first) || getOldIndentation(first) >= 0) {
PsiElement psiElement = first.getPsi();
if (psiElement == null) {
PsiFile file = psiElement.getContainingFile();
setOldIndentation((TreeElement)first, IndentHelper.getInstance().getIndent(file.getProject(), file.getFileType(), first));
public static int getOldIndentation(ASTNode node) {
if (node == null) return -1;
final Integer stored = node.getCopyableUserData(INDENT_INFO);
return stored != null ? stored : -1;
public static void removeChildren(ASTNode parent, @NotNull ASTNode first, @NotNull ASTNode last) {
final boolean tailingElement = last.getStartOffset() + last.getTextLength() == parent.getStartOffset() + parent.getTextLength();
final boolean forceReformat = needToForceReformat(parent, first, last);
TreeElement child = (TreeElement)first;
while (child != null) {
if (child == last) break;
child = child.getTreeNext();
assert child == last : last + " is not a successor of " + first + " in the .getTreeNext() chain";
final ASTNode prevLeaf = TreeUtil.prevLeaf(first);
final ASTNode nextLeaf = TreeUtil.nextLeaf(first);
parent.removeRange(first, last.getTreeNext());
ASTNode nextLeafToAdjust = nextLeaf;
if (nextLeafToAdjust != null && prevLeaf != null && nextLeafToAdjust.getTreeParent() == null) {
//next element has invalidated
nextLeafToAdjust = prevLeaf.getTreeNext();
makePlaceHolderBetweenTokens(prevLeaf, nextLeafToAdjust, forceReformat, tailingElement);
private static boolean needToForceReformat(final ASTNode parent, final ASTNode first, final ASTNode last) {
return parent == null || first.getStartOffset() != parent.getStartOffset() ||
parent.getText().trim().length() == getTrimmedTextLength(first, last) &&
needToForceReformat(parent.getTreeParent(), parent, parent);
private static int getTrimmedTextLength(ASTNode first, final ASTNode last) {
final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
while (first != last.getTreeNext()) {
first = first.getTreeNext();
return buffer.toString().trim().length();
public static void replaceChild(ASTNode parent, @NotNull ASTNode oldChild, @NotNull ASTNode newChild) {
LeafElement oldFirst = TreeUtil.findFirstLeaf(oldChild);
parent.replaceChild(oldChild, newChild);
final LeafElement firstLeaf = TreeUtil.findFirstLeaf(newChild);
final ASTNode prevToken = TreeUtil.prevLeaf(newChild);
if (firstLeaf != null) {
final ASTNode nextLeaf = TreeUtil.nextLeaf(newChild);
makePlaceHolderBetweenTokens(prevToken, firstLeaf, isFormattingRequired(prevToken, newChild), false);
if (nextLeaf != null && !CharArrayUtil.containLineBreaks(nextLeaf.getText())) {
makePlaceHolderBetweenTokens(TreeUtil.prevLeaf(nextLeaf), nextLeaf, false, false);
else {
if (oldFirst != null && prevToken == null) {
ASTNode whitespaceNode = newChild.getTreeNext();
if (whitespaceNode != null && whitespaceNode.getElementType() == TokenType.WHITE_SPACE) {
// Replacing non-empty prefix to empty shall remove whitespace
makePlaceHolderBetweenTokens(prevToken, TreeUtil.nextLeaf(newChild), isFormattingRequired(prevToken, newChild), false);
private static ASTNode findFirstLeaf(ASTNode first, ASTNode last) {
do {
final LeafElement leaf = TreeUtil.findFirstLeaf(first);
if (leaf != null) return leaf;
first = first.getTreeNext();
if (first == null) return null;
while (first != last);
return null;
private static ASTNode findLastLeaf(ASTNode first, ASTNode last) {
do {
final ASTNode leaf = TreeUtil.findLastLeaf(last);
if (leaf != null) return leaf;
last = last.getTreePrev();
if (last == null) return null;
while (first != last);
return null;
private static ASTNode makePlaceHolderBetweenTokens(ASTNode left, ASTNode right, boolean forceReformat, boolean normalizeTrailingWS) {
if (right == null) return left;
markToReformatBefore(right, false);
if (left == null) {
markToReformatBefore(right, true);
else if (left.getElementType() == TokenType.WHITE_SPACE && left.getTreeNext() == null && normalizeTrailingWS) {
// handle tailing whitespaces if element on the left has been removed
final ASTNode prevLeaf = TreeUtil.prevLeaf(left);
markToReformatBeforeOrInsertWhitespace(prevLeaf, right);
left = right;
else if (left.getElementType() == TokenType.WHITE_SPACE && right.getElementType() == TokenType.WHITE_SPACE) {
final String text;
final int leftBlankLines = getBlankLines(left.getText());
final int rightBlankLines = getBlankLines(right.getText());
final boolean leaveRightText = leftBlankLines < rightBlankLines;
if (leftBlankLines == 0 && rightBlankLines == 0) {
text = left.getText() + right.getText();
else if (leaveRightText) {
text = right.getText();
else {
text = left.getText();
if (leaveRightText || forceReformat) {
final LeafElement merged = ASTFactory.whitespace(text);
if (!leaveRightText) {
left.getTreeParent().replaceChild(left, merged);
else {
right.getTreeParent().replaceChild(right, merged);
left = merged;
else {
else if (left.getElementType() != TokenType.WHITE_SPACE || forceReformat) {
if (right.getElementType() == TokenType.WHITE_SPACE) {
else if (left.getElementType() == TokenType.WHITE_SPACE) {
else {
markToReformatBeforeOrInsertWhitespace(left, right);
return left;
private static void markWhitespaceForReformat(final ASTNode right) {
final String text = right.getText();
final LeafElement merged = ASTFactory.whitespace(text);
right.getTreeParent().replaceChild(right, merged);
private static void markToReformatBeforeOrInsertWhitespace(final ASTNode left, @NotNull final ASTNode right) {
final Language leftLang = left != null ? PsiUtilCore.getNotAnyLanguage(left) : null;
final Language rightLang = PsiUtilCore.getNotAnyLanguage(right);
ASTNode generatedWhitespace = null;
if (leftLang != null && leftLang.isKindOf(rightLang)) {
generatedWhitespace = LanguageTokenSeparatorGenerators.INSTANCE.forLanguage(leftLang).generateWhitespaceBetweenTokens(left, right);
else if (rightLang.isKindOf(leftLang)) {
generatedWhitespace = LanguageTokenSeparatorGenerators.INSTANCE.forLanguage(rightLang).generateWhitespaceBetweenTokens(left, right);
if (generatedWhitespace != null) {
final TreeUtil.CommonParentState parentState = new TreeUtil.CommonParentState();
TreeUtil.prevLeaf((TreeElement)right, parentState);
parentState.nextLeafBranchStart.getTreeParent().addChild(generatedWhitespace, parentState.nextLeafBranchStart);
else {
markToReformatBefore(right, true);
public static void markToReformatBefore(final ASTNode right, boolean value) {
right.putCopyableUserData(REFORMAT_BEFORE_KEY, value ? true : null);
private static int getBlankLines(final String text) {
int result = 0;
int currentIndex = -1;
while ((currentIndex = text.indexOf('\n', currentIndex + 1)) >= 0) result++;
return result;
public static boolean isNodeGenerated(final ASTNode node) {
return node == null || node.getCopyableUserData(GENERATED_FLAG) != null;
public static void setNodeGenerated(final ASTNode next, final boolean value) {
if (next == null) return;
next.putCopyableUserData(GENERATED_FLAG, value ? true : null);
public static void setNodeGeneratedRecursively(final ASTNode next, final boolean value) {
if (next == null) return;
setNodeGenerated(next, value);
for (ASTNode child = next.getFirstChildNode(); child != null; child = child.getTreeNext()) {
setNodeGeneratedRecursively(child, value);
public static void setOldIndentation(final TreeElement treeElement, final int oldIndentation) {
if (treeElement == null) return;
treeElement.putCopyableUserData(INDENT_INFO, oldIndentation >= 0 ? oldIndentation : null);
public static boolean isMarkedToReformatBefore(final TreeElement element) {
return element.getCopyableUserData(REFORMAT_BEFORE_KEY) != null;
public static PsiElement createLineFeed(final PsiManager manager) {
return Factory.createSingleLeafElement(TokenType.WHITE_SPACE, "\n", 0, 1, null, manager).getPsi();
* Allows to answer if given node is configured to be reformatted.
* @param node node to check
* @return <code>true</code> if given node is configured to be reformatted; <code>false</code> otherwise
public static boolean isMarkedToReformat(final ASTNode node) {
if (node.getCopyableUserData(REFORMAT_KEY) == null || !isSuspendedNodesReformattingAllowed()) {
return false;
final NotNullFunction<ASTNode, Boolean> strategy = NODE_REFORMAT_STRATEGY.get();
return strategy == null ||;
* Allows to define if given element should be reformatted later.
* @param node target element which <code>'reformat'</code> status should be changed
* @param value <code>true</code> if the element should be reformatted; <code>false</code> otherwise
public static void markToReformat(final ASTNode node, boolean value) {
node.putCopyableUserData(REFORMAT_KEY, value ? true : null);
* We allow to mark particular {@link ASTNode AST nodes} to be reformatted later (e.g. we may want method definition and calls
* to be reformatted when we perform <code>'change method signature'</code> refactoring. Hence, we mark corresponding expressions
* to be reformatted).
* <p/>
* For convenience that is made automatically on AST/PSI level, i.e. every time target element change it automatically marks itself
* to be reformatted.
* <p/>
* However, there is a possible case that particular element is changed because of formatting, hence, there is no need to mark
* itself for postponed formatting one more time. This method allows to configure allowance of reformat markers processing
* for the calling thread. I.e. this method may be called with <code>'false'</code> as an argument, hence, all further attempts
* to {@link #markToReformat(ASTNode, boolean) mark node for postponed formatting} will have no effect until current method is
* called with <code>'true'</code> as an argument. Hence, following usage scenario is expected:
* <ol>
* <li>This method is called with <code>'false'</code> argument;</li>
* <li>Formatting is performed at dedicated <code>'try'</code> block;</li>
* <li>This method is called with <code>'false'</code> argument from <code>'finally'</code> section;</li>
* </ol>
* @param allow flag that defines if new reformat markers can be added from the current thread
* @see #markToReformat(ASTNode, boolean)
public static void allowToMarkNodesForPostponedFormatting(boolean allow) {
* @return <code>'allow suspended formatting'</code> flag value
* @see #setAllowSuspendNodesReformatting(boolean)
public static boolean isSuspendedNodesReformattingAllowed() {
* There is a possible case that particular PSI tree node is {@link #markToReformat(ASTNode, boolean) marked for reformatting}.
* That means that there is a big chance that the node will be re-formatted during corresponding document processing
* (e.g. on call to {@link PsiDocumentManager#doPostponedOperationsAndUnblockDocument(Document)}).
* <p/>
* However, there is a possible case that particular activity that triggers such document processing is not ready to the
* situation when the document is modified because of postponed formatting. Hence, it may ask to suspend postponed formatting
* for a while. This method allows to do that at thread-local manner. I.e. it's expected to be called as follows:
* <pre>
* <ol>
* <li>This method is called with <code>'false'</code> argument;</li>
* <li>Document is processed at dedicated <code>'try'</code> block;</li>
* <li>This method is called with <code>'true'</code> argument from <code>'finally'</code> section;</li>
* </ol>
* </pre>
public static void setAllowSuspendNodesReformatting(boolean allow) {
* Allows to control the same process as {@link #setAllowSuspendNodesReformatting(boolean)} but on a node level. I.e. it allows
* to answer if particular node can be reformatted if {@link #isSuspendedNodesReformattingAllowed() global reformatting is allowed}.
* @param strategy strategy to use; <code>null</code> as an indication that no fine-grained checking should be performed
public static void setNodeReformatStrategy(@Nullable NotNullFunction<ASTNode, Boolean> strategy) {