blob: 83012f4614864ebe4bc311a7ae56b0948029bc51 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2013 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package com.intellij.util;
import com.intellij.concurrency.AsyncFuture;
import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil;
import gnu.trove.THashSet;
import gnu.trove.TObjectHashingStrategy;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.util.*;
* @author max
public class UniqueResultsQuery<T, M> implements Query<T> {
private final Query<T> myOriginal;
private final TObjectHashingStrategy<M> myHashingStrategy;
private final Function<T, M> myMapper;
public UniqueResultsQuery(@NotNull Query<T> original) {
this(original, ContainerUtil.<M>canonicalStrategy(), (Function<T, M>)FunctionUtil.<M>id());
public UniqueResultsQuery(@NotNull Query<T> original, @NotNull TObjectHashingStrategy<M> hashingStrategy) {
this(original, hashingStrategy, (Function<T, M>)FunctionUtil.<M>id());
public UniqueResultsQuery(@NotNull Query<T> original, @NotNull TObjectHashingStrategy<M> hashingStrategy, @NotNull Function<T, M> mapper) {
myOriginal = original;
myHashingStrategy = hashingStrategy;
myMapper = mapper;
public T findFirst() {
return myOriginal.findFirst();
public boolean forEach(@NotNull final Processor<T> consumer) {
return process(consumer, Collections.synchronizedSet(new THashSet<M>(myHashingStrategy)));
public AsyncFuture<Boolean> forEachAsync(@NotNull Processor<T> consumer) {
return processAsync(consumer, Collections.synchronizedSet(new THashSet<M>(myHashingStrategy)));
private boolean process(@NotNull Processor<T> consumer, @NotNull Set<M> processedElements) {
return myOriginal.forEach(new MyProcessor(processedElements, consumer));
private AsyncFuture<Boolean> processAsync(@NotNull Processor<T> consumer, @NotNull Set<M> processedElements) {
return myOriginal.forEachAsync(new MyProcessor(processedElements, consumer));
public Collection<T> findAll() {
if (myMapper == Function.ID) {
Set<M> set = new THashSet<M>(myHashingStrategy);
process(CommonProcessors.<T>alwaysTrue(), Collections.synchronizedSet(set));
//noinspection unchecked
return (Collection<T>)set;
else {
final CommonProcessors.CollectProcessor<T> processor = new CommonProcessors.CollectProcessor<T>(Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<T>()));
return processor.getResults();
public T[] toArray(@NotNull final T[] a) {
return findAll().toArray(a);
public Iterator<T> iterator() {
return findAll().iterator();
private class MyProcessor implements Processor<T> {
private final Set<M> myProcessedElements;
private final Processor<T> myConsumer;
public MyProcessor(@NotNull Set<M> processedElements, @NotNull Processor<T> consumer) {
myProcessedElements = processedElements;
myConsumer = consumer;
public boolean process(final T t) {
return !myProcessedElements.add( || myConsumer.process(t);
public String toString() {
return "UniqueQuery: "+myOriginal;