blob: b6d8840059ba29a7a7a86d71927483657461c28e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2013 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package com.intellij.slicer;
import com.intellij.analysis.AnalysisScope;
import com.intellij.codeInsight.daemon.impl.HighlightInfo;
import com.intellij.ide.util.treeView.AbstractTreeNode;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.Disposer;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil;
import com.intellij.openapi.wm.impl.ToolWindowHeadlessManagerImpl;
import com.intellij.psi.*;
import com.intellij.util.ArrayUtil;
import com.intellij.util.Function;
import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil;
import gnu.trove.TIntArrayList;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls;
import java.util.*;
* @author cdr
public class SliceTreeTest extends SliceTestCase {
private SliceTreeStructure configureTree(@NonNls final String name) throws Exception {
configureByFile("/codeInsight/slice/backward/"+ name +".java");
PsiElement element = new SliceHandler(true).getExpressionAtCaret(getEditor(), getFile());
Collection<HighlightInfo> errors = highlightErrors();
SliceAnalysisParams params = new SliceAnalysisParams();
params.scope = new AnalysisScope(getProject());
params.dataFlowToThis = true;
SliceUsage usage = SliceUsage.createRootUsage(element, params);
ToolWindowHeadlessManagerImpl.MockToolWindow toolWindow = new ToolWindowHeadlessManagerImpl.MockToolWindow(myProject);
SlicePanel panel = new SlicePanel(getProject(), true, new SliceRootNode(getProject(), new DuplicateMap(), usage), false, toolWindow) {
protected void close() {
public boolean isAutoScroll() {
return false;
public void setAutoScroll(boolean autoScroll) {
public boolean isPreview() {
return false;
public void setPreview(boolean preview) {
Disposer.register(getProject(), panel);
return (SliceTreeStructure)panel.getBuilder().getTreeStructure();
private static void expandNodesTo(final SliceNode node, List<SliceNode> to) {
Collection<? extends AbstractTreeNode> nodes = node.getChildren();
for (AbstractTreeNode child : nodes) {
expandNodesTo((SliceNode)child, to);
public void testTypingDoesNotInterfereWithDuplicates() throws Exception {
SliceTreeStructure treeStructure = configureTree("DupSlice");
SliceNode root = (SliceNode)treeStructure.getRootElement();
List<SliceNode> nodes = new ArrayList<SliceNode>();
expandNodesTo(root, nodes);
TIntArrayList hasDups = new TIntArrayList();
for (SliceNode node : nodes) {
if (node.getDuplicate() != null) {
PsiElement element = node.getValue().getElement();
assertTrue(element instanceof PsiParameter && ((PsiParameter)element).getName().equals("i") || element instanceof PsiLiteralExpression);
type(" xx");
expandNodesTo(root, nodes);
for (SliceNode node : nodes) {
if (node.getDuplicate() != null) {
PsiElement element = node.getValue().getElement();
int offset = element.getTextRange().getStartOffset();
int i = hasDups.indexOf(offset);
assertTrue(i != -1);
assertTrue(element instanceof PsiParameter && ((PsiParameter)element).getName().equals("i") || element instanceof PsiLiteralExpression);
public void testLeafExpressionsAreEmptyInCaseOfInfinitelyExpandingTreeWithDuplicateNodes() throws Exception {
SliceTreeStructure treeStructure = configureTree("Tuple");
SliceNode root = (SliceNode)treeStructure.getRootElement();
Collection<PsiElement> leaves = SliceLeafAnalyzer.calcLeafExpressions(root, treeStructure, SliceLeafAnalyzer.createMap());
public void testLeafExpressionsSimple() throws Exception {
SliceTreeStructure treeStructure = configureTree("DupSlice");
SliceNode root = (SliceNode)treeStructure.getRootElement();
Collection<PsiElement> leaves = SliceLeafAnalyzer.calcLeafExpressions(root, treeStructure, SliceLeafAnalyzer.createMap());
PsiElement element = assertOneElement(leaves);
assertTrue(element instanceof PsiLiteralExpression);
assertEquals(1111111111, ((PsiLiteral)element).getValue());
public void testLeafExpressionsMoreComplex() throws Exception {
SliceTreeStructure treeStructure = configureTree("Duplicate");
SliceNode root = (SliceNode)treeStructure.getRootElement();
Map<SliceNode, Collection<PsiElement>> map = SliceLeafAnalyzer.createMap();
Collection<PsiElement> leaves = SliceLeafAnalyzer.calcLeafExpressions(root, treeStructure, map);
List<PsiElement> list = new ArrayList<PsiElement>(leaves);
String message =, new Function<PsiElement, String>() {
public String fun(PsiElement element) {
return element.getClass() +": '"+element.getText()+"' ("+ SliceLeafAnalyzer.LEAF_ELEMENT_EQUALITY.computeHashCode(element)+") ";
assertEquals(map.entrySet()+"\n"+message, 2, leaves.size());
Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<PsiElement>() {
public int compare(PsiElement o1, PsiElement o2) {
return o1.getText().compareTo(o2.getText());
assertTrue(list.get(0) instanceof PsiLiteralExpression);
assertEquals(false, ((PsiLiteral)list.get(0)).getValue());
assertTrue(list.get(1) instanceof PsiLiteralExpression);
assertEquals(true, ((PsiLiteral)list.get(1)).getValue());
public void testGroupByValuesCorrectLeaves() throws Exception {
SliceTreeStructure treeStructure = configureTree("DuplicateLeaves");
SliceRootNode root = (SliceRootNode)treeStructure.getRootElement();
Map<SliceNode, Collection<PsiElement>> map = SliceLeafAnalyzer.createMap();
Collection<PsiElement> leaves = SliceLeafAnalyzer.calcLeafExpressions(root, treeStructure, map);
assertEquals(1, leaves.size());
PsiElement leaf = leaves.iterator().next();
assertTrue(leaf instanceof PsiLiteralExpression);
assertEquals("\"oo\"", leaf.getText());
SliceRootNode newRoot = SliceLeafAnalyzer.createTreeGroupedByValues(leaves, root, map);
Collection<? extends AbstractTreeNode> children = newRoot.getChildren();
assertEquals(1, children.size());
SliceNode child = (SliceNode)children.iterator().next();
assertTrue(child instanceof SliceLeafValueRootNode);
children = child.getChildren();
assertEquals(1, children.size());
child = (SliceNode)children.iterator().next();
assertTrue(child.getValue().getElement() instanceof PsiField);
children = child.getChildren();
assertEquals(1, children.size());
child = (SliceNode)children.iterator().next();
assertTrue(child.getValue().getElement() instanceof PsiReferenceExpression);
children = child.getChildren();
assertEquals(1, children.size());
child = (SliceNode)children.iterator().next();
assertTrue(child.getValue().getElement() instanceof PsiParameter);
children = child.getChildren();
assertEquals(1, children.size());
child = (SliceNode)children.iterator().next();
assertTrue(child.getValue().getElement() instanceof PsiReferenceExpression);
children = child.getChildren();
assertEquals(1, children.size());
child = (SliceNode)children.iterator().next();
assertTrue(child.getValue().getElement() instanceof PsiParameter);
children = child.getChildren();
assertEquals(1, children.size());
child = (SliceNode)children.iterator().next();
assertTrue(child.getValue().getElement() instanceof PsiLiteralExpression);
assertEquals(child.getValue().getElement(), leaf);
public void testNullness() throws Exception {
SliceTreeStructure treeStructure = configureTree("Nulls");
final SliceRootNode root = (SliceRootNode)treeStructure.getRootElement();
Map<SliceNode, SliceNullnessAnalyzer.NullAnalysisResult> map = SliceNullnessAnalyzer.createMap();
SliceNullnessAnalyzer.NullAnalysisResult leaves = SliceNullnessAnalyzer.calcNullableLeaves(root, treeStructure, map);
SliceRootNode newRoot = SliceNullnessAnalyzer.createNewTree(leaves, root, map);
checkStructure(newRoot, "Null Values\n" +
" Value: o\n" +
" (6: 12) |String| |l|;\n" +
" (52: 13) |l| |=| |d|;\n" +
" (51: 21) |void| |set|(|String| |d|)| |{\n" +
" (15: 13) |set|(|o|)|;\n" +
" Value: nu()\n" +
" (6: 12) |String| |l|;\n" +
" (52: 13) |l| |=| |d|;\n" +
" (51: 21) |void| |set|(|String| |d|)| |{\n" +
" (29: 13) |set|(|nu|(|)|)|;\n" +
" Value: t\n" +
" (6: 12) |String| |l|;\n" +
" (52: 13) |l| |=| |d|;\n" +
" (51: 21) |void| |set|(|String| |d|)| |{\n" +
" (46: 15) |x|.|set|(|t|)|;\n" +
"NotNull Values\n" +
" Value: \"\"\n" +
" (6: 12) |String| |l|;\n" +
" (52: 13) |l| |=| |d|;\n" +
" (51: 21) |void| |set|(|String| |d|)| |{\n" +
" (19: 13) |set|(|CON|)|;\n" +
" (5: 39) |private| |final| |static| |String| |CON| |=| |\"\"|;\n" +
" Value: \"xxx\"\n" +
" (6: 12) |String| |l|;\n" +
" (52: 13) |l| |=| |d|;\n" +
" (51: 21) |void| |set|(|String| |d|)| |{\n" +
" (10: 13) |set|(|\"xxx\"|)|;\n" +
" Value: new String()\n" +
" (6: 12) |String| |l|;\n" +
" (52: 13) |l| |=| |d|;\n" +
" (51: 21) |void| |set|(|String| |d|)| |{\n" +
" (17: 13) |set|(|new| |String|(|)|)|;\n" +
" Value: nn()\n" +
" (6: 12) |String| |l|;\n" +
" (52: 13) |l| |=| |d|;\n" +
" (51: 21) |void| |set|(|String| |d|)| |{\n" +
" (18: 13) |set|(|nn|(|)|)|;\n" +
" Value: nn\n" +
" (6: 12) |String| |l|;\n" +
" (52: 13) |l| |=| |d|;\n" +
" (51: 21) |void| |set|(|String| |d|)| |{\n" +
" (21: 13) |set|(|nn|)|;\n" +
" Value: g\n" +
" (6: 12) |String| |l|;\n" +
" (52: 13) |l| |=| |d|;\n" +
" (51: 21) |void| |set|(|String| |d|)| |{\n" +
" (27: 13) |set|(|g|)|;\n" +
" Value: \"null\"\n" +
" (6: 12) |String| |l|;\n" +
" (52: 13) |l| |=| |d|;\n" +
" (51: 21) |void| |set|(|String| |d|)| |{\n" +
" (48: 15) |x|.|set|(|t| |==| |null| |?| |\"null\"| |:| |t|)|;\n" +
" (48: 27) |x|.|set|(|t| |==| |null| |?| |\"null\"| |:| |t|)|;\n" +
" Value: t\n" +
" (6: 12) |String| |l|;\n" +
" (52: 13) |l| |=| |d|;\n" +
" (51: 21) |void| |set|(|String| |d|)| |{\n" +
" (48: 15) |x|.|set|(|t| |==| |null| |?| |\"null\"| |:| |t|)|;\n" +
" (48: 36) |x|.|set|(|t| |==| |null| |?| |\"null\"| |:| |t|)|;\n" +
" Value: d\n" +
" (6: 12) |String| |l|;\n" +
" (55: 13) |l| |=| |d|;\n" +
"Other Values\n" +
" Value: private String d;\n" +
" (6: 12) |String| |l|;\n" +
" (52: 13) |l| |=| |d|;\n" +
" (51: 21) |void| |set|(|String| |d|)| |{\n" +
" (30: 13) |set|(|hz|(|)|)|;\n" +
" (42: 16) |return| |d|;\n" +
" (7: 20) |private| |String| |d|;\n" +
" Value: String g\n" +
" (6: 12) |String| |l|;\n" +
" (52: 13) |l| |=| |d|;\n" +
" (51: 21) |void| |set|(|String| |d|)| |{\n" +
" (11: 13) |set|(|g|)|;\n" +
" (9: 21) |public| |X|(|String| |g|)| |{\n" +
private static void checkStructure(final SliceNode root, @NonNls String dataExpected) {
List<SliceNode> actualNodes = new ArrayList<SliceNode>((Collection)root.getChildren());
Collections.sort(actualNodes, SliceTreeBuilder.SLICE_NODE_COMPARATOR);
Object[] actualStrings = ContainerUtil.map2Array(actualNodes, new Function<SliceNode, Object>() {
public Object fun(SliceNode node) {
return node.toString();
String[] childrenExpected = dataExpected.isEmpty() ? ArrayUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY : dataExpected.split("\n");
String curChildren = "";
String curNode = null;
int iactual = 0;
for (int iexp = 0; iexp <= childrenExpected.length; iexp++) {
String e = iexp == childrenExpected.length ? null : childrenExpected[iexp];
boolean isTopLevel = e == null || e.charAt(0) != ' ';
if (isTopLevel) {
if (curNode != null) {
assertTrue(iactual < actualStrings.length);
Object actual = actualStrings[iactual];
assertEquals(curNode, actual);
checkStructure(actualNodes.get(iactual), curChildren);
curNode = e;
curChildren = "";
else {
curChildren += StringUtil.trimStart(e, " ") + "\n";
assertEquals(dataExpected, actualNodes.size(), iactual);
public void testDoubleNullness() throws Exception {
SliceTreeStructure treeStructure = configureTree("DoubleNulls");
final SliceRootNode root = (SliceRootNode)treeStructure.getRootElement();
Map<SliceNode, SliceNullnessAnalyzer.NullAnalysisResult> map = SliceNullnessAnalyzer.createMap();
SliceNullnessAnalyzer.NullAnalysisResult leaves = SliceNullnessAnalyzer.calcNullableLeaves(root, treeStructure, map);
SliceRootNode newRoot = SliceNullnessAnalyzer.createNewTree(leaves, root, map);
"Null Values\n" +
" Value: null\n" +
" (2: 10) |String| |l|;\n" +
" (4: 9) |l| |=| |null|;\n" +
" (7: 9) |l| |=| |null|;\n" +
public void testGroupByLeavesWithLists() throws Exception {
SliceTreeStructure treeStructure = configureTree(getTestName(false));
final SliceRootNode root = (SliceRootNode)treeStructure.getRootElement();
Map<SliceNode, Collection<PsiElement>> map = SliceLeafAnalyzer.createMap();
Collection<PsiElement> leaves = SliceLeafAnalyzer.calcLeafExpressions(root, treeStructure, map);
assertEquals(2, leaves.size());
Set<String> names = ContainerUtil.map2Set(leaves, new Function<PsiElement, String>() {
public String fun(PsiElement element) {
return element.getText();
assertEquals(ContainerUtil.newHashSet("\"uuu\"", "\"xxx\""), names);
public void testCollectionTrack() throws Exception {
Set<String> names = groupByLeaves();
assertEquals(3, names.size());
assertEquals(ContainerUtil.newHashSet("\"uuu\"", "\"x\"", "\"y\""), names);
private Set<String> groupByLeaves() throws Exception {
SliceTreeStructure treeStructure = configureTree(getTestName(false));
final SliceRootNode root = (SliceRootNode)treeStructure.getRootElement();
Map<SliceNode, Collection<PsiElement>> map = SliceLeafAnalyzer.createMap();
Collection<PsiElement> leaves = SliceLeafAnalyzer.calcLeafExpressions(root, treeStructure, map);
return ContainerUtil.map2Set(leaves, new Function<PsiElement, String>() {
public String fun(PsiElement element) {
return element.getText();
public void testArrayCopyTrack() throws Exception {
Set<String> names = groupByLeaves();
assertOrderedEquals(Collections.singletonList("\"x\""), assertOneElement(names));
public void testMapValuesTrack() throws Exception {
Set<String> names = groupByLeaves();
assertOrderedEquals(Collections.singletonList("\"y\""), assertOneElement(names));
public void testMapKeysTrack() throws Exception {
Set<String> names = groupByLeaves();
assertOrderedEquals(Collections.singletonList("\"x\""), assertOneElement(names));