blob: f24a5db53539b3679643715947e612f0e5b73e5d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2013 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package com.intellij.codeInsight.daemon.impl.analysis;
import com.intellij.codeInsight.AnnotationUtil;
import com.intellij.psi.*;
import com.intellij.psi.util.InheritanceUtil;
import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiUtil;
import com.intellij.psi.util.TypeConversionUtil;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.Iterator;
public class JavaGenericsUtil {
public static boolean isReifiableType(PsiType type) {
if (type instanceof PsiArrayType) {
return isReifiableType(((PsiArrayType)type).getComponentType());
if (type instanceof PsiPrimitiveType) {
return true;
if (PsiUtil.resolveClassInType(type) instanceof PsiTypeParameter) {
return false;
if (type instanceof PsiClassType) {
final PsiClassType classType = (PsiClassType)PsiUtil.convertAnonymousToBaseType(type);
if (classType.isRaw()) {
return true;
PsiType[] parameters = classType.getParameters();
for (PsiType parameter : parameters) {
if (parameter instanceof PsiWildcardType && ((PsiWildcardType)parameter).getBound() == null) {
return true;
final PsiClass resolved = ((PsiClassType)PsiUtil.convertAnonymousToBaseType(classType)).resolve();
if (resolved instanceof PsiTypeParameter) {
return false;
if (parameters.length == 0) {
if (resolved != null && !resolved.hasModifierProperty(PsiModifier.STATIC)) {
final PsiClass containingClass = resolved.getContainingClass();
if (containingClass != null) {
final PsiTypeParameter[] containingClassTypeParameters = containingClass.getTypeParameters();
if (containingClassTypeParameters.length > 0) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
public static boolean isUncheckedWarning(@NotNull PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement expression,
@NotNull JavaResolveResult resolveResult,
@NotNull LanguageLevel languageLevel) {
final PsiElement resolve = resolveResult.getElement();
if (resolve instanceof PsiMethod) {
final PsiMethod psiMethod = (PsiMethod)resolve;
if (psiMethod.isVarArgs()) {
if (!languageLevel.isAtLeast(LanguageLevel.JDK_1_7) || !AnnotationUtil.isAnnotated(psiMethod, "java.lang.SafeVarargs", false)) {
final int parametersCount = psiMethod.getParameterList().getParametersCount();
final PsiParameter varargParameter =
psiMethod.getParameterList().getParameters()[parametersCount - 1];
final PsiType componentType = ((PsiEllipsisType)varargParameter.getType()).getComponentType();
if (!isReifiableType(resolveResult.getSubstitutor().substitute(componentType))) {
if (expression instanceof PsiMethodReferenceExpression) return true;
final PsiElement parent = expression.getParent();
if (parent instanceof PsiCall) {
final PsiExpressionList argumentList = ((PsiCall)parent).getArgumentList();
if (argumentList != null) {
final PsiExpression[] args = argumentList.getExpressions();
if (args.length == parametersCount) {
final PsiExpression lastArg = args[args.length - 1];
if (lastArg instanceof PsiReferenceExpression) {
final PsiElement lastArgsResolve = ((PsiReferenceExpression)lastArg).resolve();
if (lastArgsResolve instanceof PsiParameter) {
if (((PsiParameter)lastArgsResolve).getType() instanceof PsiArrayType) {
return false;
else if (lastArg instanceof PsiMethodCallExpression) {
if (lastArg.getType() instanceof PsiArrayType) {
return false;
for (int i = parametersCount - 1; i < args.length; i++) {
if (!isReifiableType(resolveResult.getSubstitutor().substitute(args[i].getType()))) {
return true;
return args.length < parametersCount;
return false;
public static boolean isUncheckedCast(PsiType castType, PsiType operandType) {
if (TypeConversionUtil.isAssignable(castType, operandType, false)) return false;
castType = castType.getDeepComponentType();
if (castType instanceof PsiClassType) {
final PsiClassType castClassType = (PsiClassType)castType;
operandType = operandType.getDeepComponentType();
if (!(operandType instanceof PsiClassType)) return false;
final PsiClassType operandClassType = (PsiClassType)operandType;
final PsiClassType.ClassResolveResult castResult = castClassType.resolveGenerics();
final PsiClassType.ClassResolveResult operandResult = operandClassType.resolveGenerics();
final PsiClass operandClass = operandResult.getElement();
final PsiClass castClass = castResult.getElement();
if (operandClass == null || castClass == null) return false;
if (castClass instanceof PsiTypeParameter) return true;
if (castClassType.hasNonTrivialParameters()) {
if (operandClassType.isRaw()) return true;
if (castClass.isInheritor(operandClass, true)) {
PsiSubstitutor castSubstitutor = castResult.getSubstitutor();
PsiElementFactory factory = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(castClass.getProject()).getElementFactory();
for (PsiTypeParameter typeParameter : PsiUtil.typeParametersIterable(castClass)) {
PsiSubstitutor modifiedSubstitutor = castSubstitutor.put(typeParameter, null);
PsiClassType otherType = factory.createType(castClass, modifiedSubstitutor);
if (TypeConversionUtil.isAssignable(operandType, otherType, false)) return true;
for (PsiTypeParameter typeParameter : PsiUtil.typeParametersIterable(operandClass)) {
final PsiType operand = operandResult.getSubstitutor().substitute(typeParameter);
if (operand instanceof PsiCapturedWildcardType) return true;
return false;
return true;
return false;
public static boolean isRawToGeneric(PsiType lType, PsiType rType) {
if (lType instanceof PsiPrimitiveType || rType instanceof PsiPrimitiveType) return false;
if (lType.equals(rType)) return false;
if (lType instanceof PsiArrayType && rType instanceof PsiArrayType) {
return isRawToGeneric(((PsiArrayType)lType).getComponentType(), ((PsiArrayType)rType).getComponentType());
if (lType instanceof PsiArrayType || rType instanceof PsiArrayType) return false;
if (rType instanceof PsiIntersectionType) {
for (PsiType type : ((PsiIntersectionType)rType).getConjuncts()) {
if (isRawToGeneric(lType, type)) return true;
return false;
if (lType instanceof PsiIntersectionType) {
for (PsiType type : ((PsiIntersectionType)lType).getConjuncts()) {
if (isRawToGeneric(type, rType)) return true;
return false;
if (!(lType instanceof PsiClassType) || !(rType instanceof PsiClassType)) return false;
PsiClassType.ClassResolveResult lResolveResult = ((PsiClassType)lType).resolveGenerics();
PsiClassType.ClassResolveResult rResolveResult = ((PsiClassType)rType).resolveGenerics();
PsiClass lClass = lResolveResult.getElement();
PsiClass rClass = rResolveResult.getElement();
if (rClass instanceof PsiAnonymousClass) {
return isRawToGeneric(lType, ((PsiAnonymousClass)rClass).getBaseClassType());
PsiSubstitutor lSubstitutor = lResolveResult.getSubstitutor();
PsiSubstitutor rSubstitutor = rResolveResult.getSubstitutor();
if (lClass == null || rClass == null) return false;
if (lClass instanceof PsiTypeParameter &&
!InheritanceUtil.isInheritorOrSelf(rClass, lClass, true)) {
return true;
if (!lClass.getManager().areElementsEquivalent(lClass, rClass)) {
if (lClass.isInheritor(rClass, true)) {
lSubstitutor = TypeConversionUtil.getSuperClassSubstitutor(rClass, lClass, lSubstitutor);
lClass = rClass;
else if (rClass.isInheritor(lClass, true)) {
rSubstitutor = TypeConversionUtil.getSuperClassSubstitutor(lClass, rClass, rSubstitutor);
rClass = lClass;
else {
return false;
Iterator<PsiTypeParameter> lIterator = PsiUtil.typeParametersIterator(lClass);
Iterator<PsiTypeParameter> rIterator = PsiUtil.typeParametersIterator(rClass);
while (lIterator.hasNext()) {
if (!rIterator.hasNext()) return false;
PsiTypeParameter lParameter =;
PsiTypeParameter rParameter =;
PsiType lTypeArg = lSubstitutor.substitute(lParameter);
PsiType rTypeArg = rSubstitutor.substituteWithBoundsPromotion(rParameter);
if (lTypeArg == null) continue;
if (rTypeArg == null) {
if (lTypeArg instanceof PsiWildcardType && ((PsiWildcardType)lTypeArg).getBound() == null) {
else {
return true;
if (!TypeConversionUtil.typesAgree(lTypeArg, rTypeArg, true)) return true;
return false;
public static PsiType getCollectionItemType(@NotNull PsiExpression expression) {
final PsiType type = expression.getType();
if (type == null) return null;
return getCollectionItemType(type, expression.getResolveScope());
public static PsiType getCollectionItemType(final PsiType type, final GlobalSearchScope scope) {
if (type instanceof PsiArrayType) {
return ((PsiArrayType)type).getComponentType();
if (type instanceof PsiClassType) {
final PsiClassType.ClassResolveResult resolveResult = ((PsiClassType)type).resolveGenerics();
PsiClass aClass = resolveResult.getElement();
if (aClass == null) return null;
final PsiManager manager = aClass.getManager();
final String qName = aClass.getQualifiedName();
PsiSubstitutor substitutor = resolveResult.getSubstitutor();
JavaPsiFacade facade = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(manager.getProject());
if (qName != null) {
PsiClass myClass = facade.findClass(qName, scope);
if (myClass != null && myClass != aClass) {
//different JDKs
PsiTypeParameter thisTypeParameter = getIterableTypeParameter(facade, myClass);
if (thisTypeParameter == null) return null;
PsiTypeParameter thatTypeParameter = getIterableTypeParameter(facade, aClass);
if (thatTypeParameter != null) { //it can be null if we reference collection in JDK1.4 module from JDK5 source
substitutor = substitutor.put(thisTypeParameter, substitutor.substitute(thatTypeParameter));
aClass = myClass;
PsiTypeParameter typeParameter = getIterableTypeParameter(facade, aClass);
if (typeParameter == null) return null;
PsiClass owner = (PsiClass)typeParameter.getOwner();
if (owner == null) return null;
PsiSubstitutor superClassSubstitutor = TypeConversionUtil.getClassSubstitutor(owner, aClass, substitutor);
if (superClassSubstitutor == null) return null;
PsiType itemType = superClassSubstitutor.substitute(typeParameter);
return itemType == null ? PsiType.getJavaLangObject(manager, aClass.getResolveScope()) : itemType;
if (type instanceof PsiIntersectionType) {
for (PsiType conjunct : ((PsiIntersectionType)type).getConjuncts()) {
final PsiType itemType = getCollectionItemType(conjunct, scope);
if (itemType != null) {
return itemType;
return null;
private static PsiTypeParameter getIterableTypeParameter(final JavaPsiFacade facade, final PsiClass context) {
PsiClass iterable = facade.findClass("java.lang.Iterable", context.getResolveScope());
if (iterable == null) return null;
PsiTypeParameter[] typeParameters = iterable.getTypeParameters();
if (typeParameters.length != 1) return null;
return typeParameters[0];