blob: 38748ea58213d56da7c9c626b9e57cd741c79f17 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import gnu.trove.TLongArrayList;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class GpuSampler extends DeviceSampler {
private static final float NS_TO_MS = 0.000001f;
private int myApiLevel;
private long mySynchronizedIdeTimeMs;
private long mySynchronizedHostTimeNs;
private long myLastSampleTime;
private boolean myDelimiterAdded;
private boolean myIgnoreInitialSamples = false;
public GpuSampler(@NotNull TimelineData data, int sampleFrequencyMs, int apiLevel) {
super(data, sampleFrequencyMs);
myApiLevel = apiLevel;
public String getName() {
return "GPU Sampler";
public String getDescription() {
return "gpu usage information";
public void resetClientState(@Nullable Client client, @NotNull TimelineData data, int apiLevel) {
myClient = client;
myData = data;
myApiLevel = apiLevel;
myLastSampleTime = myApiLevel >= GpuMonitorView.DETAILED_API_LEVEL ? 0 : System.currentTimeMillis();
mySynchronizedHostTimeNs = -1;
mySynchronizedIdeTimeMs = -1;
myDelimiterAdded = true;
myIgnoreInitialSamples = true;
public void setClient(@Nullable Client client) {
myIgnoreInitialSamples = true;
if (client != null) {
protected void sample(boolean forced) throws InterruptedException {
Client client = getClient();
if (client == null) {
IDevice device = client.getDevice();
if (device != null) {
try {
ClientData data = client.getClientData();
if (myApiLevel >= GpuMonitorView.DETAILED_API_LEVEL) {
sampleMOrLater(device, data);
else {
sampleLOrEarlier(device, data);
catch (Exception ignored) {
private void synchronizeClocks(@NotNull Client client) {
HostNanotimeReceiver hostNanotimeReceiver = new HostNanotimeReceiver();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
try {
mySynchronizedIdeTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
client.getDevice().executeShellCommand("cat /proc/timer_list", hostNanotimeReceiver, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
catch (Exception ignored) {}
mySynchronizedHostTimeNs = hostNanotimeReceiver.getCurrentSystemTimeNs();
if (mySynchronizedHostTimeNs < 0) {
private void sampleMOrLater(@NotNull IDevice device, @NotNull ClientData data) throws Exception {
int pid = data.getPid();
ProcessStatReceiverApi23OrLater dumpsysReceiver = new ProcessStatReceiverApi23OrLater(myLastSampleTime);
device.executeShellCommand("dumpsys gfxinfo " + pid + " framestats", dumpsysReceiver, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
if (dumpsysReceiver.getSampleSize() > 0) {
if (myDelimiterAdded) {
myData.add(mySynchronizedIdeTimeMs + (dumpsysReceiver.getFirstFrameStartTime() - mySynchronizedHostTimeNs) / 1000000, TYPE_DATA,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
myDelimiterAdded = false;
if (!myIgnoreInitialSamples) {
for (int i = 0; i < dumpsysReceiver.getSampleSize(); ++i) {
long sampleTime = mySynchronizedIdeTimeMs + (dumpsysReceiver.getEndTime(i) - mySynchronizedHostTimeNs) / 1000000;
myData.add(sampleTime, TYPE_DATA, (float)dumpsysReceiver.getVSyncDelay(i) * NS_TO_MS,
(float)dumpsysReceiver.getInputHandlingTime(i) * NS_TO_MS, (float)dumpsysReceiver.getAnimationTime(i) * NS_TO_MS,
(float)dumpsysReceiver.getTraversalTime(i) * NS_TO_MS, (float)dumpsysReceiver.getDrawTime(i) * NS_TO_MS,
(float)dumpsysReceiver.getSyncTime(i) * NS_TO_MS, (float)dumpsysReceiver.getCommandIssueTime(i) * NS_TO_MS,
(float)dumpsysReceiver.getSwapBufferTime(i) * NS_TO_MS, (float)dumpsysReceiver.getRemainderTime(i) * NS_TO_MS);
myLastSampleTime = dumpsysReceiver.getLastSampleEndTime();
myIgnoreInitialSamples = false;
else if (!myDelimiterAdded || myIgnoreInitialSamples) {
myData.add(mySynchronizedIdeTimeMs + (myLastSampleTime - mySynchronizedHostTimeNs) / 1000000, TYPE_DATA,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
myDelimiterAdded = true;
myIgnoreInitialSamples = false;
else {
Client client = getClient();
assert client != null;
private void sampleLOrEarlier(@NotNull IDevice device, @NotNull ClientData data) throws Exception {
int pid = data.getPid();
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
ProcessStatReceiverApi22OrEarlier dumpsysReceiver = new ProcessStatReceiverApi22OrEarlier();
device.executeShellCommand("dumpsys gfxinfo " + pid, dumpsysReceiver, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
long timeDelta = currentTime - myLastSampleTime;
if (dumpsysReceiver.getLogSize() > 0) {
if (!myIgnoreInitialSamples) {
if (myDelimiterAdded) {
myData.add(currentTime, TYPE_DATA, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
myDelimiterAdded = false;
for (int i = 0; i < dumpsysReceiver.getLogSize(); ++i) {
long time = timeDelta * (long)(i + 1) / (long)dumpsysReceiver.getLogSize() + myLastSampleTime;
myData.add(time, TYPE_DATA, dumpsysReceiver.getDrawTime(i), dumpsysReceiver.getPrepareTime(i), dumpsysReceiver.getProcessTime(i),
myIgnoreInitialSamples = false;
else {
if (!myDelimiterAdded) {
myData.add(myLastSampleTime, TYPE_DATA, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
myDelimiterAdded = true;
myData.add(currentTime, TYPE_DATA, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
myLastSampleTime = currentTime;
* Output receiver for "dumpsys gfxinfo <pid>" in API 22 or earlier.
private static final class ProcessStatReceiverApi22OrEarlier extends MultiLineReceiver {
List<String> myOutput = new ArrayList<String>(500);
private List<Float> myDrawTimes = new ArrayList<Float>();
private List<Float> myPrepareTimes = new ArrayList<Float>();
private List<Float> myProcessTimes = new ArrayList<Float>();
private List<Float> myExecuteTimes = new ArrayList<Float>();
* Get the number of timing entries read from the dumpsys command.
public int getLogSize() {
return myExecuteTimes.size(); // Use myExecuteTimes's size since it's the most conservative (due to NumberFormatException possibility)
* Get the parsed draw time.
* @return the time the app took to issue draw commands
public Float getDrawTime(int index) {
return myDrawTimes.get(index);
* Get the parsed prepare time.
* @return the time the system took to prepare the rendering commands
public Float getPrepareTime(int index) {
return myPrepareTimes.get(index);
* Get the parsed prepare time.
* @return the time the system took to process and upload the rendering commands
public Float getProcessTime(int index) {
return myProcessTimes.get(index);
* Get the parsed execute time.
* @return the time the system took to execute the rendering commands on the gpu
public Float getExecuteTime(int index) {
return myExecuteTimes.get(index);
public boolean isCancelled() {
return false;
public void processNewLines(@NotNull String[] lines) {
public void done() {
int profileSectionIndex = 0;
// First look for the "Profile data in ms:" section.
for (; profileSectionIndex < myOutput.size(); ++profileSectionIndex) {
if (myOutput.get(profileSectionIndex).startsWith("Profile data in ms:")) {
// Now fast forward to the line that shows the four columns "Draw Prepare Process Execute"
for (profileSectionIndex += 1; profileSectionIndex < myOutput.size(); ++profileSectionIndex) {
String[] tokens = myOutput.get(profileSectionIndex).split("\\s+");
if (tokens.length == 4 &&
"Draw".equals(tokens[0]) &&
"Prepare".equals(tokens[1]) &&
"Process".equals(tokens[2]) &&
"Execute".equals(tokens[3])) {
profileSectionIndex += 1;
for (int i = profileSectionIndex; i < myOutput.size(); ++i) {
String line = myOutput.get(i);
if (line.startsWith("View hierarchy:")) {
String[] timings = line.split("\\s+");
if (timings.length == 4) {
try {
catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {
* Output receiver for "dumpsys gfxinfo [pid] framestats" in API 22/M preview or later.
private static final class ProcessStatReceiverApi23OrLater extends MultiLineReceiver {
private long myFirstFrameStartTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
private long myLastSampleEndTime;
private TLongArrayList myEndTimes = new TLongArrayList();
private TLongArrayList myVSyncDelays = new TLongArrayList();
private TLongArrayList myInputHandlingTimes = new TLongArrayList();
private TLongArrayList myAnimationTimes = new TLongArrayList();
private TLongArrayList myTraversalTimes = new TLongArrayList();
private TLongArrayList myDrawTimes = new TLongArrayList();
private TLongArrayList mySyncTimes = new TLongArrayList();
private TLongArrayList myCommandIssueTimes = new TLongArrayList();
private TLongArrayList mySwapBufferTimes = new TLongArrayList();
private TLongArrayList myRemainingTimes = new TLongArrayList();
private boolean myFoundStart = false;
private boolean myFoundEnd = false;
public ProcessStatReceiverApi23OrLater(long lastSampleEndTime) {
myLastSampleEndTime = lastSampleEndTime;
public long getFirstFrameStartTime() {
return myFirstFrameStartTime;
* Get the number of samples parsed.
* @return number of samples parsed
public int getSampleSize() {
return mySwapBufferTimes.size();
* Get the timestamp of the last command parsed.
* @return timestamp of the last parsed sample
public long getLastSampleEndTime() {
return myLastSampleEndTime;
* Get the end time of the frame.
* @return the time stamp of when the frame ended (in nanoseconds)
public long getEndTime(int index) {
return myEndTimes.get(index);
* Get the VSync delay.
* @return the time the app took before responding to the vsync signal
public long getVSyncDelay(int index) {
return myVSyncDelays.get(index);
* Get the input handling time.
* @return the time the app took to handle input
public long getInputHandlingTime(int index) {
return myInputHandlingTimes.get(index);
* Get the animation time.
* @return the time the app took to perform animations
public long getAnimationTime(int index) {
return myAnimationTimes.get(index);
* Get the traversal time.
* @return the time the app took to perform measuring and layout
public long getTraversalTime(int index) {
return myTraversalTimes.get(index);
* Get the draw time.
* @return the time the app took to issue draw commands
public long getDrawTime(int index) {
return myDrawTimes.get(index);
* Get the sync time.
* @return the time the system took to sync in the rendering phase
public long getSyncTime(int index) {
return mySyncTimes.get(index);
* Get the rendering command issue time.
* @return the time the system took to issue the rendering commands
public long getCommandIssueTime(int index) {
return myCommandIssueTimes.get(index);
* Get the swap buffer time.
* @return the time the system took to swap buffers on the GPU
public long getSwapBufferTime(int index) {
return mySwapBufferTimes.get(index);
* Get the remainder of the time spent on the frame.
* @return the remainder of the time spent on the frame, i.e. timings not included in the other categories
public long getRemainderTime(int index) {
return myRemainingTimes.get(index);
public boolean isCancelled() {
return myFoundEnd;
public void processNewLines(@NotNull String[] lines) {
for (String line : lines) {
if (myFoundEnd) {
if (line.startsWith("---PROFILEDATA---")) {
if (myFoundStart) {
myFoundEnd = true;
else {
myFoundStart = true;
if (!myFoundStart) {
String[] timings = line.split(",");
if (timings.length == 13) {
try {
long flags = Long.parseLong(timings[0]);
long endTime = Long.parseLong(timings[12]);
if (flags == 0 && endTime > myLastSampleEndTime) {
long intendedVSyncStart = Long.parseLong(timings[1]);
long vSyncStart = Long.parseLong(timings[2]);
long handleInputStart = Long.parseLong(timings[5]);
long animationStart = Long.parseLong(timings[6]);
long traversalsStart = Long.parseLong(timings[7]);
long drawStart = Long.parseLong(timings[8]);
long syncStart = Long.parseLong(timings[9]);
long commandIssueStart = Long.parseLong(timings[10]);
long swapStart = Long.parseLong(timings[11]);
myVSyncDelays.add(vSyncStart - intendedVSyncStart);
myInputHandlingTimes.add(animationStart - handleInputStart);
myAnimationTimes.add(traversalsStart - animationStart);
myTraversalTimes.add(drawStart - traversalsStart);
myDrawTimes.add(syncStart - drawStart);
mySyncTimes.add(commandIssueStart - syncStart);
myCommandIssueTimes.add(swapStart - commandIssueStart);
mySwapBufferTimes.add(endTime - swapStart);
myRemainingTimes.add(handleInputStart - vSyncStart);
myFirstFrameStartTime = Math.min(myFirstFrameStartTime, intendedVSyncStart);
myLastSampleEndTime = Math.max(myLastSampleEndTime, endTime);
catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {
* Output receiver for "cat /proc/timer_list" in API 22/M preview or later.
private static final class HostNanotimeReceiver extends MultiLineReceiver {
static final Pattern myCurrentTimePattern = Pattern.compile("^now at (\\d+) nsecs$");
private long myCurrentSystemTimeNs = -1;
public long getCurrentSystemTimeNs() {
return myCurrentSystemTimeNs;
public void processNewLines(String[] lines) {
for (String line : lines) {
if (myCurrentSystemTimeNs < 0) {
Matcher matcher = myCurrentTimePattern.matcher(line);
if (matcher.find()) {
myCurrentSystemTimeNs = Long.parseLong(;
public boolean isCancelled() {
return myCurrentSystemTimeNs >= 0;