blob: 400a8dc1520485d93da9f68fbc19b36579be187a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import com.intellij.openapi.application.Result;
import com.intellij.openapi.command.WriteCommandAction;
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project;
import com.intellij.psi.xml.XmlFile;
import com.intellij.psi.xml.XmlTag;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.List;
* Interaction where you insert a new component into a parent layout (which can vary
* during the interaction -- as you drag across the canvas, different layout parents
* become eligible based on the mouse pointer).
* <p>
* There are multiple types of insert modes:
* <ul>
* <li>Copy. This is typically the interaction used when dragging from the palette;
* a new copy of the components are created. This can also be achieved when
* dragging with a modifier key.</li>
* <li>Move. This is typically done by dragging one or more widgets around in
* the canvas; when moving the widget within a single parent, it may only
* translate into some updated layout parameters or widget reordering, whereas
* when moving from one parent to another widgets are moved in the hierarchy
* as well.</li>
* <li>A paste is similar to a copy. It typically tries to preserve internal
* relationships and id's when possible. If you for example select 3 widgets and
* cut them, if you paste them the widgets will come back in the exact same place
* with the same id's. If you paste a second time, the widgets will now all have
* new unique id's (and any internal references to each other are also updated.)</li>
* </ul>
public class DragDropInteraction extends Interaction {
/** The surface associated with this interaction. */
private final DesignSurface myDesignSurface;
/** The components being dragged */
private final List<NlComponent> myDraggedComponents;
/** The current view group handler, if any. This is the layout widget we're dragging over (or the
* nearest layout widget containing the non-layout views we're dragging over
private ViewGroupHandler myCurrentHandler;
/** The drag handler for the layout view, if it supports drags */
private DragHandler myDragHandler;
/** The view group we're dragging over/into */
private NlComponent myDragReceiver;
/** Whether we're copying or moving */
private DragType myType = DragType.MOVE;
/** The last accessed screen view. */
private ScreenView myScreenView;
/** The transfer item for this drag if any */
private DnDTransferItem myTransferItem;
public DragDropInteraction(@NonNull DesignSurface designSurface, @NonNull List<NlComponent> dragged) {
myDesignSurface = designSurface;
myDraggedComponents = dragged;
public void setType(DragType type) {
myType = type;
if (myDragHandler != null) {
public void setTransferItem(@NonNull DnDTransferItem item) {
myTransferItem = item;
public DnDTransferItem getTransferItem() {
return myTransferItem;
public void begin(@SwingCoordinate int x, @SwingCoordinate int y, int modifiers) {
super.begin(x, y, modifiers);
moveTo(x, y, modifiers, false);
public void update(@SwingCoordinate int x, @SwingCoordinate int y, int modifiers) {
super.update(x, y, modifiers);
moveTo(x, y, modifiers, false);
public void end(@SwingCoordinate int x, @SwingCoordinate int y, int modifiers, boolean canceled) {
super.end(x, y, modifiers, canceled);
moveTo(x, y, modifiers, !canceled);
myScreenView = myDesignSurface.getScreenView(x, y);
if (myScreenView != null && !canceled) {
private void moveTo(@SwingCoordinate int x, @SwingCoordinate int y, final int modifiers, boolean commit) {
myScreenView = myDesignSurface.getScreenView(x, y);
if (myScreenView == null) {
final int ax = Coordinates.getAndroidX(myScreenView, x);
final int ay = Coordinates.getAndroidY(myScreenView, y);
Project project = myScreenView.getModel().getProject();
ViewGroupHandler handler = findViewGroupHandlerAt(ax, ay);
if (handler != myCurrentHandler) {
if (myDragHandler != null) {
myDragHandler = null;
myCurrentHandler = handler;
if (myCurrentHandler != null) {
assert myDragReceiver != null;
String error = null;
ViewHandlerManager viewHandlerManager = ViewHandlerManager.get(project);
for (NlComponent component : myDraggedComponents) {
if (!myCurrentHandler.acceptsChild(myDragReceiver, component)) {
error = String.format("<%1$s> does not accept <%2$s> as a child", myDragReceiver.getTagName(), component.getTagName());
ViewHandler viewHandler = viewHandlerManager.getHandler(component);
if (viewHandler != null && !viewHandler.acceptsParent(myDragReceiver, component)) {
error = String.format("<%1$s> does not accept <%2$s> as a parent", component.getTagName(), myDragReceiver.getTagName());
if (error == null) {
myDragHandler = myCurrentHandler.createDragHandler(new ViewEditorImpl(myScreenView), myDragReceiver, myDraggedComponents, myType);
if (myDragHandler != null) {
.start(Coordinates.getAndroidX(myScreenView, myStartX), Coordinates.getAndroidY(myScreenView, myStartY), myStartMask);
} else {
myCurrentHandler = null;
if (myDragHandler != null && myCurrentHandler != null) {
String error = myDragHandler.update(ax, ay, modifiers);
final List<NlComponent> added = Lists.newArrayList();
if (commit && error == null) {
final NlModel model = myScreenView.getModel();
XmlFile file = model.getFile();
String label = myType.getDescription();
WriteCommandAction action = new WriteCommandAction(project, label, file) {
protected void run(@NonNull Result result) throws Throwable {
myDragHandler.commit(ax, ay, modifiers); // TODO: Run this *after* making a copy
NlComponent before = null;
int insertIndex = myDragHandler.getInsertIndex();
if (insertIndex != -1 && insertIndex < myDragReceiver.getChildCount()) {
before = myDragReceiver.getChild(insertIndex);
InsertType insertType = model.determineInsertType(myType, myTransferItem, false /* not for preview */);
model.addComponents(myDraggedComponents, myDragReceiver, before, insertType);
// Select newly dropped components
* Cached handler for the most recent call to {@link #findViewGroupHandlerAt}, this
* corresponds to the result found for {@link #myCachedComponent} (which may not be
* the component corresponding to the view handler. E.g. if you have a LinearLayout
* with a button inside, the view handler will always return the view handler for the
* LinearLayout, even when pointing at the button.)
private ViewGroupHandler myCachedHandler;
/** Cached handler for the most recent call to {@link #findViewGroupHandlerAt} */
private NlComponent myCachedComponent;
private ViewGroupHandler findViewGroupHandlerAt(@AndroidCoordinate int x, @AndroidCoordinate int y) {
final ScreenView screenView = myDesignSurface.getScreenView(x, y);
if (screenView == null) {
return null;
NlModel model = screenView.getModel();
NlComponent component = model.findLeafAt(x, y, true);
component = excludeDraggedComponents(component);
if (component == myCachedComponent && myCachedHandler != null) {
return myCachedHandler;
myCachedComponent = component;
myCachedHandler = null;
ViewHandlerManager handlerManager = ViewHandlerManager.get(model.getFacet());
while (component != null) {
ViewHandler handler = handlerManager.getHandler(component);
if (handler instanceof ViewGroupHandler && dropIsPossible(handlerManager, component, (ViewGroupHandler)handler)) {
myCachedHandler = (ViewGroupHandler)handler;
myDragReceiver = component; // HACK: This method should not side-effect set this; instead the method should compute it!
return myCachedHandler;
component = component.getParent();
return null;
private boolean dropIsPossible(@NonNull ViewHandlerManager handlerManager, @NonNull NlComponent component, @NonNull ViewGroupHandler layout) {
for (NlComponent dragged : myDraggedComponents) {
if (!layout.acceptsChild(component, dragged)) {
return false;
ViewHandler handler = handlerManager.getHandler(dragged);
if (handler != null && !handler.acceptsParent(component, dragged)) {
return false;
return true;
private NlComponent excludeDraggedComponents(@Nullable NlComponent component) {
NlComponent receiver = component;
while (component != null) {
if (myDraggedComponents.contains(component)) {
receiver = component.getParent();
component = component.getParent();
return receiver;
public List<Layer> createOverlays() {
return Collections.<Layer>singletonList(new DragLayer());
public List<NlComponent> getDraggedComponents() {
return myDraggedComponents;
public NlComponent getDragReceiver() {
return myDragReceiver;
* An {@link Layer} for the {@link DragDropInteraction}; paints feedback from
* the current drag handler, if any
private class DragLayer extends Layer {
* Constructs a new {@link DragLayer}.
public DragLayer() {
public void create() {
public void dispose() {
public void paint(@NonNull Graphics2D gc) {
if (myDragHandler != null) {
myDragHandler.paint(new NlGraphics(gc, myScreenView));